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Gente, ¿alguno le estuvo prestando atención al No Man's Sky?

¿Qué les parece?
Los tipos que lo hicieron le estan metiendo puro énfasis a su "UN CHILLON DE PLANETAS TODOS DISTINTOS QUE PODES EXPLORAR POR 400 EONES Y NO VAS A DESCUBRIR TODOS BITCHES DON'T KNOW 'BOUT MY PROCEDURAL GENERATED ALGORYTHMS" y la posta posta que por mas tecnológico que sea el asunto, un juego tiene que tener misiones, objetivos, jugabilidad y un montón de cosas más para hacerlo divertido mas allá del universo para explorar y planeta de pitos mutantes azules #43.

Palabra de los devs:
What sort of missions and quests will there be?

There won't be traditional quests or missions in No Man's Sky, according to Sean Murray. When I spoke to him in March, he talked about the unconvincing nature of NPCs in games in general:

"They sit outside their shop, day and night, it doesn't seem to matter, they don't seem to be aware of what's going on. You will come up to them and you will be drenched in blood and they will still just talk to cheerily to you, you know?"

The idea of fetch quests in a game that wants you to keep moving onto new worlds, rather than returning to ones you've already seen, just didn't seem to fit. Instead, aliens will trade with you, and give you new technology, rather than send you on repetitive errands to—as Murray put it—fetch "space chickens."

“It would be so easy for us to do [fetch quests] but it feels like such a wasted opportunity and it feels like that's kind of something that other games do far better, that suits other games far more," Murray told me. "And it's never something that I have personally super-enjoyed or looked forward to.”