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Tema: El thread de la ps4.

  1. #21

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Cita Iniciado por Batora Ver Mensaje
    Mostraron imagenes del Disgaea 5.

    La gente le esta dando con un caño al Destiny. Vi un par de videos, horribles los bosses.
    Vos podes creer que desde que vi el ultimo videito cancele el pre order ?

    Esto me hizo cancelarlo.

    Lo vi y dije: es un juego para pibes de 13 años maximo esto lo cancelo y si rinde lo compro despues perdiendome los bonus del pre order. Creo que safe como el mejor. Esto mas el DR3 que no precompre por las dudas pase lo mismo que WD (Y pasó) vengo safando como el mejor creo.

    Edit: Re dormido y escribí cualquiera pero lo dejo.

    No lo pre ordene estaba en un grupo para el Gameshare del juego y cuando salio el trailer me quise echar atras y justo en el foro de 3DG uno buscaba Slot primario y me me dio pie a hacerme a un lado y esperar.

    Nota mental: Escribir dormido no rinde.
    Última edición por Bizantinolynx; 10/09/2014 a las 17:38
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

  2. #22

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    >The AI is bad.
    >They actually managed to make the most generic story I've ever seen.
    >Only difference on high difficultys are spongier enemies.
    >Late game grinding
    >Every mission is the same.
    >Gunplay is poor.
    >Classes all feel too similar
    Haven't tried PvP yet

    I bought into the hype and played it nonstop.
    Was constantly hoping it'd get better

  3. #23

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Me suena a que debe tener problemas parecidos al warframe

  4. #24

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Cita Iniciado por Batora Ver Mensaje
    >The AI is bad.
    >They actually managed to make the most generic story I've ever seen.
    >Only difference on high difficultys are spongier enemies.
    >Late game grinding
    >Every mission is the same.
    >Gunplay is poor.
    >Classes all feel too similar
    Haven't tried PvP yet

    I bought into the hype and played it nonstop.
    Was constantly hoping it'd get better
    Uffff de la que me salvé

    Cita Iniciado por -Vanisher- Ver Mensaje
    Me suena a que debe tener problemas parecidos al warframe
    Pero el Warframe tenes evolución de arranque hasta el final casi.
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

  5. #25

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Se, me referia al tema de la repetitividad. Son 2 generos parecidos y ambos muy ambiciosos, es muy dificil hacer TANTO contenido que este todo realmente bueno y termina siendo repetitivo donde la dificultad se basa en tener bichos de 1millon de hp.

    Igual se poco y nada del destiny, pero es lo que me suena del comentario de batora.

  6. #26

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Gamespot le puso un 6
    Un comentario de reddit:


    I'm level 23 so far and honestly even with a decent amount of time played and some considerable fun obtained I agree with the 6 completely.

    The gun play itself is pretty solid in my opinion. Thankfully it is b/c everything else aside from the graphics just feels badly done.

    This so called loot based game gives you at most two pieces of loot every hour of play. Hell I'll even double it and say it gives you 4 pieces every hour. That is still absolutely horrible. I mean the loot has been compared to Diablo and Borderlands and it's no where near the same as those loot busting pinata games. Forget the #'s though and let's say it did you a comparable amount of loot. It absolutely wouldn't matter at all b/c there is barely any variance at all. Overall attack damage and over all defense is the only major change. Sure you can increase strength and discipline but it doesn't really make a whole hell of a difference.

    Socially the game is just flat poor. For the life of me I have no clue what the hell Bungie has been smoking. Why make fire teams ALWAYS default to private every single time you enter a game? Why can I not talk to people on my crucible team or strike team once we get paired together through the group finder? Why can there not at least be a simple chat box? Why can I only dance, and point at other players if they are not in my fire team anyway?

    Do I even need to talk about the story? Hell everyone including the biggest Destiny fanboy agrees the story sucks. There is literally nothing that explains anything at all. Your Ghost is about the only form of information you have to set up anything that is going on.

    Sure you can load up their website and read all of these Grimoire cards for back ground but who in the right mind thought that was a good idea? It's just a very piss poor way to get your story and world lore across, especially when you consider the money that got poured into this game.

    Think about this. In order for you to really experience everything this so called "story" has to offer you would have to play a few minutes, then load up your web page every single time you see a new card unlock. You would then need to read that card online before jumping back into the game to continue on. Oh wait, another card unlock. I better go back to the webpage. Shit I can't pause this constantly online game so if I want to read about what the hell it was I Just saw I'll die. Better to just keep on then and simply not understand what the hell that was. Seriously it's just completely counter intuitive, my 5 year old son could have thought up a better way to deliver this content.

    In the end every single system Bungie tried to include in their new baby aside from actual gun play itself just blows hard chunks of fail. It seriously feels like to me Bungie has just been enamored with themselves, full of arrogance and felt like anything they touched with turn to gold. Hell I guess they were right, at least monetarily as it's sold a shit ton.

  7. #27

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Cita Iniciado por Batora Ver Mensaje
    Gamespot le puso un 6
    Un comentario de reddit:


    I'm level 23 so far and honestly even with a decent amount of time played and some considerable fun obtained I agree with the 6 completely.

    The gun play itself is pretty solid in my opinion. Thankfully it is b/c everything else aside from the graphics just feels badly done.

    This so called loot based game gives you at most two pieces of loot every hour of play. Hell I'll even double it and say it gives you 4 pieces every hour. That is still absolutely horrible. I mean the loot has been compared to Diablo and Borderlands and it's no where near the same as those loot busting pinata games. Forget the #'s though and let's say it did you a comparable amount of loot. It absolutely wouldn't matter at all b/c there is barely any variance at all. Overall attack damage and over all defense is the only major change. Sure you can increase strength and discipline but it doesn't really make a whole hell of a difference.

    Socially the game is just flat poor. For the life of me I have no clue what the hell Bungie has been smoking. Why make fire teams ALWAYS default to private every single time you enter a game? Why can I not talk to people on my crucible team or strike team once we get paired together through the group finder? Why can there not at least be a simple chat box? Why can I only dance, and point at other players if they are not in my fire team anyway?

    Do I even need to talk about the story? Hell everyone including the biggest Destiny fanboy agrees the story sucks. There is literally nothing that explains anything at all. Your Ghost is about the only form of information you have to set up anything that is going on.

    Sure you can load up their website and read all of these Grimoire cards for back ground but who in the right mind thought that was a good idea? It's just a very piss poor way to get your story and world lore across, especially when you consider the money that got poured into this game.

    Think about this. In order for you to really experience everything this so called "story" has to offer you would have to play a few minutes, then load up your web page every single time you see a new card unlock. You would then need to read that card online before jumping back into the game to continue on. Oh wait, another card unlock. I better go back to the webpage. Shit I can't pause this constantly online game so if I want to read about what the hell it was I Just saw I'll die. Better to just keep on then and simply not understand what the hell that was. Seriously it's just completely counter intuitive, my 5 year old son could have thought up a better way to deliver this content.

    In the end every single system Bungie tried to include in their new baby aside from actual gun play itself just blows hard chunks of fail. It seriously feels like to me Bungie has just been enamored with themselves, full of arrogance and felt like anything they touched with turn to gold. Hell I guess they were right, at least monetarily as it's sold a shit ton.

    Hay paginas que ya les dieron un 9 o 9.5 yo no lo puedo creer. Encima los lugares de la comunidad lea donde lea sea el foro que sea estan todos re calientes.

    Encima lo que dijeron que iba a ser el juego va a ser pago aparte o sea que te enchufaron el prologo a 60USD un robo a mano armada.
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

  8. #28

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    There is a dearth of content. When you get close to max level you get to start doing the same few Strike missions over and over to get gear and experience. As you close in on that oh so not coveted level 20 you might bump the difficulty of the Strike mission up to the next level... only to find it's literally the exact same experience with enemies that are higher level. And then you hit maximum level and bump the difficulty up yet again... only to find out once again you're doing the exact same thing with yet higher level enemies. And then you finally collect a set of gear with light on it and are ready to bump up the difficulty yet again... only to, quite unsurprisingly, find that these uber Strike missions are literally the exact same thing that you were doing at level 16. This is absolutely pathetic.
    JAjaja. Parece un FPS estructurado como el Monster Hunter: agarras mision, 30minutos, agarras loot y repetir.
    Solo que el MH es un juego completamente diseñado para la caza de bosses y esos 30minutos nunca son iguales, aunque estes matando el mismo bicho tratando de sacar un drop raro.

    Well, surely the Strike missions at least offer some kind of challenge?!?! Nope! If you have some amount of FPS experience expect to find them completely trivial unless you are grossly undergeared/leveled. Combined with how predictable things are you're not to going to be calling upon your amazing tactical skills to carry the day. Instead you'll keep firing and the enemies will melt before you.

    Bosses have a lot of health but are, unsurprisingly by this point I'm sure, extremely simple. Their attacks are obviously telegraphed and easy to dodge. Boss weak points are quite obvious, typically big glowing spots. This is, of course, assuming you even bother with the weak points - you don't need to. If you run out of ammo the game will give you more ammo so the best strategy is to just keep firing. If you can land some hits on boss weak points that's great but the fastest way to kill a boss is to just keep shooting.
    Lapidario. Al final es un FPS con un single player mediocre.
    Última edición por Batora; 13/09/2014 a las 20:50

  9. #29

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Varios medios gallegos le pusieron alrededor de 7, y siempre la misma queja: repetición y falta de contenido. En verdad y por lo que escuché es un juego de 20 hs antes de empezar a repetirse de forma estúpida, lo que no esta lejos de la gran mayoría de juegos del mercado. El problema es anunciarte con bombos y platillos como inabarcable y un hito de la industria, presumir de los costos y records batidos para después sacar un juego del montón.

  10. #30

    Re: El thread de la ps4.

    Cita Iniciado por Lethos Ver Mensaje
    Varios medios gallegos le pusieron alrededor de 7, y siempre la misma queja: repetición y falta de contenido. En verdad y por lo que escuché es un juego de 20 hs antes de empezar a repetirse de forma estúpida, lo que no esta lejos de la gran mayoría de juegos del mercado. El problema es anunciarte con bombos y platillos como inabarcable y un hito de la industria, presumir de los costos y records batidos para después sacar un juego del montón.
    Plus decirte que exploras las galaxia y monton de contenido cuando claramente no lo tiene. Creo que si no hablaban el juego caia mejor parado.
    Mal Actua, Mal le va.
    Sex is OverHyped

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