Bueno, aca en wowarg estamos en la season 5 y tenemos el gear acorde a la season 5, pero tenemos talents que son de la 3.2.2. Miren algunas de las comparaciones mas notables, en la clase mas OP del momento. El warrior esta desbalanceado, adimitir lo contrario seria decir que el warrior estaba DESBALANCEADO en el ofi en la season 5, lo cual no seria muy logico, porque por algo lo bufearon, no?

Lautaro -<*-*>- Mi corqui dice:
te hago
una comparacion
Unrelenting Assault - Reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge abilities by 4 secs and increases the damage done by both abilities by 20%. In addition, if you strike a player with Overpower while they are casting, their magical damage and healing will be reduced by 50% for 6 sec.
en la s5
"Reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge abilities by 4 secs"
y nada mas
Taste for Blood Rank 3
Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 100% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 9 sec. 1 charge. This effect will not occur more than once every 6 sec.
en la s5 era
Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 30% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 9 sec. 1 charge. This effect will not occur more than once every 6 sec.
hay bastante diferencia entre 30% y 100%
Juggernaut Rank 1
Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat, but the cooldown on Charge is increased by 5 sec. Following a Charge, your next Slam or Mortal Strike has an additional 25% chance to critically hit if used within 10 sec.
Lautaro -<*-*>- Mi corqui dice:
Weapon Mastery Rank 2
Reduces the chance for your attacks to be dodged by 2% and reduces the duration of all Disarm effects used against you by 50%. This does not stack with other Disarm duration reducing effects.
eso tampoco
lo tenian