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Tema: Video: Lament of the Highborne

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  1. #1
    Ex WaRCh1eF Avatar de Lendrogh
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    12 ago, 04
    Don Bosco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Video: Lament of the Highborne

    Cita Iniciado por Blizzard
    As leader of the last elven defenders, Sylvanas Windrunner suffered a terrible fate: her spirit was ripped from her body and transformed into a banshee. When the Lich King's power faltered, however, she and other undead were freed of Scourge control. She has since reclaimed her body and become queen of these undead rebels, the Forsaken. Although her heart is full of bitterness, she cannot forget the people she once loved... the kingdom she gave her life to defend.
    El archivo es un ejecutable que abre el downloader de Blizzard.

    Link Original:
    WoW -> Downloads -> Movies

    Me gustó mucho, esta bien hecho y el canto de la canción conocida de los HE está bueno, además hay un adelantito de Arthas en el video xD.
    Última edición por Lendrogh; 19/09/2007 a las 11:27

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