
Glyph of Aimed Shot - Funciona con todos los ataques (Excepto DoTS)
Glyph of Chimera Shot
Glyph of Arcane Shot
Glyph of Dazzled Prey
Glyph of Explosive Shot
Glyph of Kill Command
Glyph of Kill Shot
Glyph of Rapid Fire
Glyph of Serpent Sting
Glyph of Steady Shot


Glyph of Bestial Wrath
Glyph of Concussive Shot
Glyph of Deterrence
Glyph of Disengage
Glyph of Freezing Trap
Glyph of Ice Trap
Glyph of Immolation Trap
Glyph of Master's Call
Glyph of Mending
Glyph of Misdirection
Glyph of Raptor Strike
Glyph of Scatter Shot
Glyph of Silencing Shot
Snake Trap
Glyph of Trap Launche
Glyph of Wyvern Sting


Glyph of Aspect of the Pack
Glyph of Feign Death
Lesser Proportion
Glyph of Revive Pet
Glyph of Scare Beast