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Tema: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

  1. #11

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    On release, there was no PvP content at all. It was added some months later
    'nuff said!

    Cita Iniciado por Ecthelyon Ver Mensaje
    La verdad que que lindo debe ser hincha de Boca, no solo tendés a romperle el culo a tu clásico rival de varias y a veces épicas maneras, sino que encima vas a Brasil y te tienen cuqui. Sana envidia por Boca.

    Y que feo ser de River, no sólo es bastante amarga la hinchada (puede ser por tener taaaaaantos campeonatos, se acostumbraron), sino también porque van a una copa y ya saben que si tienen suerte pasan 8vos.

    Cita Iniciado por reverse Ver Mensaje
    Dsp de probar infinitas formas y solo lograr que me apareciera el cartel de que no podia entrar a mas estancias, se me ocurrio otra..

  2. #12
    <3 Avatar de Sek3
    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 nov, 09
    Bolivialand, Nueva Liniers

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    -Warrior Recklessness used to reduce targets armor to 0.

    quiero ya uno de esos.

    -Warriors oftenly fell through the world when using charge/intercept, and charge could be used in combat.

    Wait, se me hace conocido eso.

  3. #13
    Let's get dangerous. Avatar de Shakty
    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 feb, 10
    Tu hermana

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    You can also increase ambient/lower music settings in Raven Hill catacombs and Karazhan crypts. I won't reveal what you will hear
    ¿Alguno lo probó?

    And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
    I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon

  4. #14
    SUP FRESH OUR TURN BB Avatar de Cochise
    Fecha de Ingreso
    18 jul, 09
    Vamos a fumar un porro ahí

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    Demasiado copado, me lo lei todo.
    Unas cuantas páginas más adelante hay más curiosidades, como;
    The second biggest fundamental change had to do with faction interaction. in the earliest stages of development the alliance and horde could group together and visit each others towns/cities. They could build rep with each others factions and learn each others languages. This was a WoW that was created with the end of WC3 in mind and an accord of peace had been reached between the two factions. The main idea of the game would not have been to war against each other but to war against the evils left in the world
    Ah, y esto estaría demasiado op y copado

    -Will of the Forsaken was a passive buff which made you immune to sleep, polymorph and fear effects. That didn't last long.
    Última edición por Cochise; 10/09/2010 a las 15:45

    (en realidad es resto r,r)

  5. #15
    <3 Avatar de Sek3
    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 nov, 09
    Bolivialand, Nueva Liniers

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    -The Emblem of Triumph vendors at the trial of the crusader portal are named "Isimode" and "Faesrol" (easymode and faceroll). They are a joke by blizzard about Paladins being easy to play.

    Ojo, el easy mode es el ali.

  6. #16

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    70). Divine Storm dealt holy damage, and they could do bubble + avenging wrath, with bubble not reducing damage by 50%. Best 24 hours in my life.

    ami me suena a Ban en Wowarg jajajaj

    Cita Iniciado por kaiser2820 Ver Mensaje
    a mi me paso una vez de ir a comer a la casa de una mina a conocer a los padres y me dieron ganas de cagar, me aguante lo mas q pude asi despues cuando iva se me caia la caca rapido y no me pasaba 30 minutos en el baño, asi ellos no se percatabn de q yo les estaba tiroteando todo el inodoro....bueno voy al baño, cago velozmente y cuando miro no habia papel..... no iva a pedir a gritos un papel y no habia bidet.....asi q me limpie el orto con aguita de la canilla y me seque con la toalla de la cara jajaja...
    Me fui a comer tranca y despues la piba me dice perame q voy al baño un segundo y nos vamos....cuando miro pa adentro del baño se estaba secando la cara con la toalla toda palometeada....cada vez q le daba un beso pensaba en mi caca y en el karma

  7. #17

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    jaaa en el ofi el charge tambien limbeaba! que groso

  8. #18

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    -CC effects didn't have reduced duration on pvp targets, so a rogue or mage could cc you up to 1 min(or more)

    Ese lo vivi cuando magus tenia a la rogue y ibamos a grom a matar gordas, salian 4, se sapeaba a 3 y le dabamos de a 1.

    -This was recent but, healing and spell damage were two separate stats. So leveling as a holy priest/paladin would be a suicide.


    -Mage arcane tree and priest discipline tree had talents that improved wand damage. This was removed in 3.0

    Aca funcionaba lindo, en vez de 25% de daño de wand te daba 25% de daño TOTAL DE TODOS TUS SPELLS. Gente de Bugracho puede confirmarlo.

    -Priests had racial spells, but some of them were turned into baseline priest spells and some other removed. (human-desperate prayer/troll-hex of weakness/undead-devouring plague)

    Me encanta la palabra "baseline", me hace acordar a la vaselina que nos metieron cuando me chorearon ese heal groso y se lo dieron a todos

    -Recently, in the Ulduar patch, a Gm accidentally mailed a player with Martin Fury. That is an artifact level shirt that has a "on use" effect that one shots everything. He used it to one shot Malygos, and couple of bosses in Ulduar. People noticed on his statistics tab that he had an abysmally high "Highest hit ever" number, and he got a permanent ban shortly after.

    Ni que lo hubiera agarrado metal...

    -Trolls used to have a joke ( /silly emote) that said this "I kill two dwarves in da morning,I kill two dwarves at night,I kill two dwarves in the afternoon, and than I feel alrgiht.I kill two dwarves in time of peace and two in time of war,I kill two dwarves before I kill two dwarves, and then I kill two more." This was removed from the game, because it was a reference to smoking weed.


    -After a patch in vanilla, something got bugged and warriors received one extra talent point, which allowed them to spec 31/21/0 and be very overpowered.

    Que raro los warriors overpowered, casi hasta me sorprende...

    -There was a hunter that stacked spellpower gear(for mend pet) and soloed Azuregos.

    El exploit de la decada.

    -Warlocks could kill people in duels. (and I really mean "kill")

    Aca todos los que metian dots podian (Algunos actualmente pueden).

    -Warlock succubus pets used to have less clothes, but they added more later.


    -Baron Rivendare's mount had about 0.02 chance to drop, so anyone that had it was considered a god(especially alliance). Today it is a 1% chance.

    Le pregunto a morphio que estuvo 1 mes farmeandola dia tras dia :p

    -Paladin blessings lasted 5 minutes. So by the time you buffed 40 raid members, the first ones you buffed would have 2-3 minutes left on their blessings. So they were essentially just rebuffing the raid all the time.

    Retris del orto, para bufear los hicieron!!

    -Flight paths were not connected, so you needed to pick the next stop each time you land.

    Esto lo vivi, era un pijazo.

    -Blizzard was balancing raids around classes having restricted roles. Only Warriors could tank, priest was by far the best healer, druids were there to innervate the priests, shamans were used mostly as out of combat ressers, and paladins were usually busy rebuffing the raid with 5 minute blessings. Druids, Paladins, and Warlocks(early, before they were buffed their damage was horrible) had no viable dps specs at all.

    Oh por dios...

    -To join a battleground, you needed to be at the entrance portal of that battleground, because there were no battlemasters in Capital Cities.(WSG=North Barrens/Ashenvale, AV=Hillsbrad Foothills, AB=Arathi Highlands)

    Esta si mal no recuerdo la vivi, no estoy muy seguro.

    -Warlock Firestones and Spellstones were items that were used in offhand slots(and later in wand slot). Firestone gave you a chance on melee hit to deal fire damage, and spellstone removed all magic effects from you. They were changed into weapon enchants they are today.

    De esa me acuerdo tambien.

    -This was recent, but mining took more than one cast to pick up everything.

    Esto fue un nerf FEO, podias subir mas rapido el mining de esa manera, ahora nos re cagaron mal...

    -Hunters in TBC could macro their entire rotation into one button, and bind it to mouse scroll (to avoid carpal tunnel ).

    o por dios...

    Saludos Az!

  9. #19
    Joyeux Noel! Avatar de Danimay
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Mar del Plata

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    Parece que esa era la inteface vieja vieja, y aparentemente podias ponerle apellido al pj
    Sajalin / Feanaro / Dani

  10. #20
    SUP FRESH OUR TURN BB Avatar de Cochise
    Fecha de Ingreso
    18 jul, 09
    Vamos a fumar un porro ahí

    Re: Curiosidades del wow desde la pre-alpha hasta wotlk

    Me llamó la atención esta, así que busqué un video :p.
    Se empieza a ver la inn a partir de 1:30r
    -If you are playing on US servers, you can roll a human on server Moonguard, and walk to Goldshire Inn. Warning: What is seen cannot be unseen.

    Y después YouTube - Children of Goldshire WTF!!! , lo de los pibitos que forman un pentagrama en gold 8D
    Última edición por Cochise; 10/09/2010 a las 17:53

    (en realidad es resto r,r)

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