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Changing Rose Online Music Guide
by SHaW aka SunDance

The Existing Rose Online Music is Found in:
C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online\Sound\BGM

Step 1: Download & Install OGG Converter:

Step 2: Select the MP3 song you want and move that to the BGM FOLDER (C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online\Sound\BGM). Then get rid of the song you want to replace anyway you want and rename the new MP3 song as the same as the one you just replaced.

Step 3: Go to your desktop and you will see an icon that looks like two gears and is called OGG converter, double click that and select Evaluate, then Select MP3(MPEG Layer- 3) and select next. Click on Add files and find the new renamed MP3 song (C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online\Sound\BGM). Check the box next to the Location of the new renamed MP3 Song and select next.

Step 4: Now select OGG ( OGG Vorbis) and select next. Now you can change the quality of the OGG if you want or just select Next. Then make sure Prompt for choosing overwrite or skip, and also Launch file explorer and go to the output folder when converting finished are Both SELECTED...then select next and Select Convert.

Step 5: Once the convertion to OGG is finished a new Window will pop-up and you will see your renamed MP3 Song in OGG format. Move that file to your BGM(C:\Program Files\Triggersoft\Rose Online\Sound\BGM) and also remember to get rid of the old OGG with the same name as your MP3, anyway you like. Now you have your own music that will make rose even more fun to play.