Ver Resultados de Encuesta: ¿estas a favor o en contra del matrimonio gay?

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Tema: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

  1. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Cita Iniciado por dahakamdq Ver Mensaje
    No creo que le digan que es normal, la palabra "normal" esta mal puesta en esa oracion, pueden decir que esta "bien", pero "normal" crea "diferencias" y eso es lo que no quieren.
    bueno a eso quise decir mis perdones
    la verdad todo lo que quieren ustedes es hacerlo YA,es por eso que creen que el sistema que digo no funciona.
    Última edición por elfumador; 14/07/2010 a las 01:41

  2. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Por mi que se casen, pero que no adopten.-

  3. ¿ʇɐ ,uıʞool noʎ ǝɹɐ ɟʇʍ Avatar de julio23
    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 feb, 09

    Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Cita Iniciado por Morfeanath Ver Mensaje
    Es que a mí también me chuparía, si no fuera impresentable la boludez que decís como si fuera importante. Cómo pensas hallanar el terreno para que en 10 años puedan adoptar, ¿si no los vas a dejar adoptar durante ese tiempo? No sólo es inútil y probablemente conlleve mayor discriminación porque estas preparando durante 10 años a chicos para que tengan como compañeros a chicos hijos de homosexuales que van a entrar a la escuela cuando ellos egresen, o sea... primero al pedo, segundo estás haciendo trato diferenciado. Si son buenos padres los tipos, y los mandan a una escuela donde tengan la colaboración de los docentes, no tienen por qué ser los raros de la escuela. Además, cuanto va a faltar para que un hijo de puto cague a bifes al que se hace el guapo y lo ponga en su lugar? esas cosas tienden a arreglarse solas. No es que por ser hijo de homosexuales van a ser todos pendejos indefensos que se van a comer como los gastan, va a pasar, pero si los adultos son responsables, así como pasa, deja de pasar y se normaliza.

    Cuando los chicos a los que sus padres los llenen de mierda en contra de las parejas homosexuales, les toque tener un amigo de esas características, y que se den cuenta mucho después de que sean sus amigos, ahí van a empezar a cambiar mentalidades. Cuando a un pibe le hablen de lo malos que son los homosexuales en su casa, y vaya a la de un compañerito y vea que tienen una familia distinta pero copada, no le vas a poder llenar más la cabeza.
    es la mejor cerrada de culo para tomo q lei en todo este foro

    la verdad apoyo la idea del matrimonio gay, razon x la cual se creo el th... en cuanto a la adopcion, muchos factores influyen, entre los q opinan sobre los pibes discriminados en su etapa escolar (social lo q sea) y los q opinan sobre una oportunidad d crianza con afectos reales d personas q, x esta lucha q estan dando, parece justa.... yo les daria una oportunidad, obviament la sociedad tiene q evitar discriminar, pero eso ya es un tema jodido, no x ser justament este caso, sino x los años q vienen arrastrando tales cosas

    solo qeda ver q dicen los jueces... lo unico q se q es seguro, es q siempre habra descontentos

    off: y tomo... deja d qerer parecer important,, si nadie t dio bola al spoiler fue x algo...
    *Theorel* - Warrior lvl 80 Tank PVE // Fury PVP

  4. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Cita Iniciado por julio23 Ver Mensaje
    es la mejor cerrada de culo para tomo q lei en todo este foro

    la verdad apoyo la idea del matrimonio gay, razon x la cual se creo el th... en cuanto a la adopcion, muchos factores influyen, entre los q opinan sobre los pibes discriminados en su etapa escolar (social lo q sea) y los q opinan sobre una oportunidad d crianza con afectos reales d personas q, x esta lucha q estan dando, parece justa.... yo les daria una oportunidad, obviament la sociedad tiene q evitar discriminar, pero eso ya es un tema jodido, no x ser justament este caso, sino x los años q vienen arrastrando tales cosas

    solo qeda ver q dicen los jueces... lo unico q se q es seguro, es q siempre habra descontentos

    off: y tomo... deja d qerer parecer important,, si nadie t dio bola al spoiler fue x algo...
    si no leiste lo que puse despues de ese comentario bueno

  5. Enrage Avatar de garza
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    In the Darkness

    Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Es delicado el tema para leerlo asi nomas Rayo de Esperanza.... coincido con Morfe, en el tema escolar es la preparación de los docentes con respecto al asunto, por conocimiento propio no estan capacitados ni para esto ni para varias cosas y eso que del mes pierden una semana de clase para "cursos".- Ni hablar de educar a los padres de los compañeros de estos pibes, cavernicolas nunca faltan.-

  6. innerspirit Avatar de Blood-and-Thunder
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 08
    En el limbo!!!

    Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    que se casen todo lo que quieran pero las chanchadas para la casa señores yo no quiero ir caminando con mis primitos y tener que explicarle que ahcen esos tipos.

    y que no adopten no dudo que tengan la calidad de cuidar a un niño pero estamos en argentina al pobre pendejo lo ban a re joder en todas partes si aca apenas tenes un apellido chistoso ya te rompen las bolas asi que pudrance!

  7. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Cita Iniciado por garza Ver Mensaje
    Es delicado el tema para leerlo asi nomas Rayo de Esperanza.... coincido con Morfe, en el tema escolar es la preparación de los docentes con respecto al asunto, por conocimiento propio no estan capacitados ni para esto ni para varias cosas y eso que del mes pierden una semana de clase para "cursos".- Ni hablar de educar a los padres de los compañeros de estos pibes, cavernicolas nunca faltan.-
    Claro, lo que la gente en contra quiere ocultar, es que no tienen ninguna voluntad para integrar a nadie. El 30% en contra del proyecto con pretextos de que los van a discriminar son los que los van a discriminar! Los que no le ponen ni un poco de onda para que si les preguntan, decir algo que sirva para eliminar prejuicios y que un pibe pueda vivir bien. Pero prefieren tener miedo, así cuando ellos se queden en sus prejuicios y no hagan nada, o los miren raro en la calle, puedan decir "te lo dije."

    Las profecías auto-cumplidas no valen muchachos. Si no son parte de la solución son parte del problema.
    Cita Iniciado por Bertrand Russell
    Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate.

  8. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    que le pongan otro nombre y no matrimonio y q tengas los mismos derechos q es lo q quieren pero q no adopten ni a un perro!

    clickeame registrate y mandame pm para q te explique y empieza a ganar dinero!

  9. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Bleh, Estoy a favor obviamente.
    y que adopten tambien cual es el problema que no adopten, si pueden adoptar ahora. por que no hacerlo bien.

  10. Re: Matrimonio GAY, voten wowers.

    Este texto de Piero Scaruffi(aca pueden saber quién es si nunca entraron a su sitio Piero Scaruffi's Web Site) habla sobre el matrimonio homosexual, me pareció algo útil para agregar a la discusión. Fue escrito en el 2008, en el contexto de una votación sobre el matrimonio homosexual en California, así que puede ser que parezca un poco ajeno a la situación aca. Sin embargo, si bien no estoy de acuerdo en un 100%, me parece que plantea muchas cosas interesantes. Aclaro que esta en inglés y puede ser medio dificíl a veces. Por favor no hagan un "too long, didn't read" porque es realmente interesante y el autor sabe más que nosotros juntos (lean su biografía).

    El artículo:

    (november 2008) Why i voted against "gay" marriage. Let's start by admitting that discrimination is pervasive and totally accepted. Western society discriminates against many categories of people: mentally insane people (who are denied almost all civil rights based on a very arbitrary definition of "mental illness"); physically handicapped people (who can be legally denied many jobs); convicts (two million citizens who are currently denied most civil rights, including the right to walk in a park); sick people (who are denied, for example, the right to adopt and sometimes even the right to travel); less educated people (who never have the same chance in life as higher educated people); last but not least, singles (who don't have the same rights as people who are married, from taxes to adoption). It is likely that all of these categories would like to have more rights than they have today. Then one could add soccer fans, who don't get as many fields as baseball fans, and listeners of avantgarde music, who don't get as many concerts as pop music fans, and so forth and so forth and so forth. You can come up with an infinite list of "minorities" that are discriminated because they are a minority.
    So the argument that we should not "discriminate" against homosexuals calls for the opposite question: why is it anathema to raise issues about homosexuals when it is ok to have all sorts of discriminations against all sorts of categories?
    Second, if we have to expand the definition of marriage, why only expand it to homosexuals? Why is marriage limited to two people? why can't i marry six women at the same time? why can't you have marriage between two men and three women? Polygamy has been pervasive in ancient times, and it is among most mammal species. It is perfectly legal to be a single mother or single father, but it is not legal to have a marriage among three people.
    Why are there age limits? why can't i marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12, Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Medical studies show that the best age for a woman to have children is between 15 and 25 (lowest chances of miscarriage, of birth defects and, last but not least, of the woman dying while giving birth); while the worst age is after the mid 30s. And the younger you are, the more likely you are to cement a real friendship with your children; the older you are, the more likely that the "generational gap" will hurt your children's psychology. Therefore it is much more natural to have a child at 16 than at 40. In countless countries of the world women have their first child at a very young age, and stop having children at a relatively young age. Nonetheless, in the USA it is illegal to have sex before 18 (but, note, only if the partner is over 18), while it is perfectly legal to get pregnant at 40 or (thanks to medical progress) even at 50. Note that all of these forms of marriage were common in ancient times before the introduction of Christian "morality". Therefore one could find stronger arguments in favor of these forms of marriage than in favor of homosexual marriage (which has been relatively rare throughout the centuries).
    Today incest is illegal, but it was common in ancient times (all kings and queens of Egypt married their siblings or mothers): why is it illegal for two siblings to get married and why does incest disqualify a couple from adopting children?
    And, if we expand the definition of marriage to all of these categories, what rights do we give them? For example, to me it looks much more natural for a group of two men and three women to raise children (as it was in most ancestral societies) than for an homosexual couple to do so (something for which i find no precedents in ancestral societies). A family without a man or without a woman goes against biology, and probably has psychological consequences that the entire society will pay for.
    Prostitution is still illegal in most countries of the world, even though today it is normal for a woman to have sex with many men: why is it illegal to do it for money but legal to do it for fun? A secretary can sleep with her or his boss and a college student can sleep with her or his professor, but a prostitute cannot sleep with a customer for money: why? A former prostitute is disqualified from ever adopting children, wbereas a woman or man who has had many sexual partners is considered perfectly fit to adopt children: why? There are many more unnatural and unreasonable laws today than the laws against homosexual marriage: why focus only on homosexual marriage and leave all the other restrictions on sex and marriage in place?
    The argument that i keep hearing is that there are many homosexual couples who are better parents than straight couples. I have no problem believing it (and personally know two of them). But what makes you think that a family with two men and three women wouldn't be good parents of their children? Or that a 15-year old mother married to a 40-year old man wouldn't be a better parent than a 35-year old mother married to a 26-year old man? Or that a prostitute wouldn't be a better mother than a business woman? Or that parents who are siblings are more likely to have abnormal children than women in their 40s? All of these are pure prejudices.
    Personally, i would instead prefer to close this can of worms. For each of these categories, i would instead like to see a list of the *specific* rights that they want (certainly they all want more) and then be asked to vote on each and every additional right that they want. But not on something so vague as "marriage", that is a higher category encompassing a number of specific rights that i am not familiar with.
    To start with, i disagree with homosexual couples having the right to adopt children, until the day that i read enough literature; and the literature i read so far seems to imply that the "traditional" family that has become the norm all over the planet is the result of a "natural selection" of possible forms of family. Before we tamper with it, it's worth pondering the consequences. Most empires collapsed not because of economic or military factors but because they tampered with the structure of family. If there isn't enough literature, then i am opposed to experimenting on children. Homosexual couples can do a lot of good by sending money to poor families and institutions in the third world, instead of "stealing" children that the biological parents would probably not have given them.
    Discriminating over family-related things (such as adoption) against homosexuals sounds more legitimate to me than discriminating against incestuous couples, prostitutes, polygamous/polyandric relationships, etc. Homosexual couples cannot reproduce. Telling me that they are identical to couples who reproduce sounds like denying the obvious. Those are couples in which neither is capable of breast feeding a baby. Neither (if males) has a truly feminine voice (a fundamental part of developing the brain of an infant is listening to sounds) or (if lesbians) neither has a male voice. Particularly the lack of a mother may be dreadful. Read a book on child development and pay attention to the role played by the two sexes. All of that probably disappears if you have only male or only female parents.
    I find it insulting to women that homosexuals frequently compare their political fight to the fight for gender equality: women are *not* a minority. Anyway, we do discriminate based on gender when it comes to physical strength, for example in Olympic sports, that are divided along gender lines. Why? Because women on the average are less strong than men. And we actually give them more rights in restrooms, in hospitalization, in pregnancy laws, in the military draft, etc etc. Even current abortion laws are asymmetric, discriminating against men: when they talk about "choice", they mean "the woman's right to choose", and not the man's right to choose. Whenever there is a biological difference, we condone and actually encourage "gender-based discrimination". (Discriminating women based on intelligence was wrong because women are not less intelligent than men. That was a prejudice not a fact. That most male athletes run faster than most female athletes is a fact, not a prejudice).
    We even discriminate based on skin colors when it comes to skin color, e.g. if you need an actor to impersonate Nelson Mandela the most natural choice is to hire an African actor, not a Chinese.
    Is it legitimate to discriminate against homosexual couples when it comes to issues such as adoption? Yes, precisely for the same reason that we "discriminate" against women in tasks in which physical strength is a major issue, precisely for the same reason that we discriminate against Chinese actors in movies about African people.
    Claiming that those who discriminate against homosexuals are like the people who used to discriminate against women is 1. cheap propaganda (using the same logic, right-wing Republicans used to call traitors all those who opposed the war in Iraq) 2. an insult to women (whose discrimination was truly based on prejudice).
    The one thing that seems dangerous to me is the wholesale question "is homosexual marriage ok"? It had the opposite effect on me. Not only am i voting "no" to homosexual marriage if the only choices are yes and no, but i would also like to revisit any other right that they have accrued over the years.
    I am more likely to vote in favor of expanding marriage to more than two people (as long as there is at least one female and one male).
    What is missing on this issue is an honest debate because homosexuals have been able to create a terror campaign in liberal states like California, and their opponents have been able to create a terror campaign in conservative states. Living in California, i personally feel oppressed by homosexuals: the moment you speak up against gay marriage in California, you are treated like suspected communists were treated during the witch hunt of the 1950s. It's like criticizing Islam in Saudi Arabia. Gay-rights advocates are proving to be children of the George W Bush era by using the same methods of psychological coercion that he used to go to war against Iraq and pass many dubious laws. When they call "prejudice" the opinion of others, they echo all the great dictators of the past. People who dare oppose gay marriage are branded as fanatics, but it's gay marriage advocates who are behaving like fundamentalists: they are creating a dogmatic religion in favor of gay marriage.
    Another non-trivial element in making me vote against homosexual marriage is that the world is falling apart and we waste energy and time discussing if gays should or should not have the right to get married? It seems like we are tweaking the seats of the Titanic while it is sinking (which could be one of the reasons why it is sinking: we spent too much time around issues that were irrelevant while there was a much bigger problem that nobody really paid attention to).
    The more people will press this issue, the more hostile i will become. Its attempt to repress dissent is too reminiscent of other historical cases of intolerance.
    In fact, for the first time in my life, i am worried about the fact that children might be "brainwashed" in schools throughout the country to "tolerate" homosexuality, which may turn out to be an encouragement to 1. uncritically approve gay marriage, and 2. become gay yourself. One thing is to teach that you should not be hostile to a homosexual individual, but another thing is to teach that you should become gay yourself. I wrote the exact same things when i was a teenager and Christian priests enjoyed the privilege of teaching religion in schools. And i would write the same thing if schools taught that Islam is somewhat special. Teach tolerance, not proselyzation.

    El link al artículo es U.S.A.

    Además, si les intresa la política o la música su web es más que completa en eso, revisen bien.

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