Soltar la trampa - Misión - World of Warcraft

esta quest es un quilombo , tenes que tirar Chispa de Raelorasz - Objeto - World of Warcraft al lado de una fogata que no esta , luego tiene que aparecer Keristrasza - PNJ - World of Warcraft y discutir y pelear con un malygos que no pude encontrar....

lo que hace la quest es : tiras la vengala en un lugar aunque no este la fogata , te pega en la cara.. y no pasa mas nada... y no aparece ninguno de los 2 dragones..

explicaicon en ingles:

1. Open your map. Move your character so that the arrow representing your position is directly above the "N" and to the left of "The" in "The Nexus" on the map. The bundle of wood you have to light is outside, in the snow.
2. Light the bundle of wood using the item provided to you, Raelorasz' Spark.
3. Take your hands off your keyboard and mouse, sit back, and enjoy the show. After a few minutes of NPC dialog and a scene where you ride a dragon, you should complete the quest. You do not have to do ANYTHING.
4. Turn in the quest at Transitus Shield.*

autocompletable aunque sea!

la quest la empieza y termina Raelorasz - PNJ - World of Warcraft
