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Tema: Quest: [Elemental Leatherworking]

  1. #1

    Quest: [Elemental Leatherworking]

    Quest: [Elemental Leatherworking]

    Tengo todos los items, en el quest log me aparece (Complete) pero cuando la voy a devolver el npc Creature: Brumn Winterhoof - Thottbot: World of Warcraft no la acepta.


    Edit: Estuve checkeando los comentarios y me encontre con este.

    Answers to everything
    by Marrim, 1.4 years ago

    You get more than 3 patterns.

    1. You need to have at least 225 leatherworking.

    2. You must have completed all of the wild leather quests in Feralas

    3. No, you can only choose ONE type, elemental, dragonscale or tribal.

    4. Thottbot has a great list of the items you can create from leatherworking by simply clicking the Professions - Leatherworking link to the left. This should help you figure out which will be best for your character class although it is not a complete list.

    5.The Alliance and the Horde do not share trainers

    6. And surprisingly this was not asked but no, you cannot wear an item you made if you change your specialty. So if you choose elemental then change it to dragonscale you will no longer be able to wear your elementals.

    And finally, as a note, each of the specialty trainers also offer two or three items you can learn from them around lvl 230 - 250. These ones will not require you to have chosen a specialty as of yet.
    by slydell, 8.4 months ago

    The WILD LEATHER quests are NOT needed anymore Just found out for sure ;}
    complete las 2 quest que me quedaban de feralas y me habilito el trainer, aparentemente esta como la version vieja pero no importa 2 quest más = más reputación, más xp =)

    Última edición por Elvagallo; 03/05/2009 a las 03:17 Razón: Solucionado

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