la beta arranca en julio y segun ign se lanza en setiembre para PC

muy sarpada la pagina principal chekeenla

unas imagenes

comentario de IGN
On the convention center floor of E3, in the Square Enix Boothemoth (it's a really huge booth!) we saw the first footage of the Final Fantasy XIV beta build. In fact, we saw it in 3D!

The demo began with our female character standing in Limsa Lominsa, which was described to us as a port city. In actuality, it was a series of enormous stone towers, both man-made and natural, connected by a series of bridges and stairways. Completely unsurprisingly, it looks incredible. Square rarely puts out a less-than-gorgeous game, and this ain't one of them. The light reflecting off of the surface of the ocean (which, we were told, changes as the sun moves), the rough stone walls, the seaside cliffs, everything is gorgeous.

We were told that – as a general rule – if you can see something in the background, you can go there. Actually getting there, though, could be a little more challenging than is entirely necessary, given that, like Final Fantasy XI before it, you cannot jump.

After wandering through the town, admiring the sights and sounds, we were then shown the battle system. Deep in a cave waited two giant crabs that we were tasked with destroying, with the help of another player on-hand. Our character was a Thaumaturge – a spellcaster with spells like drain and gravity. Running through the cavern was extremely reminiscent of scenes from other Final Fantasies, except it was filled with neutral jellyfish-like creatures.

Upon approaching the crabs, combat had to be toggled to "active mode." The Thaumaturge held out her weapon, the creature was targeted, and a spell was selected. When you hover your cursor over a spell, a portion of your stamina glows; this is what is used up when you cast the spell. Your stamina has a hard cap that isn't affected by level the way health and mana are, but it regenerates pretty quickly. The idea is that it will prevent you from chain-casting your most powerful spells over and over, as they use up large chunks of stamina.

So, the spell was used. Then there was a long an inexplicable pause before we saw any sort of effect. We were told that the spell was queued up, but it was difficult to tell. It eventually went off, and we queued another. Combat seemed to be very slow and methodical, much like XI, but with a much cleaner user interface. At about half-health, the crab turned tail and fled, and the Thaumaturge chased after it. There, the demo ended.

As for the 3D, it was nice but ultimately detrimental to the experience. The UI is flat and at the very front of the screen, making selecting enemies far away with an object that seems up-close not only confusing, but difficult. Luckily, the 3D was just a test, and Square are very adamant that it may not be 3D-compatible for launch.

We played the demo – for the most part – using a keyboard and mouse, but Final Fantasy XIV is also coming to the Playstation 3, and the preference for console was very apparent in the way the camera and character controlled, and the pacing of the combat. Our overall impression was that if Square Enix is going to satisfy both console players and the now-seasoned PC crowd, they are going to have to ensure that the PC version is as polished and user-friendly as the console version - a task Square seemed to neglect for their last online Final Fantasy.

mirense la pagina principal que esta barbara y tiene banda de info !!!
quien se prende conmigo a jugar esto cuando salga ? jeje :p

---------- Post added at 02:59 ---------- Previous post was at 02:58 ----------

"The game is scheduled to ship worldwide on September 30 for PC. The PlayStation 3 version will ship sometime in March 2011. The Beta for PC will begin this July. "