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Tema: Mapas modificados y actualizados

  1. #1

    Mapas modificados y actualizados

    Dr4ch releases FPS-CTF maps!
    (Major News: Q4)
    Posted by luKrek @ 20:05 GMT, 16 Nov 2005
    So here it is !

    This time gameplay changes were added so the most obvious flaws of the maps are fixed and to prevent lot of remixes.

    * Gameplay changes ( suggested by CB erazor ) :

    ctf1 :
    - added shotgun to middle area

    ctf2 :
    - added haste-PU in the middle for some heated action

    ctf3 :
    - switched positions of rail <-> RL to make base a bit less rail extreme
    - changed mega to regen to give the middle room more action

    all maps :
    - To prevent the defensive style q4 has at default the spawns changed on most maps (all spawns were in the base in the original maps)

    Technical changes :

    ctf1 :
    - removed 2 lights in centralroom
    - added 1 ambientlight

    ctf2 :
    - removed 6 lights in orange base that were not on the green base
    - added spawns that orange was missing

    all maps :
    - removed doubled lights (green light on top of orange ones, etc.)

    Download :


    Stolen from



    Final TMP Maps
    (Major News: Q4)
    Posted by mob*teddy @ 02:31 GMT, 17 Nov 2005

    You may have read the earlier post regarding the beta version of these maps. The final version is now available. The pack includes the same 5 maps as before, but some things have changed.

    * Changes since the beta

    1. With a|citizen's approval, you'll note the naming of the pack and its files has changed to TMP. Map names are q4dmXtmp.

    2. Sandstorm and the Edge now also have 1v1 placements (see below).

    3. The maps themselves, of course:

    Q4DM1TMP (Fragging Yard):

    We chose to use something close to the rail-less B version. Most agreed the removed weapon in version B left too few weapons, thus you'll notice it now has an extra hyperblaster and grenade launcher.

    Q4DM2TMP (Sandstorm):

    This map has the most significant changes. The new layout is fairly conservative but hopefully better than that of the beta. The map has a megahealth now, and the haste has been replaced with a quad. A 1v1 layout is present with a YA instead of RA, and less health.

    Q4DM4TMP (Bloodwork):

    We chose to use a layout close to beta version A. The main difference from beta A is that the rail and grenade launcher have swapped rooms, balancing the power between those two areas somewhat.

    Q4DM5TMP (The Rose):

    This is nearly identical to the beta with the one notable change being the removal of the DMG. This map very well prove to be a good TDM map given sufficient effort spent learning it, however it will likely be controversial enough without the fairly experimental and un-tested DMG.

    Q4DM7TMP (Over The Edge):

    We have restored the balance of power from high to low somewhat by replacing the lower YA with a more accessible RA. Other notable changes include fewer shards near the Mega/YA area, and a downward relocation of the hyperblaster. The 1v1 placement demotes the RA to a YA, removes some health, and has a mega respawn time of 60 seconds. Both TDM and 1v1 versions no longer have the curved stairs clipped as this has proved buggy and should be fixed with physics code. There are also minimal geometry changes patching the old rail location, and making more space in 2 areas.

    As mentioned above, a second TMP pack including changes to Q4DM11v1 Q4DM3, Q4DM6 and is in the works. These were not included in this pack simple because of time constraints.
    (corregido, tnx N1Ck)
    Última edición por Cinic; 17/11/2005 a las 14:14

  2. #2
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Re: Mapas modificados y actualizados

    fijate q copiaste mal el link.
    Q groso q teddy ya haya sacado los mapas tmp =D

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