Cita Iniciado por Nachovsky Ver Mensaje
es que asi no pezcas, cuando se mueve la boya tenes de darle click en la misma, el % de que te suba skill depende del skill que tengas y el lugar donde te encuentres, ej: si tenes fishing en skill 50, y estas en una zona de de skill 50, vas a tener mas o menos el 50% de pescar, y el 15% de que te suba skill, es juego esta desarrollado asi, te conviene ir a un lugar que requiera 70 de skill, y ponerle un lure (esas cosas que compras, y que le metes a la caña de pezcar para aumentar tu skill de fishing). Vas a tardar en pescar pero tenes mas chances de que te suba el skill.
Los porcentajes son fictisios los puse a modo de ejemplo.
Desde hace rato que en cualquier lado te sube fishing, podes tener 375 y subir en Elwynn, ya no es mas por zona. No se si ya lo pusieron esto.


* A new (and very rare) special mount can now be caught from Northrend fishing pools.
* New fishing dailies are now offered from Marcia Chase in Dalaran City!
* Players are no longer required to do the Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme quest to gain Artisan fishing. The quest now offers a special superior-quality fishing pole instead. If you already completed the quest, you can visit Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh to receive this new fishing pole.
* The time needed to catch fish has been reduced.
* You can now fish anywhere, regardless of skill. Every catch has the potential for fishing skill gains, but you are likely to catch worthless junk in areas that are too difficult for your skill.
* You can now fish in Wintergrasp, and the fishin' is good!
* You no longer need to learn fishing from books. The trainers have finally done their reading and are able to teach you the same thing.