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Tema: El Post del Champion Select "INTENTADURO" Season 7 Summerfag Edition Smurf Diamante

  1. Animals Avatar de NeuroN
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Bizantinolynx Ver Mensaje
    Lee Sin sin items de daño pega... a los flanes si, pero que se le tire a una Irelia o a un Jarv se lo comen crudo aunque para no tener items pega bien eso es indiscutible pero mepa que Irealia es mucho mas peligrosa con el tipo de build que dice el tipo (Items de vida y poco daño), ademas de ser mas infrenable. Se que habla de Junglers peo ni bien salga en la semana la voy a probar jungleando a ver que onda. Si pude hacerlo con MF creo que con Irelia va a ser mas facil.

    BTW si con el Lee Sin pifias la Q te lo metes en el culo al champ.[COLOR="#5A7F97"]
    Eh? q tiene q ver si le gana o no a una irelia o jarv?

    El lee es el mejor actualmente en la junga porq junglea ridculamente bien, puede conterjunglear mejor q cualquiera y ademas gankeando lane es uno de los mejores, y con el escudito/blink es super dificil de matar y los speels tienen re poco cd, necesita un nerf urgente es free win en buenas manos.

    Los comentearios del q hizo la guia sobre el nuvo patch:

    Nothing changed.

    Ok maybe Shen might have a shot at jungling but honestly expect to see people like me abusing Lee Sin for free Elo in the preseason since I don't even think I play him that great and I'm still hitting 70% winrate at 2200 elo games on him so abuse him while you can!

    Anyway almost nothing to note this patch but I'll try to go in depth on what will or won't happen:

    Riven: No idea what her stats are so we'll see when the patch comes out, but I'm doubting she'll be any good at it.

    Nocturne/Nunu: I honestly don't think these changes will have any impact on their place in my list, unlike Singed getting 25 extra range on fling, putting it on consume isn't going to be noticeable at all. And 25 of 550 on Horror is less than a 5% drop so Nocturne is still fine.

    Olaf: Personally I've always said the E build is bad for several reasons including:
    0 Kite potential due to it's low range
    Clears waves/camps far slower than someone maxing Q
    E damage per second scales exponentially meaning that the first few levels of it are horrible compared to the final ones meaning you're fairly useless until at least level 5 or 7
    Q does more damage in a situation where the opponent is standing still anyway.

    Rammus: Don't see him being that much better but his real problem is that outside of Curl, Rammus either does little damage or can't tank anything depending on how you build him. I'd personally rather have Nunu or something and anything worth taunting is likely running back kiting Rammus as it's range is so poor. Though he's probably still banned in the low elos because they suck at playing AD carries which tend to destroy late game bruisers far better than most casters.

    Shaco: His spot won't change as his real role is to be that dickhead backdooring or split pushing all day.

    Shen: Even though I'm sure he'll be able to clear the jungle initially fairly well, later on when waves or the jungle needs to be cleared, he'll do it slower than GP which means his farm will get behind. Also unlike Lee Sin who can spam his energy spells over and over because of his passive, Shen's damage output will be minimal due to the fact if you're using 50 energy to do 210 magic damage and only have natural regeneration to get it back, you're going to be worthless damage wise as a jungler won't have that much farm. Right now the strong jungle picks are the ones dealing the damage rather than supporting so he won't be in the top tier but could easily be at the 2nd or 3rd tiers as he's performing similar to Nunu. Though his energy problems (good thing his ult doesn't need it) will hold him back from clearing the jungle as fast as he'd like which means he'll be behind almost every jungler in my tier list in farm due to the fact he doesn't have aoe or steroid skills.

    Skarner: Speaking of unsustainable mana/energy, Skarner will still have that problem of having a skill that does low damage but takes his mana out like crazy so he's still meh.

    Taric: I honestly think this guy will wreck in a solo lane as he's been given nice damage and can tank with a high AP Imbue. Inb4 0-10 AP Tarics soloing all 3 weeks.

    Bugs: That camp bug which has been around forever is hopefully finally gone. Funny enough however, I'm not sure if I'm blind but I don't see them fixing the minions killed being bugged when pressing TAB to see it after someone has killed neutral minions in the fog of war as I figured this was the biggest bug of last patch as you can notice it every single game, so I hope they did a hidden fix to it.

    So not much to speak of but I'll just end on why you should abuse Lee Sin while you can:
    Strongest level 2 gank by far, hit Q then E and you force a summoner for sure as E is basically a aoe high level Ice Blast.
    Strongest Dragon Soloer by far, Fiddle can solo it easy except he has no where near the speed Lee Sin has
    Built in wall/ledge jump
    Can see invisible units with E
    High damage skillset which scales like crazy and all have a fairly low cooldown

    So I've just wasted my time and your time explaining how Riot basically changed nothing because every punk will still run Lee Sin, Nocturne and Gangplank because they're not dumb. Here's hoping that we can play LoL tommorow at all without server issues (won't happen you fool).

  2. Sole Survivor Avatar de Lugaid
    Fecha de Ingreso
    01 nov, 06
    Un futuro no muy distante

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Resumen pli

  3. Banned
    Fecha de Ingreso
    23 ago, 11

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Pobre morde... ya no es #1

  4. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Lugaid Ver Mensaje
    Resumen pli
    lee sin , gp y nocturne son los mejores jungleros y melees de ad.

    Lo mismo que pensaba yo.

  5. Senior Member Avatar de Pollof
    Fecha de Ingreso
    01 nov, 05
    Rosario (Santa Fe)

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Bizantinolynx Ver Mensaje
    Es como los Frikis dan a entender los personajes optimos para X cosa.

    Ende Tier 1 = Pro (Mejor) Tier 4 = Noob (Caca), yo igual no creo en esas boludeces porque despues empiezan los torneos y ves picks que decis "Son malos es Tier X no Tier 1" y el man la mueve como el mejor y los deja de cara a todos, acto seguido Friki Pages pone a ese champ en Tier 1 o 2 . No les des ni bola a eso, son opiniones y no determina nada realmente. A mi me va mejor con WW que con cualquier otro jungler, lo hace rapido es dificil contrajunglearlo y la ULT tiene un cd dentro de todo corto y es mogo gank con la ULT. Eso si tenes que no ser tan boludo de entrar con ULT de una, entras pegas le encajas Red (Preferentemente) y cuando hace Flash "AHI" se la haces comer a la ULT y tus compañeros se lo cojen, si entras de una con la ult es como entrar con el Charge del Xin Zhao, si te hacen Flash te dejan de cara.

    BTW: Con Rammus no conseguir muchos assist es directamente dificil es una maquina de asistir y para gankear es medio dificil escapar del Roll, ni el flash te salva.

    ---------- Post added at 15:28 ---------- Previous post was at 15:17 ----------

    Lee Sin sin items de daño pega... a los flanes si, pero que se le tire a una Irelia o a un Jarv se lo comen crudo aunque para no tener items pega bien eso es indiscutible pero mepa que Irealia es mucho mas peligrosa con el tipo de build que dice el tipo (Items de vida y poco daño), ademas de ser mas infrenable. Se que habla de Junglers peo ni bien salga en la semana la voy a probar jungleando a ver que onda. Si pude hacerlo con MF creo que con Irelia va a ser mas facil.

    BTW si con el Lee Sin pifias la Q te lo metes en el culo al champ.

    ---------- Post added at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

    Se supone que para ese punto ya empezaron los TF si hiciste bien tu trabajo, las torres ya cayeron y la etapa de Lane se murio.
    Ahh, pero esto supuestamente para q nivel de juego viene a ser considerado ?

    Y otra duda, los tiers q largan los flacos estos solo van por estas entradas de blogs o hay alguna parte en el foro de solomid o seccion de la pagina donde figuren todos ? (busque pero no lo encontre)
    Última edición por Pollof; 18/09/2011 a las 22:13

    Utoptia - Adventurer 78 C4
    Kleivan - Cardinal 79 HB

    Cita Iniciado por Lichotos
    Utopia no es terrible SK pancho? me suena el nombre pero no lo ubico bien.

  6. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por UberBro Ver Mensaje
    Aha y tenes el smite para cuanto? 10 minutos de la partida (Obvio que sirve para dragon, baron y esas boludeces). Salvo que le armes lampara. El rammus junglea bien, si, 1 o 2 veces. Despues se vuelve lento y hay partidas en las que NO podes gankear, ya sea por que si vas te matan a vos y al otro, o porque estan en su torre.

    BTW: El WW es un junglero lento y facil de counterjunglear.
    Lo primero te lo acepto, lo del WW no concuerdo en lo mas minimo, es rapido y de counterjunglear facil ? Es el Champ que mas vida tiene en la jungla (Porque directamente no la pierde) y si queres irle a pegar y esta bien buildeado te coje, vos en jungle le das a la "E" ? digo porque algunos lo hacen y la W no lo parece pero te convierte en una metralleta, yo al menos con WW nunca tube problemas en al jungla "nunca" en cambio con todos los demas alguna que otra complicacion tube.

    Igual vos tenes tu manera de ver y jugar y yo la mia, mi build de Olaf es una caca segun todos pero a mi me rinde que queres que te diga.
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

  7. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por NeuroN Ver Mensaje
    Eh? q tiene q ver si le gana o no a una irelia o jarv?

    El lee es el mejor actualmente en la junga porq junglea ridculamente bien, puede conterjunglear mejor q cualquiera y ademas gankeando lane es uno de los mejores, y con el escudito/blink es super dificil de matar y los speels tienen re poco cd, necesita un nerf urgente es free win en buenas manos.

    Los comentearios del q hizo la guia sobre el nuvo patch:

    Nothing changed.

    Ok maybe Shen might have a shot at jungling but honestly expect to see people like me abusing Lee Sin for free Elo in the preseason since I don't even think I play him that great and I'm still hitting 70% winrate at 2200 elo games on him so abuse him while you can!

    Anyway almost nothing to note this patch but I'll try to go in depth on what will or won't happen:

    Riven: No idea what her stats are so we'll see when the patch comes out, but I'm doubting she'll be any good at it.

    Nocturne/Nunu: I honestly don't think these changes will have any impact on their place in my list, unlike Singed getting 25 extra range on fling, putting it on consume isn't going to be noticeable at all. And 25 of 550 on Horror is less than a 5% drop so Nocturne is still fine.

    Olaf: Personally I've always said the E build is bad for several reasons including:
    0 Kite potential due to it's low range
    Clears waves/camps far slower than someone maxing Q
    E damage per second scales exponentially meaning that the first few levels of it are horrible compared to the final ones meaning you're fairly useless until at least level 5 or 7
    Q does more damage in a situation where the opponent is standing still anyway.

    Rammus: Don't see him being that much better but his real problem is that outside of Curl, Rammus either does little damage or can't tank anything depending on how you build him. I'd personally rather have Nunu or something and anything worth taunting is likely running back kiting Rammus as it's range is so poor. Though he's probably still banned in the low elos because they suck at playing AD carries which tend to destroy late game bruisers far better than most casters.

    Shaco: His spot won't change as his real role is to be that dickhead backdooring or split pushing all day.

    Shen: Even though I'm sure he'll be able to clear the jungle initially fairly well, later on when waves or the jungle needs to be cleared, he'll do it slower than GP which means his farm will get behind. Also unlike Lee Sin who can spam his energy spells over and over because of his passive, Shen's damage output will be minimal due to the fact if you're using 50 energy to do 210 magic damage and only have natural regeneration to get it back, you're going to be worthless damage wise as a jungler won't have that much farm. Right now the strong jungle picks are the ones dealing the damage rather than supporting so he won't be in the top tier but could easily be at the 2nd or 3rd tiers as he's performing similar to Nunu. Though his energy problems (good thing his ult doesn't need it) will hold him back from clearing the jungle as fast as he'd like which means he'll be behind almost every jungler in my tier list in farm due to the fact he doesn't have aoe or steroid skills.

    Skarner: Speaking of unsustainable mana/energy, Skarner will still have that problem of having a skill that does low damage but takes his mana out like crazy so he's still meh.

    Taric: I honestly think this guy will wreck in a solo lane as he's been given nice damage and can tank with a high AP Imbue. Inb4 0-10 AP Tarics soloing all 3 weeks.

    Bugs: That camp bug which has been around forever is hopefully finally gone. Funny enough however, I'm not sure if I'm blind but I don't see them fixing the minions killed being bugged when pressing TAB to see it after someone has killed neutral minions in the fog of war as I figured this was the biggest bug of last patch as you can notice it every single game, so I hope they did a hidden fix to it.

    So not much to speak of but I'll just end on why you should abuse Lee Sin while you can:
    Strongest level 2 gank by far, hit Q then E and you force a summoner for sure as E is basically a aoe high level Ice Blast.
    Strongest Dragon Soloer by far, Fiddle can solo it easy except he has no where near the speed Lee Sin has
    Built in wall/ledge jump
    Can see invisible units with E
    High damage skillset which scales like crazy and all have a fairly low cooldown

    So I've just wasted my time and your time explaining how Riot basically changed nothing because every punk will still run Lee Sin, Nocturne and Gangplank because they're not dumb. Here's hoping that we can play LoL tommorow at all without server issues (won't happen you fool).
    Jaja, no me acuerdo bien donde leí esa.. guía? que quoteas pero si me acuerdo que estaba entre comprarme renekton o el nuevo (riven). Onda, leí eso y me fui al lee sin al toque..

    Otra cosa, si lo nerfean te cago a piña.. corta

  8. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Que bestia el Sion AD, lástima que me hicieron ks a dos manos :/.

  9. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Creep Ver Mensaje
    Jaja, no me acuerdo bien donde leí esa.. guía? que quoteas pero si me acuerdo que estaba entre comprarme renekton o el nuevo (riven). Onda, leí eso y me fui al lee sin al toque..

    Otra cosa, si lo nerfean te cago a piña.. corta

    a lee sin de una que le tienen que nerfear como escalea la q, tiene 2 en una ataque con una base alta (muy alta si contas las 2 partes) y encima es un gap closer, o sirve para escapar.
    Última edición por Z_z; 19/09/2011 a las 08:09

  10. Banned
    Fecha de Ingreso
    23 ago, 11

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Bizantinolynx Ver Mensaje
    Lo primero te lo acepto, lo del WW no concuerdo en lo mas minimo, es rapido y de counterjunglear facil ? Es el Champ que mas vida tiene en la jungla (Porque directamente no la pierde) y si queres irle a pegar y esta bien buildeado te coje, vos en jungle le das a la "E" ? digo porque algunos lo hacen y la W no lo parece pero te convierte en una metralleta, yo al menos con WW nunca tube problemas en al jungla "nunca" en cambio con todos los demas alguna que otra complicacion tube.

    Igual vos tenes tu manera de ver y jugar y yo la mia, mi build de Olaf es una caca segun todos pero a mi me rinde que queres que te diga.
    No me gusta el WW, pero siempre, SIEMPRE que lo counterjungleo o le hago el First blood o lo dejo low lvl. Lo he counter jungleado con el toro, con el nunu y con el rammus xd con el toro casi siempre le hago la first blood igual. Y no te estoy hablando de una partida, te estoy hablando entre 7-10

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