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Tema: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

  1. #1

    2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.


    For Capture The Flag following team binds can be useful:

    bind [KEY] “say_team INCOMING/ESCAPING HIGH”
    bind [KEY] “say_team INCOMING/ESCAPING LOW”
    bind [KEY] “say_team BASE LOST, NEED HELP”
    bind [KEY] “say_team READY FOR ATTACK”
    Customization commands

    Here you can find a few of the important commands to distinguish your config from another one.

    * seta sensitivity “value” change your mouse sensitivity
    * seta cg_crosshairPulse “0″ 0 – crosshair will not enlarge when you pickup an item, 1 – crosshair will enlarge when you pickup an item
    * seta cg_crosshairColor “2″ values 0 – 7 to set the color of your crosshair (needs cg_crosshairhealth 0 to work)
    * seta cg_bob “0” removes bobbing while moving (bobbing = the slightly moving up/down from your screen as you walk)
    * seta cg_autoswitch “0″ 1 – switch gun when picking it up, 2 – doesn’t switch gun when picking it up.
    * seta cg_kickscale “0” your screen won’t shake anymore when you get hit
    * seta cg_newWeaponBar “1″ 1 – weaponbar constantly on the left, 0 – weaponbar above health and armor upon switching
    * seta cg_truelightning “0.75″ values 0 – 1 to determine the stiffness of your lightning beam. 0 considers lag, 1 is totally stiff. A good mix used by many is 0.75.
    * seta r_picmip “5” values 0 – 10 to determine the level of detail of the walls. 0 being the highest detail.
    * seta r_vertexlight “1″ vertex lighting, this should increase your FPS.
    * seta cg_fov “100” change your field of view
    * seta cg_noprojectiletrail “1” removes smoke trail from rockets and grenades and increases visibility.
    * seta cg_leveltimerdirection “0″ 1 – timer counts down, 0 – timer counts up.
    * cg_crosshairBrightness “1″ Lower values between 0-1 will make the crosshair appear darker, becoming black at “0″
    * seta r_drawSun “0″ remove the sun.
    * seta cg_drawGun “2″ value “0″ will hide your weapon – “1″ value will show your weapon, but swaying as you walk – “2″ value will show your weapon and it will not sway as you walk
    * seta r_dynamiclight “0” remove rocket flash, etc.
    * seta cg_switchOnEmpty “1″ 1 – switch gun when empty, 2 – doesn’t switch gun when empty.
    * seta s_ambient “0” turn off the ambient sound.
    * seta model “Mynx” your model.
    * seta cg_forceTeamModel “Mynx” Force all team models to be this same model.
    * seta cg_forceEnemyModel “tankjr/bright” Force all enemy models to be the same model.

    Unofficial Quake Live Config Generator by Yamanaka

    Quake live generator.
    Última edición por Quad; 31/08/2009 a las 20:01 Razón: Automerged Doublepost

  2. #2

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    Cabe aclarar, creo, que el forzar el color sólo funciona con models bright...

  3. #3

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    para sacar screenshot ? y para grabar videos ?

  4. #4

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    bind "TECLA" "screenshotjpeg"
    bind "TECLA" "record"
    bind "TECLA" "stoprecord"

  5. #5
    ►░▒▓ O_o Ah?o_O ▓▒░◄ Avatar de Shashi
    Fecha de Ingreso
    10 jun, 08
    Montevideo - Uruguay

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    Gracias por la info..


  6. #6

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    Cita Iniciado por Rgr05 Ver Mensaje
    bind "TECLA" "screenshotjpeg"
    bind "TECLA" "record"
    bind "TECLA" "stoprecord"


  7. #7
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    Cita Iniciado por Rgr05 Ver Mensaje
    Cabe aclarar, creo, que el forzar el color sólo funciona con models bright...
    Con los model sport no funciona?
    Yo uso keel/sport (xq lo veo mas brilloso q el bright) y uso el verde, pero no podria cambiarlo a amarillo x ejemplo?

  8. #8

    Re: 2da guia de comandos afanada. quakelive.

    Cita Iniciado por n1Ck Ver Mensaje
    Con los model sport no funciona?
    Yo uso keel/sport (xq lo veo mas brilloso q el bright) y uso el verde, pero no podria cambiarlo a amarillo x ejemplo?
    Yo intenté con un Visor (Sport) y nada, blanco y verde como siempre. Ahora vuelvo a probar, pero creo que es sólo brights.

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