Shadow Bite is a new Felhunter ability with Patch 3.0.2. It causes shadow damage to a target, increased by the amount of DoT's the Warlock has on the target.

Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): This pet ability now does 15% increased damage for each of the warlock's damage-over-time effects on the target.

actualmente no aumenta el daño de Shadow Bite segun la cantidad de dots en el target, esta reportado en seccion de Spells, Talents, Pets y Glyphs de warlocks

POSIBLE FIX habria que testear:

trinitycore:#1220 ([WARLOCK] shadow bite damage and dots)

diff --git a/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp b/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp
index 37c0425..05b9d00 100755
--- a/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp
+++ b/src/server/game/Entities/Unit/Unit.cpp
@@ -10403,6 +10403,10 @@ uint32 Unit::SpellDamageBonus(Unit *pVictim, SpellEntry const *spellProto, uint3
if (spellProto->SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x00004000)
if (HasAura(200000))
DoneTotalMod *= 4;
+ // Shadow Bite (15% increase from each dot)
+ if (spellProto->SpellFamilyFlags[1] & 0x00400000 && isPet() && GetOwner())
+ if (uint8 count = pVictim->GetDoTsByCaster(GetOwnerGUID()))
+ AddPctN(DoneTotalMod, 15 * count);
// Steady Shot

diff --git a/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp
index 5b49011..168eb04 100755
--- a/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp
+++ b/src/server/game/Spells/SpellEffects.cpp
@@ -534,9 +534,6 @@ void Spell::SpellDamageSchoolDmg(SpellEffIndex effIndex)
if (m_caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT && m_caster->ToCreature()->isPet())
- // Get DoTs on target by owner (5% increase by dot)
- damage += int32(CalculatePctN(unitTarget->GetDoTsByCaster(m_caster->GetOwnerGUID()), 5));
if (Player* owner = m_caster->GetOwner()->ToPlayer())
if (AuraEffect* aurEff = owner->GetAuraEffect(SPELL_AURA_ADD_FLAT_MODIFIER, SPELLFAMILY_WARLOCK, 214, 0))