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Tema: Malas noticias muchachos

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  1. #1

    Malas noticias muchachos

    Bueno, basicamente acabo de hablar con el administrador de Gx al que el proveedor de internet actual de WoWArg (Speedy) le mando un mail enviado por Blizzard explicando porque nos tenian que cerrar la cuenta del servicio y junto con eso, cerrarnos a nosotros. No somos los unicos a los que nos va a joder esto, otros servers hosteados por Speedy tambien van a cerrar.

    Y bueno, se terminó. Speedy nos reenvia el mail para avisarnos nada mas que dentro de las 48hs se nos da de baja el servicio, no para ver que podiamos hacer.

    No va a ser la primera vez que nos quedamos en bolas, ya nos paso y seguimos aca asique juegen mientras el server este up y ya veremos que se puede hacer.

    Dejo la carta por si la quieren leer.

    We are counsel to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. ("Blizzard") in connection with its efforts to protect its intellectual property. Blizzard is the creator and owner of the copyright in and to the on-line computer game World of Warcraft ("WoW"). It has come to our attention that Speedy Telefonica's services are being used by operators of unauthorized, illegitimate private WoW game servers to host private WoW games in contravention of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and Blizzards's copyright and contractual rights.

    Blizzard takes seriously the illegal operation of unauthorized private WoW game servers. We understand that Speedy Telefonica does not support the use of its services to facilitate piracy, and has, in the past, brought such illegal activity our attention. We appreciate your past cooperation, and trust that Speedy Telefonica is committed to prohibiting the use of its servers for unlawful activity. Given the fact, however, that Speedy Telefonica has hosted unauthorized WoW servers in the past, and appears at present to be hosting serveral such servers, we are writing to request your assistance not only in immediately disabling access to these servers, but also in identifying those people abusing Speedy Telefonica's services and Blizzard's rights for illegal purposes.

    The use of Speedy Telefonica in connection with unlawful activities, specifically the operation of private servers that allow users to circumvent Blizzard's copy protection scheme and avoid paying Blizzard the requisite monthly fee to access its copyrighted material, breaches Blizzard's contract rights, infringes its copyright, and violates the DMCA. This action clearly violates those provisions of Blizzard's End User License Agreement ("EULA") and Terms of Use ("ToU"), which provide that "Only Blizzard or its licensees have the right to host the Game. You may not host or provide matchmaking services for the Game, or intercept, emulate or redirect the propietary communication protocols used bt Blizzard in connection with the Program, regardless of the method used to do so. Such prohibited methods may include, but are not limited to, protocol emulation, reverse engineering, modifying the Program, adding unauthorized components to the Program, or using a packet sniffer while the Program is running. Furthermore, because private servers must circumvent Blizzard's copy-protection scheme in order to provide players with an on-line environment, their use also violates sections 17 U.S.C. 1201(a)(1), 1201(a)(2) and 1201(b)(1) of the DMCA. See Davidson & Associates v. Jung, 422 F.3d 630 (8th Cir. 2005).

    Accordingly, we request that you investigate the list of attached sites, and terminate accounts that are using Speedy Telefonica services to host illegal private WoW servers. To assiste you in this effort, we have attached a list of private server sites that actively use Speedy Telefonica to provide hosting services for their private services. (See Exhibit A) Where available, the email address and name associated with the Speedy Telefonica account is provided.

    We also request that, in addition to terminating the active Speedy Telefonica accounts listed in Exhibit A, Speedy Telefonica provide to us basic identifying information related to those accounts identified in Exhibit A (currently active Speedy Telefonica accounts), including name, company, address, city, state, zip code, country, primary phone number, secondary phone number, and fax number of the account holders, as well as the names of additional authorized users of the accounts, and any other Speedy Telefonica accounts owned by the owners of the listed accounts.

    We would be happy to discuss this matter further. We appreciate your cooperation with the termination of these accounts, and you past assistance in identifying illegal private servers and the provision of related information. Please let us know when you have reviewed these sites and have taken action to terminate the listed accounts.

    Christian S. Genetski
    Última edición por Esneik; 28/12/2008 a las 20:17

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