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Tema: El Post del Champion Select "INTENTADURO" Season 7 Summerfag Edition Smurf Diamante

  1. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Los cambios y skins que se vienen!

    Latest Public Beta Environment Patch Changes - Jayce Patch Info - News - Reign of Gaming

    La mascota del hunter en el wow! eh, digo.. Infernal Alistar!

    끝이 좋으면 만사가 좋다

  2. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Dunkey me parece un pelotudo.

    btw. lindos cambios...principalmente el de kog

  3. Strike Back ! Avatar de Ending
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 jun, 06

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Que putos me nerfearon a la Janna, que bueno que compre a Lulu.

  4. UMADBROH Avatar de miltonw
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 oct, 08
    Santa Fe

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por GchuGabo Ver Mensaje
    Los cambios y skins que se vienen!

    Latest Public Beta Environment Patch Changes - Jayce Patch Info - News - Reign of Gaming

    La mascota del hunter en el wdeow! eh, digo.. Infernal Alistar!

    de las 3 skins que salieron la de alistar es la mas floja, igual es la mejor que le sacaron hasta la fecha.w

    Cita Iniciado por Nevidia Ver Mensaje

    btw. lindos cambios...principalmente el de kog
    Estas cagado del mate, lo estan haciendo mierda al kog'maw .
    Última edición por miltonw; 03/07/2012 a las 12:50

  5. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Kog op le kb el cost del ulti.
    El Skin del Singed es GENIAL (Por lo menos el dibujito xD, no lo ingame )
    Bane <3

  6. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: zYCNQ.jpg
Visitas: 341
Tamaño: 217.5 KB
ID: 46761

  7. UMADBROH Avatar de miltonw
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 oct, 08
    Santa Fe

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    mod inutil haciendo doble post!11

  8. CANDOMBE Avatar de UberDude
    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 ago, 11

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por miltonw Ver Mensaje
    de las 3 skins que salieron la de alistar es la mas floja, igual es la mejor que le sacaron hasta la fecha.w

    Estas cagado del mate, lo estan haciendo mierda al kog'maw .
    El Kog lo usan en todos los torneos. Es un asco cuando el game se estira un poco. Jugar Kog maw es basicamente...

    Pasa el early, farmea, farmea. Prende la W, gana.

    BTW: Galio> Leb.

    Me gustan mucho los cambios a:

    Janna, Kog, MF, Naut, Nunu, Orianna y Soraka.

    Por quinta vez le aumentan el costo de mana a la E del toro xd.

    Quicksilver Sash
    Item Cost Increased to 1640, from 1440.
    Recipe Cost Increased to 900, from 700.
    Magic Resist Decreased to 48, from 56.

    Que putos.

    De los nuevos skins no me gusta ninguno.
    Última edición por UberDude; 05/07/2012 a las 15:50

  9. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    instantbuy el del malph, las particles son espectaculares

  10. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"


    *Tier 1 - Shen, Morgana, Ahri, Riven, Dr. Mundo, Nidalee, Twisted Fate, Ryze, Nautilus, Udyr, Kennen, Lee Sin, Lulu, Rumble, Rammus, Soraka, Twitch, Cassiopeia, Skarner, Graves, Sion, Vladimir, Vayne, Shaco,

    *Tier 2 - Janna, Renekton, Warwick, Mordekaiser, Nocturne, Yorick, Alistar, Karthus, Shyvana, Cho'Gath, Singed, Galio, Anivia, Tristana, Annie, Irelia, Maokai, Brand, Ashe, Gragas, Amumu, Sivir, Tryndamere, Kassadin, Corki, Malzahar, Pantheon, Olaf, Varus, Gangplank,

    * Tier 3 - Swain, Wukong, Veigar, Kog'Maw, Jarvan IV, Miss Fortune, Malphite, Lux, Ezreal, Teemo, Leblanc, Trundle, Talon, Taric, Urgot, Jax, Zilean, Master Yi, Fizz, Caitlyn, Viktor, Sona, Xerath, Akali,

    * Tier 4 – Katarina, Blitzcrank, Leona, Orianna, Ziggs, Hecarim, Nasus, Kayle, Volibear, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, Garen, Poppy, Fiora, Sejuani, Karma, Heimerdinger, Xin Zhao,

    Eve Tier: Eve

    Tier 1 - These champions are at the top of this list for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason being you can actually carry a team with them. In League of Legends its very hard to be a "true" carry as this game if very team oriented. If you've ever played a 4v5 you'll know what I am talking about as it's literally impossible to win when you're down a man. So I find these champions in Tier 1 lane very well in terms of being able to kill creeps well, harassing the enemy champion, and survivability. They also add a lot of utility For the junglers in tier 1 it's because they control the jungle well, do it safel, gank well, and if they get fed can actually carry games themselves. All these champions are have great early games for the most part and just continuously get stronger as the game goes on. These are the pub stomp kings of the game in my eyes currently.

    Tier 2 - These champions like tier 1 champions are great laners, and are great to have on your team in Solo Queue. They just don't carry as hard as other champions in tier 1 I find. Their early game laning power can be almost equal to the strength of tier 1 champions but I find the tier 2 champions to be slightly weaker than these tier 1 champions in terms of how hard you can carry a solo queue game with them. They are still the cream of the crop in Solo Queue and shouldn't be underestimated.

    Tier 3 - These champions I find to be great 3rd, 4th, or 5th picks on a team. They are 100% viable but these champions generally aren't as strong in lane as tier 1 and tier 2 champions. A lot of them in this tier can stand toe to toe to a lot of tier 1 and 2 champions but I find they just aren't sought after as "great" Solo Queue champions. These champs are all 100% viable in solo queue. I just find them to be slightly weaker than tier 2 champions in Solo Queue.

    Tier 4 - Now tier 4 is a tricky tier I find. These champs are all 100% viable for Solo Queue. If someone says they play a great X champion in tier 4 than you can let them solo or play that champion. These champions are simply tier 4 because they require a lot more farm I find then other champions to reach that "carry status" in Solo Queue. These champions are usually played by people who love these champions for their design and play style so usually people who play these champions I find aren't bad players at all so letting them play these champions sometime is a good choice. These champions problem isn't poor laning or really anything other than they require a lot more effort to be good at and a lot more skill to do well on is all. They're all fun champions and I suggest you give them a whirl and try them out.

    Eve Tier - Eve is just the worst champion in the game and she pales in comparison to any other champion in the game. If you pick Eve you're not doing your team a favor in fact you'll most likely lose because Riot purposely nerfed her into the ground because her kit was too hard to balance. It's not that I hate the champion it's just the fact that Riot intended to nerf her so hard that people would be reluctant to play her anymore. Maybe we'll see a Eve remake in the future but for now she's a danger to pick if you want to win.

    Pobre eve jajajajaja

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