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Tema: Wowers CSGoers: League of DotA 2 - Toda la cumbia villera del gaming en un thread

  1. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    un chabon sin brazos hace un penta, y ustedes se quejan de que siguen en bronze IV o V


    Cita Iniciado por Sobchak Ver Mensaje
    Deadly Poison: No le cambia el grafico de torta del recount a erinyes.

  2. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    No se que tiene que ver un penta con Bronze V

  3. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Z_z Ver Mensaje
    Enm, no, lo confirmo riot, tiene tremendo hub usb para que la enchufen por todos lados
    Rocket Grab RANGE: 925COOLDOWN: 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16COST: 120 Mana

    ACTIVE: Blitzcrank fires his right hand at a straight line to the target area. If his hand encounters an enemy unit it will pull the target back to his location, dealing magic damage and stunning it for 1 second in the process.

    Power FistCOOLDOWN: 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5COST: 25 Mana

    ACTIVE: Blitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double his total attack damage and knock his target up in the air. This ability will reset Blitzcrank's attack timer when cast.

    si vos haces referencia a ESTE post There are more "demure" female champions than "sexy" ones. - Page 6 - League of Legends Community ; caiste como el mejor
    RiotZilean is joking and he is referring to a very popular thread in the GD, in which a user posted pictures of a comic that he drew. The thread was about "We dont have any decent male supports", arguing that taric was too fabulous, alistar was a cow, and blitzcrank was actually an asian schoolgirl sitting inside a robot and controlling grabs.

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  4. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  5. Night-Night Avatar de Z_z
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 ene, 09
    Por ahí

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

    es typo

  6. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  7. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Morphio Ver Mensaje

  8. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    no se si quedarme con la original o con la del gordo granudo eh....

    edit: la minita tiene mas cara de draven que de katarina xD

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  9. Re: Wowers Lolers!

    Cita Iniciado por Morphio Ver Mensaje

    no se si quedarme con la original o con la del gordo granudo eh....

    edit: la minita tiene mas cara de draven que de katarina xD
    es scarra :e

  10. El GIFero del pueblo Avatar de Bonadeo
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    En la estacion de poder

    Re: Wowers Lolers!

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