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Tema: Wowers CSGoers: League of DotA 2 - Toda la cumbia villera del gaming en un thread

  1. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Z_z Ver Mensaje
    Neh, nla va a estar en mexico, hosteado en na probablemente, seguro tira ping. Si el sla es una poronga ya tengo mi cuenta en el server brazilero que al menos tiene bastante gente.
    ni en pedo me paso al br, prefiero jugar con queues de 10 minutos antes que con los br (porque no va a quedar casi nadie que hable español en el br)

  2. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Yo hablo en ingles toda la partida y me suelen contestar bien (cada tanto esta el ocacional mogolico, pero esos contestas mal aunq les pidas por favor), no me parece demasiado problematico el idioma.

    PD: no sugeria que te pases, yo no me pase tampoco ni pienso hacerlo. La idea es tener una cuenta en la que puedo jugar si tengo ganas, nada mas.

  3. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    y nerfearon a Khazix nomas
    Cita Iniciado por Sobchak Ver Mensaje
    Deadly Poison: No le cambia el grafico de torta del recount a erinyes.

  4. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por TheReturnOfTheSilvos Ver Mensaje
    y nerfearon a Khazix nomas
    demaciado poco para mi gusto.

    As you know, we use the PBE servers as a testing ground for a lot of our experimental changes, but we’ve run into situations where sometimes a change requires a bit more nuance to understand. As a result, we’ll be driving these PBE context posts when we can offer some more context.

    Also note that these changes are tentative, like anything else on the PBE, so they are all very subject to change.

    Taste Their Fear
    Isolation bonus redesigned as "increases damage by 45%".
    Evolution adds 8% Missing Health damage. (Which can also be increased by isolation.)
    Void Spikes
    Now slows targets hit for 2 seconds.
    Mana cost reduced
    Evolution no longer consumes passive to apply effects. Instead triples shot.

    Ultimately we just wanted to increase your viable choices when picking evolutions. Kha’Zix was getting huge damage, high poke, and great utility from evolving Void Spikes. Now Void Spikes gets a slow as part of the base skill, so W is a reasonable one-point wonder. Evolving and maxing it first also works though, just not so well that it dominates the other skills. Taste Their Fear’s evolution was previously reliant on having targets isolated. Now it works whether they are isolated or not, but does more damage against isolated targets, making it a more reliable choice.

    Ring of Frost
    Cooldown reduced
    Damage reduced
    Frozen Tomb
    Slow increases per level
    Damage reduced at later levels
    For a control mage with a kit she has, Lissandra was throwing out a lot of front-loaded damage in team fights. The intention of these changes was to lower her damage, but to also increase her crowd control abilities. These were made to better highlight her core strengths as a strong DPS mage with high in-fight control.

    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:45
    Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:45
    Initial spawn time increased to 1:55 from 1:45
    Respawn time reduced to 50 seconds from 60
    Ancient Golem
    Base Experience granted increased to 275 from 220
    Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to
    Lizard Elder
    Base Experience granted increased to 275 from 220
    Now plays a particle effect to show who the buff transferred to

    We’ve increased the initial spawn times of jungle creeps to get rid of the frustrating experience advantage players could get by killing certain jungle monsters before laning phase begins. This was a much requested change from a lot of pro teams around the world, as the only real counter was to switch lanes or to try to prevent it altogether. The other changes are to reassure junglers since they’ll feel like they’ve “lost” a full camp clear since they won’t be able to start wolves or wraiths before heading to their buffs. So Elder Lizard and Ancient Golem will give more EXP, and jungle camps will spawn a little faster. Faster spawns will also help some champions who have exceptionally high clear times and want to just stay in the jungle.

    Madred's Razors
    UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals bonus damage to monsters with every basic attack
    Wriggle's Lantern
    UNIQUE Passive - Maim
    Now deals bonus damage to monsters with every basic attack
    Attack Damage increased
    Life Steal increased
    Combine cost increased
    These changes are currently tentative. We just want to increase consistency on Madred’s and Wriggles in order to let players plan their jungle routes better with these items. There were a lot of odd cases where junglers would accidentally steal a buff from their teammate due to a random proc, or a jungler would fall behind because they weren’t getting enough procs. Overall we had to lower the damage output in comparison to the old Madred’s and Wriggle’s (if you simply average out the old Madred’s and Wriggle’s damage by four) because of the consistency involved and the fact that it never deals “overkill” damage, where it would proc on a small creep (or on a near-dead jungle unit), thereby wasting its damage.
    Wit's End
    New Recipe: Recurve Bow + Null Magic Mantle + Dagger + 600 gold = 2300 gold
    Attack Speed increased slightly
    Revised Passive - Your attacks steal Magic Resist from the target, stacks up to 5 times
    Nashor's Tooth
    Combine Cost increased
    Ability Power reduced slightly
    Additional Passive - Your attacks deal 15 + 15% of your Ability Power bonus magic damage on hit
    Removed from the game
    We've moved Malady's passives to the two other Attack Speed items to further solidify Nashor's Tooth's niche role as an Ability Power focused auto-attacker item, while moving the magic shred onto Wit's End to better synergize with magic damage based fighters (even for those that don’t deal magic damage, Sunfire Cape synergizes quite well with Wit’s End). Malady has been removed as it has simply been a poor fit in the current space that it was in.

    One thing some of you may notice is absent are the Shyvana buffs i'd talked about a few weeks ago.
    The buffs make sense, and we're going to do them. Just not for this patch. The reason being that along with the change to Wriggle's Lantern proc'ing on every attack, Wits end reducing Magic Resistance, and lowered respawns for jungle camps - we couldn't accurately assess Shyvana's balance.

    As with all of our balance changes, there is always a rippling effect. Items being buffed or nerfed can mean more success or failure with champions who buy them. Taric's nerfs saw a universal increase in performance across every support. In the same vein, each of the above changes are also buffs to Shyvana and until we can judge the effect of the item/jungle changes would have on her power level, i don't want to pull the trigger on the changes just yet. Statikk and i are looking to have Shyvana Balance changes with Patch 3.9 pending iteration after 3.8 goes live.

    [3.8] Improvements to the PVP.net experience on smaller resolutions

    Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

    As part of the 3.8 patch, we've introduced some code in PVP.net that will automatically scale itself down to 1150x720 or 1024x640, whichever is most appropriate. The most common desktop resolutions that will see their experience impacted are:

    • 1366x768
    • 1280x768
    • 1280x700
    • 1182x864

    Prior to 3.8, the client defaulted to a specific, unchanging window size; for those of you with widescreen laptops running 1366x768 or smaller footprint monitors like 1280x720, this has meant having key functionality hidden behind the Windows task bar. No more!

    This change represents a shift in the player experience and we felt it was important to reach out to those of you affected to see how you feel about it, and better understand what else we can do to improve the PVP.net experience on the above-named resolutions. Please spend some time poking around on PBE once 3.8 has arrived and feel free to share your thoughts on other ways we can improve the smaller-resolution League experience.

    Riot on Vi's Change this PBE Patch

    Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

    The change currently on PBE is obviously still in testing. However I need to jump in here to clarify that even with this change Vi's ultimate is still unstoppable it simply doesn't discard the CC, however she will feel the effects of the CC when the charge ends. Knockbacks and Knockups however since they are displacing the charging champion's movement are completely ignored to allow the Ultimate to complete.

    What does this mean in game?
    If Vi uses her ultimate on Lux who lands a light binding while charging. Vi will finish the charge and smash Lux into the ground. Then, Vi will be rooted for the remainder of the duration of the binding.

    The other ultimates with similar mechanics such as Malphite also have this change, however totally blocking CC effects was not directly referenced in tooltips outside of Vi's before which is why you are only seeing a change in hers.

    Champions effected by this change iirc are Malphite, Hecarim, J4, Nocturne, and Vi. The goal here is to add a little bit more counterplay to these abilities while still keeping them "unstoppable". We want these abilities to be uninterruptable and they will, however we also don't feel that them completely nullifying other champions crowd control effects and cooldowns even after the charge is compete is fair. We felt this was a nice and logical compromise, but we'll see how testing goes.

    I'll work on the tooltip wording to try and make this a bit more clear. I don't feel this will ultimately be a bit power hit but if we feel it is - or becomes one we'll adjust the individual champions effected as needed.

    Riot on the Lissandra Changes

    Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

    Our goal with the Lissandra changes currently in testing was to shift Lissandra's power a little bit more towards utility (lower W CD, stronger slow at higher levels on ult) and away from burst (base damage at higher ranks on W and ult). These changes aren't intended to be a nerf and shouldn't impact her laning phase much at all, bar the lower W CD. We suspect they may actually may be a slight buff, though it's that realignment of power towards desired strengths that's the key thing here.

    In terms of overall performance Lissandra's also still pretty new so we're still assessing her overall state as well, particularly given some people started playing her in her first week, others when she dropped to 6300 IP and yet more of course during her current free week. This means quite a wide range of experience on her from individual players, resulting in a fair bit of variation in performance still.

    Riot on Annie Changes

    Originally Posted by Riot (View RedTracker Source)

    Please realize that the PBE changes are datamined from just the tooltips.

    The tooltip for the stats just got moved to the spell level up tooltip. There is also another siginificant buff we are testing that the datamining missed.

    Super important - Everything below is from the air client, which has now been removed (5 mins after being uploaded) by a second, third, and fourth air client patch. Read up top for a quess on why. These abilities look to have been released too early.


    [R] - Summon: Tibbers - Now lasts for 60 seconds (up from 45)
    [R] - Summon: Tibbers - No longer lists "and his Health,Armor,Magic Resist,and Attack Damage increase with rank. (Can not confirm if this is just a tooltip change, or a real change)
    [R] - Summon: Tibbers - Now costs 100 mana (changed from 125/175/225 Mana)

    [Q] - Twin Bite - Basic attacks now reduce the cooldown by .5 seconds
    [W] - Burnout - Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout by 1 second to a maximum of 4 seconds.
    [E] - Flame Breath - Now deals 80/110/140/170/200 (down from 80/125/170/215/260)
    [E] - Flame Breath - Now hits all enemies it passes through
    [E] - Flame Breath - No longer burns for a % of armor for 4 seconds, instead applies a debuff for 5 seconds "Basic attacks to debuffed targets deal 25% of Flame Breath's damage on-hit."
    [R] - Dragon's Descent - No longer has "reinforces her scales,increasing her Armor and Magic Resist by 10/15/20.Defensive bonuses are doubled in Dragon Form."
    [R] - Dragon's Descent - Now has "generates 1 fury every 1.5 seconds.Basic Attacks generate 2/3/4 fury."
    Passive - No idea what this is until we get a game client. Looks like riot is still working on her

    [W] - Titan's Wrath - DoT now does 40/55/70/85/100 (changed from 30/55/80/105/130)

    [E] - Permafrost - Slow now lasts for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds. (changed from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 seconds.)
    [R] - Glacial Prison - Now stuns for 1.25/1.5/1.75 (Down from 1.5/1.75/2)
    [R] - Glacial Prison - Now slows for 1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds (Down from 1.5/1.75/2)

    [Passive] - Warpath - "Can move through units" was removed from the passive text
    [R] - Onslaught of Shadows - Now does 150/250/350 (up from 100/200/300)
    [R] - Onslaught of Shadows - Ratio is now 100% (up from 40%)
    [R] - Onslaught of Shadows - No longer lists "dealing an additional 50/125/200 (+)magic damage and"

    [Q] - Taste Their Fear - Now increases isolated damage by 45% instead of saying increased to 100/145/190/235/280
    [Q] - Taste Their Fear - Now does 8% of missing health (down from 12%) now states that it can be increased by isolation
    [W] - Void Spike - Now slows enemies by 20% for 2 seconds
    [W] - Void Spike - Evolved version no longer has "Consumes Unseen Threat to slow and damage all enemies struck."
    [W] - Void Spike - now costs 55/60/65/70/75 Mana (down from 60/70/80/90/100 Mana)
    [R] - Void Assault - can now be cast again within 12 seconds (up from 10)
    [R] - Void Assault - Evolved version can now be cast 4 times ( up from 3) however no longer has 40% reduced damage while in stealth.

    [W] - Ring of Frost - now deals 65/100/135/170/205 (down from 70/110/150/190/230)
    [W] - Ring of Frost - Now costs 55 mana (down from 70)
    [W] - Ring of Frost - Now has a cooldown of 16/14/12/10/8 (Changed from 18/16/14/12/10)
    [R] - Frozen Tomb - Now deals 150/275/400 (Down from 150/300/450)
    [R] - Frozen Tomb - Now slows by 20% / 30% / 40% (up from always 20%)

    [R] - Assault and Battery - Tooltip now says immune to Knowckups and Knockbacks instead of "Crowd Control"

    [W] - Focused Resolve [Mantra'ed] instead of healing for 25% of missing health over the duration, is now instantly healed for 20% and then another 20% if the chain is not broken

    [Passive] - Blaze - Now deals 8% over 4 seconds instead of 2% per second for 4 seconds

    [Passive] - Twin Disciplines - Basic attacks now always do an additional 6% BMD increasing by 1% for every 6 AP (No longer "upon obtaining 20 AP)
    [Passive] - Twin Disciplines - No longer has "upon obtaining 10 Bonus Attack, Now gains 6% spell vamp (down from 8)
    [W] - Twilight Shroud - Cost is now always 60 (changes from 80/75/70/65/60)
    [W] - Twilight Shroud - Cooldown is now 20/19/18/17/16 (instead of always 20)
    Diff Tables

    Spoiler (click to show)

    Berserker's Greaves

    Now costs 175 (up from 150)
    Boots of Mobility

    Now costs 675 (up from 650)
    Boots of Speed

    Now costs 325 (down from 350)
    Boots of Swiftness

    Now costs 675 (up from 650)
    Doran's Ring

    Now gives 60 health (down from 80)
    Now costs 400 gold (down from 475)
    Doran's Shield

    Now gives 10 HP5 (up from 8)
    no longer gives 5 armor
    Now blocks 8 damage (up from 6)
    Now costs 440 (down from 475)
    Ionian Boots of Lucidity

    Now costs 675 (up from 650)
    Madred's Razors

    Passive Maim has changed: Now deals 70 bonus magic damage to Monsters (instead of 25% chance of doing 300 damage to monsters and minions)
    No longer has rend

    Mercury's Treads

    Now costs 475 (up from 450)
    Nashor's Tooth

    Now gives 60 AP (down from 65)
    New passive: Basic attacks deal 15 (+15% of Ability Power)bonus magic damage on hit.
    Now costs 850 (up from 430)
    Ninja Tabi

    Now costs 375 (up from 350)
    Recurve Bow

    Now costs 900 (down from 950)
    Sorcerer's Shoes

    Now costs 775 (up from 750)
    Spirit of the Elder Lizard

    Now gives 35 AD (down from 45)
    Spirit of the Spectral Wraith

    Now gives 40 AP (down from 50)
    Wit's End

    Now gives 42% Attack Speed (up from 40)
    Now steals 5 MR from target (instead of just granting 5)
    now stacks up to 5 times (up from 4)
    Now costs 600 gold (down from 850)
    New Recipe: Recurve Bow + Null Magic Mantle + Dagger + 600 gold = 2300 gold
    Wriggle's Lantern

    Now gives 20 AD (up from 15)
    Now gives 15% life steal (up from 10%)
    Passive Maim has changed: Now deals 110 bonus magic damage to Monsters (instead of 25% chance of doing 500 damage to monsters and minions)
    Now costs 500 (up from 100)
    Crystal Scar Items

    Archangel's Staff (Crystal Scar)
    +250 Mana
    +60 Ability Power
    +10 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Insight: Grants Ability Power equal to 3% of maximum Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +10 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each spell cast and Mana expenditure (3 second cooldown). Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at +750 Mana.
    Cost: 1140
    +250 Mana
    +20 Attack Damage
    +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Awe: Grants bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of maximum Mana.
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +8 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each basic attack, spell cast, and Mana expenditure (3 second cooldown).
    Transforms into Muramana at +750 Mana.
    Cost: 1000
    Rod of Ages
    +450 Health
    +450 Mana
    +60 Ability Power
    Passive: Grants +20 Health, +20 Mana, and +2 Ability Power per stack (max +200 Health, +200 Mana, and +20 Ability Power). Grants 1 stack per 40 seconds (max 10 stacks).
    UNIQUE Passive - Valor's Reward: Upon leveling up, restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds.
    costs: 740
    Tear of the Goddess (Crystal Scar)
    +250 Mana
    +7 Mana Regen per 5 seconds
    UNIQUE Passive - Mana Charge: Grants +8 maximum Mana (max +750 Mana) for each spell cast and Mana expenditure (3 second cooldown).
    Cost: 120
    nooooooooouuuuuuuu malady removed D: los efectos los distribuyeron entre el nashor tooth y la wirts end T_T
    Última edición por Morphio; 18/05/2013 a las 14:19

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  5. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  6. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!


  7. Ades de Manzana Avatar de Zemarko
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 may, 10

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    League Of Legends
    LA-Sur Zhem ~ Zemarko (en caso de ban)

    Mi SoundCloud. Mis composiciones.

  8. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Z_z Ver Mensaje
    es que vos sos demaciado pr0 para este mundo.

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  9. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Morphio Ver Mensaje
    es que vos sos demaciado pr0 para este mundo.

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