me copo el video nunca lo habia visto, me lo paso un amigo ^^
por cierto linda victoria de delpotro con el serbio , yo pense q cuando perdio el 1º set dije aca fue delpotro xD
me copo el video nunca lo habia visto, me lo paso un amigo ^^
por cierto linda victoria de delpotro con el serbio , yo pense q cuando perdio el 1º set dije aca fue delpotro xD
casi lo culean a nadal eh, terrible torre el flaco ese
Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.
que hijo de puta djokovic, es para cruzarse de lado y embocarlo, juega demasiado bien, aunque en realidad queria que gane... me gustaria que meta nuevo record de invicto en una temporada
queda chela ahora no? recien perdio mayer
Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.
si queda chela ,segun el esta entero vamos a ver cuanto le dura xD
nah pero le venian tocando unos facilongos, ahora lo quiero ver (aunque no me acuerdo quien le toca en el fixture)
Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.
alejandro falla, un colombiano X 100 y pico del mundo, es un rival ganable, PEEEERO este año ya jugaron 2 veces, 1 victoria por lado y la de falla fue justamente en polvo
igual si le gana se va a cruzar con murray y hasta ahi nomas puede llegar, con lo que hizo ya esta hecho, todo lo que venga de aca en adelante es un bonus y el mismo lo dijo
yo le pongo unas fichitas a federer eh, viene jugando bien, y nadal ta medio cagado en las patas porque sabe que pierde el 1
edit: ademas perdio gigi dulko, ahora si el unico que queda es chela
paso chela nomas, no se como hace para pasar, yo lo veo que juega pelotas chotas, no tiene mucha potencia ni direccion pero aun asi se las rebusca
una pregunta para el que sepa, ahora que abandono el italiano contra djokovic, se lo suman como victoria?
Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.
para la racha de partidos ganados? no, no le cuenta pero a la mierda, ya casi es nº1 del mundo
ahora hay que ver como le va contra posiblemente federer en la semi, le pongo una ficha al suizo, me encanta como juegan los 2 asi que va a ser un partidazo
ufa, yo quiero que pase esos (46?) que tiene vilas, le va a tener que ganar a federer y a nadal en la final, linda prueba de fuego tiene
Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.
Pará un toque escul todavía no se definieron algunos partidos de octavos... Nadal es favorito pero los partidos hay que jugarlos.
Que huevo que puso Chela contra el colombiano ese, lo volvió loco anulándole los break point y definiendo los puntos claves.
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