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Tema: Pokemon online ?

  1. #11
    If it ain't retro... Avatar de Forbid
    Fecha de Ingreso
    30 jun, 11

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    el de gbc era la posta, eso es una basofia

    he aquí mi evidencia:

    qué se yo, si quisieron hacer un juego para nenes de 8 años capaz está bien
    Última edición por Forbid; 29/12/2011 a las 04:59

  2. #12

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    Yo quiero que hagan un pokemon silver con buenos gráficos jaja.

  3. #13
    Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    como dijeron al principio, habia un web based que se llamaba pokemon crater, que era todo actualizando la pagina y giladas asi.... a mi me entretenia por lo menos jajaj

    despues lo cerraron por inflingir derechos de autor si no me equivoco, changos >:(
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Avatar de Savarese
    Fecha de Ingreso
    24 mar, 06
    San Salvador de Jujuy

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    si si, ese era, pokemon crater, lo mas grosito q habia conseguido era un shiny charmander...

  5. #15

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    Quiero un MMO de esto m3n, donde se pueda pekear a mansalba obviamente.
    Fear is the mind killer.

  6. #16

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    A pokemon lo tienen que hacer con graficos como la gente para consolas de sobremesa, y darle un aire al ogre tactics/ff tactics. Por que re pudrio las mismas mecanicas con cada juego nuevo.

  7. #17
    Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    a vos te habra podrido (a mi tambien) pero a todos los fans no, pokemon black todavia anda en los top 10 de juegos del momento, no paran de viciar
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

  8. #18

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    Cita Iniciado por Forbid Ver Mensaje
    qué se yo, si quisieron hacer un juego para nenes de 8 años capaz está bien
    hiciste el primer nivel con tu baraja starter pa.... osea, tiene mas de 50 y despues jugas contra gente.
    osea, hiciste el super mario bros 1-1 y decis que es facil.

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  9. #19

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    Cita Iniciado por ChYvI Ver Mensaje
    Yo quiero que hagan un pokemon silver con buenos gráficos jaja.

  10. #20
    so boludo o so de rasin? Avatar de el_cocinero
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 ago, 10
    avellaneda, buenosairesdsadas

    Re: Pokemon online ?

    te odie nintendo por no haber hecho el pokemon trading card 2 en ingles para gameboy color
    Última edición por el_cocinero; 09/01/2012 a las 23:10

    xfire: elcocinero
    ''El mundo conocerá la paz cuando el poder del amor supere el amor al poder''

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