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Tema: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

  1. #71

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Se toco algo aca al final? UP?
    Kkfa - Paladin - Protection PVE/Holy PVE
    Kefka - DK - Unholy(Dps) PVE/Frost(Dps) PVE
    Kfka - Druida - Balance PVE/Restoration PVE/Feral (Cat) PVE
    Kffk - Warrior - Fury PVE/Protection PVE
    Kfk - Hunter - Marksmanship PVE/Survival PVE
    Kilarog - Paladin - Retribution PVE/Holy PVE
    Mildread - Rogue - Combat PVE/Assasination PVE
    Lyght - Shaman - Enhacement PVE/Restoration PVE
    Celty - Priest - Discipline PVE/Shadow PVE

  2. #72
    Senior Member Avatar de Markens
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 oct, 09

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    UP un poco a esto.

    Según DBM, 14:35 mins estuvimos en el encounter de Faction Champions el viernes, jaja. Durísimo
    Death's Demise.

  3. #73
    Super Moderator Avatar de Fearless
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Agrego esto acá tmb, ya q son los mismos spells en 10 & 25 man.
    Como no he tenido la oportunidad de ser invitado a un test,.. me baso en los post q dejaron, q la mayoria dice q funciona como en 10man..
    Si alguien recuerda que funciona y que no.. quotea o explica y luego edito.


    No funciona.
    Este último "funciona" puede tener "peros" a continuacion.
    Habrá cosas q pongo que funciona pero NO se si pega exactamente lo q dice ahí. Al menos el spell lo hace y hace cierto daño respetable. Cualquier cosa aclaren luego.

    Gormok the Impaler

    Impale - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 2,188 to 2,812 Physical damage per application every 2 seconds, for 40 seconds. Funciona.

    Staggering Stomp - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 9,263 to 9,737 Physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards and interrupts spellcasting for 8 seconds.Funciona.

    Rising Anger - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases all damage dealt by 15%. Applied every time Gormok throws a Snobold. Funciona.

    Snobolds - Throws a Snobold Vassal - NPC - World of Warcraft at a random player. Gormok has 4 Snobolds to throw. Funciona.
    They will use the following abilities at their target (who will receive Snobolled! debuff) and other players nearby:
    Batter - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 75% of normal melee damage, interrupting spellcasting for 5 seconds. No funciona - No se el daño melee, pero NO silencea

    Fire Bomb - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 4,813 to 6,187 Fire damage every 1 second to all enemies within 8 yards of the target.Funciona.

    Head Crack - Spell - World of Warcraft - Stuns an enemy for 2 sec. ¿Funciona?.

    Acidmaw & Dreadscale

    Acidic Spew - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 2,775 to 3,225 (25-Players: 3,700 to 4,300) Nature damage every 0.25 seconds for 2.50 seconds, to enemies in frontal cone. Funciona.

    Paralytic Bite - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 7,863 to 9,137 (25-Players: 11,100 to 12,900) Nature damage to its target and injects them with a Paralytic Toxin. Funciona.

    Slime Pool - Spell - World of Warcraft - Spawns Slime Pool underneath the jormungar's body. The Slime Pool grows in size for 30 seconds and inflicts ~2,000 Nature damage every 1 second to players standing in it. Funciona.

    Acid Spit - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 5,088 to 5,912 (25-Players: 6,475 to 7,525) Nature damage to a random target. Funciona.

    Paralytic Spray - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 6,938 to 8,062 Nature damage to its target and other players within 10 yards, injecting them with a Paralytic Toxin. Funciona.

    Sweep - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 6,938 to 8,062 Physical damage to enemies within 15 yards and knocks them back. Funciona.

    Paralytic Toxin - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 3,000 Nature damage and reduces movement speed by 10% every 2 seconds. Lasts for 60 seconds, or until removed by Burning Bile. Funciona.

    Enrage - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases all damage dealt by 50%. Used when Dreadscale dies. Funciona.

    Burning Bite - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 7,863 to 9,137 (25-Players: 12,950 to 15,050) Fire damage to its target and coats them with Burning Bile. Funciona.

    Molten Spew - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 2,775 to 3,225 Fire damage every 0.25 seconds for 2.5 seconds, to enemies in frontal cone. Funciona.

    Slime Pool - Spell - World of Warcraft - Spawns Slime Pool underneath the jormungar's body. The Slime Pool grows in size for 30 seconds and inflicts ~2,000 Nature damage every 1 second to players standing in it. Funciona.

    Fire Spit - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 5,088 to 5,912 (25-Players: 6,475 to 7,525) Fire damage to its target. Funciona.

    Burning Spray - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 6,938 to 8,062 Fire damage to a (random?) target and other players within 10 yards, coating them with Burning Bile. Funciona.

    Sweep - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 6,938 to 8,062 Physical damage to enemies within 15 yards and knocks them back. Funciona.

    Burning Bile - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 3,238 to 3,762 Fire damage every 2 seconds to allies within 10 yards. Removes Paralytic Toxin. Lasts for 24 seconds. ¿Funciona?.

    Enrage - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases all damage dealt by 50%. Used when Acidmaw dies. Funciona.


    Ferocious Butt - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 69,375 to 80,625 Physical damage to his target and stuns them for 3 seconds. Funciona.

    Arctic Breath - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 4,000 Frost damage every 1 second for 5 seconds to a random target and other players in a cone between the boss and his target. Stuns and silences for the duration of the spell. Funciona.

    Whirl - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 9,250 to 10,750 Physical damage to all players within 15 yards, and knocks them back. Funciona.

    Massive Crash - Spell - World of Warcraft - IInflicts 10,175 bis 11,825 Physical damage to all players, stuns them for 7 seconds, and knocks them to walls of the Coliseum. Used immediately before a Charge. When the stun wears off, all players receive Surge of Adrenaline for 8 seconds. Funciona.

    Surge of Adrenaline - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases movement speed by 50%. No Funciona.

    Trample - Spell - World of Warcraft - Charges at the location of a chosen target. Inflicts 50,000 Physical damage to everybody in its path, gaining Frothing Rage if he hits a player. If nobody is hit, Icehowl is affected by Staggered Daze for 15 seconds. Funciona.

    Staggered Daze - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases all damage taken by 100% for 15 seconds. Stunned for the duration. Funciona.

    Frothing Rage - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases Physical damage dealt and attack speed by 50% for 15 seconds. Enrage effect. Funciona.

    Lord Jaraxxus

    Fel Fireball - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 15,113 to 15,887 (25-Players: 24,375 to 25,625) Fire damage and an additional 5,850 to 6,150 (25-Players: 9,263 to 9,737) Fire damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. The cast can be interrupted, and the DoT is magic effect. Funciona.

    Fel Lightning - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 7,863 to 9,137 (25-Players: 9,713 to 11,287) Fire damage to a random target and jumps to other players nearby, affecting up to 3 (25-Players: 5) targets. Funciona.

    Incinerate Flesh - Spell - World of Warcraft - Absorbs the next 30,000 (25-Players: 60,000) healing done to the target and reduces damage done by 50%. If the spell is not removed by healing, it will cause Burning Inferno. Lasts 12 seconds or until the spell absorbs its healing limit. Funciona.

    Burning Inferno - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 2,438 to 2,562 (25-Players: 3,900 to 4,100) Fire damage every 1 second for 5 seconds to all friendly targets. Cast by the target of Incinerate Flesh if the latter is not removed before its duration expires. Incinerate Flesh is removed after absorbing 30,000 (25-Players: 60,000) healing. Funciona.

    Legion Flame - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 2,925 to 3,075 Fire damage every 1 second for 6 seconds. The target also spawns a Legion Flame every 1 second. Each Legion Flame inflicts another 2,925 to 3,075 Fire damage every 1 second and lasts for 60 seconds. Funciona.

    Infernal Eruption - Spell - World of Warcraft - Summons an Infernal Volcano - NPC - World of Warcraft, which shoots 3 Felflame Infernal - NPC - World of Warcraft at players over 15 seconds. Every time an Infernal lands, it causes Infernal Eruption, inflicting 9,263 to 9,737 Fire damage to targets in a 10 yard radius. Funciona - ¿Pero Salen 3?

    Felflame Infernal - NPC - World of Warcraft - Can channel Fel Inferno - Spell - World of Warcraft to inflict 2,500 Fire damage every 1 second for 6 seconds to targets within 15 yards. Funciona. Can use Fel Streak - Spell - World of Warcraft to charge a target, inflicting 4,388 to 4,612 (25-Players: 6,338 to 6,662) Fire damage to any target on its path. ¿Funciona?.

    Nether Portal - Spell - World of Warcraft - Summons a Nether Portal and inflicts 6,825 to 7,175 (25-Players: 9,263 to 9,737) Shadow damage to targets in a 10 yard radius of the portal. ¿Funciona? - Si el sumon, pero creo q no hace daño The Portal spawns a Mistress of Pain. No Sale Add

    Mistress of Pain - NPC - World of Warcraft - Uses Shivan Slash - Spell - World of Warcraft, inflicting 50% weapon damage and ignoring armor. ¿Funciona?. Can also cast Spinning Pain Spike - Spell - World of Warcraft on a random target, inflicting high physical damage based on the target's maximum health. ¿Funciona?.

    Nether Power - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases magic damage done by 20% per application. Jaraxxus will buff himself with 5 (25-Players: 10) stacks. Funciona.

    * El orden de el portal y el volcan deberia ser random. Acá siempre es Portal-Volcán-Portal-Volcán-etc.

    Faction Champions
    Champions' Cache - Object - World of Warcraft
    alto bardo cada clase y sus spells.. si alguien tiene gana de detallar, será bienvenido su aporte.

    Problemas a simple vista: * Tienen mal la vida. tienen 5.4millones los cloth y 7.2millones los plate.
    "Most of the champions have 2,400,000 health in the 25-man version; some have only 1,900,000." Los Cloth son los q tienen menos vida creo
    Faction Champions - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    * Se pueden taunter y los cceos q podríamos tirarles (de los q hacen perder "control del pj") los limbea a ellos.

    Twin Val'kyr

    Fjola Lightbane - NPC - World of Warcraft

    Light Essence - Fjola Lightbane is a Light creature. She takes less damage from targets with Light Essence - Spell - World of Warcraft and more damage from targets with Dark Essence - Spell - World of Warcraft. Her Vortex does Light damage. Funciona a medias- Los rumores dicen q no importa q Essence tengas, pegas igual a cualquiera de las dos. Absorve bien nuestro escudo.

    Twin Spike - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 100% weapon damage and increases all damage taken by the target by 20%. Each hit depletes a charge from the damage debuff. Lasts for 15 seconds or 10 charges. Funciona.

    Light Surge - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 1,500 (25-Players: 2,500) Light damage to the Dark enemies every 2 seconds. Funciona.

    Shield of Lights - Absorbs 175,000 (25-Players: 700,000) damage and prevents spell interruption. Lasts 15 seconds. Cast immediately before Twin's Pact. Funciona.
    Twin's Pact - Spell - World of Warcraft - Heals the Twin Val'kyr for 50% of their total health. Cast immediately after Shield of Lights. The 15-second cast can be interrupted if the shield is down. Funciona.

    Power of the Twins - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases Physical damage done and hit chance by 20%. Increases attack speed by 10% per application of Val'kyr Quickness - Spell - World of Warcraft as well. Lasts 15 seconds. Used when Eydis is casting Twin Pact. Funciona.

    Light Vortex - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 5,850 to 6,150 (25-Players: 8,775 to 9,225) Light damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Channeled after 8-seconds cast. Affects only targets with Dark Essence. Funciona.

    Eydis Darkbane - NPC - World of Warcraft

    Dark Essence - Eydis Darkbane is a Dark creature. She takes less damage from targets with Dark Essence - Spell - World of Warcraft and more damage from targets with Light Essence - Spell - World of Warcraft. Her Vortex does Dark damage. Funciona a medias- Los rumores dicen q no importa q Essence tengas, pegas igual a cualquiera de las dos. Absorve bien nuestro escudo.

    Twin Spike - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 100% weapon damage and increases all damage taken by the target by 20%. Each hit depletes a charge from the damage debuff. Lasts for 15 seconds or 10 charges. Funciona.

    Dark Surge - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 1,500 (25-Players: 2,500) Dark damage to Light enemies every 2 seconds. Funciona.

    Shield of Darkness - Spell - World of Warcraft - Absorbs 175,000 (25-Players: 700,000) damage and prevents spell interruption. Lasts 15 seconds. Cast immediately before Twin's Pact. Funciona.

    Twin's Pact - Spell - World of Warcraft - Heals the Twin Val'kyr for 50% of their total health. Cast immediately after Shield of Darkness. The 15-second cast can be interrupted if the shield is down. Funciona.

    Power of the Twins - Spell - World of Warcraft - Increases Physical damage done and hit chance by 20%. Increases attack speed by 10% per application of Val'kyr Quickness as well. Lasts 15 seconds. Used when Fjola is casting Twin Pact. Funciona.

    Dark Vortex - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 5,850 to 6,150 (25-Players: 9,263 to 9,737) Light damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Channeled after 8-seconds cast. Affects only targets with Light Essence. Funciona.

    * Salen Concentrated Light - NPC - World of Warcraft, Concentrated Darkness - NPC - World of Warcraft. del medio de la sala y no desde los bordes atravesando la sala.
    Cada vez que se toca una esfera, deberia subir x7 o x8 el Powering Up - Spell - World of Warcraft (hay 4 spells de esos en wowhead, no se cual es el q se esta usando). Acá sube x1, cosa que NUNCA vas a llegar a stackear 100. Never ever.
    Y cada vez que los bosses hacen Light Vortex - Spell - World of Warcraft o Dark Vortex - Spell - World of Warcraft, la absorsión que hacemos con el aura correspondiente, tmb deberia subir el stack de powering up, x7. Acá absorver ese aoe, no sube absolutamente nada.
    * El orden de los spells de las Val'kyr es siempre igual: Vortex la negra, Escudo la blanca, Escudo la negra, Vortex la blanca. Debería ser RANDOM. Pero tmb deberian salir esas cuatro posibilidades antes de comenzar otro nuevo ciclo random.



    Frost Sphere - NPC - World of Warcraft - Drop Permafrost underneath when killed.
    Permafrost - Spell - World of Warcraft - Circular area with ~10 yards radius. Slows movement speed of everyone on top of it by 30%, prevents Nerubian Burrowers from burrowing. Permafrost hit by Pursuing Spikes will disappear, removing the Spikes as well. Funciona.

    Nerubian Burrower - NPC - World of Warcraft - Gain 100% movement, attack, and casting speed through Spider Frenzy - Spell - World of Warcraft for every other Burrower in 12 yards range. ¿Funciona?.
    Stack Expose Weakness - Spell - World of Warcraft on their tank Funciona., and try to Submerge - Spell - World of Warcraft, wiping aggroFunciona. . Spawned ever ~90 seconds during Phases 1 and 2.

    Swarm Scarab - NPC - World of Warcraft - Stack Acid-Drenched Mandibles - Spell - World of Warcraft on their target Funciona - Pero cada mob stackea su propio stack. Si tengo 3 stacks y me pega otro dos golpes, deberia tener 5. Aca estás teniendo 3 y 2, por separado, and occasionally gain 100% movement speed through Determination - Spell - World of Warcraft Funciona.. Spawned frequently and turned hostile during Phase 2.

    Phase 1: Above Ground

    Freezing Slash - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 25% Frostrike damage to his target, and stuns them for 3 seconds. Funciona.
    Penetrating Cold - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 3,500 (25-Players: 6,000) Frost damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds to several players. Funciona.

    Phase 2: Underground

    Pursuing Spikes - Spell - World of Warcraft - Marks a target with Pursued by Anub'arak, sending a line of spikes to chase them. The spikes inflict 2,828 to 3,172 Physical damage to anyone in 4 yards of them. In addition, the leading spike hits with Impale - Spell - World of Warcraft for 14,138 to 15,862 (25-Players: 17,672 to 19,828) Physical damage, ignoring armor. Anub'arak will switch targets when his target dies, or whenever his Spikes hit Permafrost. Funciona.

    Phase 3

    Freezing Slash - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 25% Frostrike damage to his target, and stuns them for 3 seconds. Funciona.
    Penetrating Cold - Spell - World of Warcraft - Inflicts 3,500 (25-Players: 6,000) Frost damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds to several players. Funciona.
    Leeching Swarm - Spell - World of Warcraft - Drains 10% of each target's current health every 1 second. A minimum of 250 health will be leeched. This is a passive aura in this phase Funciona.

    Pd: Cualquier acotación para corregir o agregar info, será bienvenida.
    Última edición por Fearless; 19/03/2012 a las 12:06
    Fearless - Fearlight - Fearfury - Fearthunder - Fearbringer (H) // Fearfreezing - Fearwild (A)

  4. #74

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Bueno ahi para el próximo restart tiene q estar mejorados los stats de Faction Champions, Surge of Adrenaline, y un posible exploit en Anub. Saludos

    Edit: Agrego inmunidad a taunt de faction champions (solo en versiones heroicas)
    Edit: El tema de los essences y de las twins... o sea no importa el color pegan y hacen daño a cualquiera, pero hacen daño aumentado a cualquiera?
    Última edición por rblanca; 20/03/2012 a las 00:44

  5. #75

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Cita Iniciado por rblanca Ver Mensaje
    Bueno ahi para el próximo restart tiene q estar mejorados los stats de Faction Champions, Surge of Adrenaline, y un posible exploit en Anub. Saludos

    Edit: Agrego inmunidad a taunt de faction champions (solo en versiones heroicas)
    Edit: El tema de los essences y de las twins... o sea no importa el color pegan y hacen daño a cualquiera, pero hacen daño aumentado a cualquiera?
    Un cambio mas:

    - Lord Jaraxxus, supongo q un poco mas blizzlike y menos hardcode los spawns de los adds, ya q ahora uso los spells correspondientes...ahora van a hacer daño los volcanes y portales.

  6. #76

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    El tema de las essence la verdad q no se como identificar si el daño es aumentado o no, osea se le pega a las 2 igual tengas el aura q tengas, y el dps es mas o menos el mismo q en los demas bosses, asiq calculo que lo q no hace es aumentar el daño.
    Kkfa - Paladin - Protection PVE/Holy PVE
    Kefka - DK - Unholy(Dps) PVE/Frost(Dps) PVE
    Kfka - Druida - Balance PVE/Restoration PVE/Feral (Cat) PVE
    Kffk - Warrior - Fury PVE/Protection PVE
    Kfk - Hunter - Marksmanship PVE/Survival PVE
    Kilarog - Paladin - Retribution PVE/Holy PVE
    Mildread - Rogue - Combat PVE/Assasination PVE
    Lyght - Shaman - Enhacement PVE/Restoration PVE
    Celty - Priest - Discipline PVE/Shadow PVE

  7. #77

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Cita Iniciado por kabr87 Ver Mensaje
    El tema de las essence la verdad q no se como identificar si el daño es aumentado o no, osea se le pega a las 2 igual tengas el aura q tengas, y el dps es mas o menos el mismo q en los demas bosses, asiq calculo que lo q no hace es aumentar el daño.
    Bueno ahí para el proximo restart chequeen las essence y su acción y los stacks de powering up (no con vortex)

  8. #78

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    jarazus invoca portal y volcan pero estos son intargeteables y desaparecen a los segundos sin invocar nada ni causar problema alguno

    Crused Crew

  9. #79
    Super Moderator Avatar de Fearless
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    tengo entendido q en normal es así, lo del portal. Pero sí, tendría q invocar 1 mistress y si no me equivco 3 elementales del volcan.
    Fearless - Fearlight - Fearfury - Fearthunder - Fearbringer (H) // Fearfreezing - Fearwild (A)

  10. #80
    Encode Ssnf Avatar de aleman
    Fecha de Ingreso
    22 oct, 08
    Barranquilla, Colombia

    Re: [Raid 25 Man ToC] Normal Mode

    Solo dropean 2 item por boss y son 4, osea sacando el orb y el trofeo que no cuenta como item
    Destajador - Leyenda - Desmenuzadores
    Destajador Encode Shiroisora no Fansub

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