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Tema: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

  1. #1
    El gato de Gwin Avatar de Kehnidael
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    La isla del sol

    [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Status: Abierta.

    Overview - Updated for 3.2.2!
    Albeit updated and polished, the new Onyxia does not differ from her original version by a lot.

    The fight is once again split into three phases - ground, air, and ground again.

    During the first ground phase, Onyxia will perform a number of abilities typical for any dragon - frontal Flame Breath and Cleave, Tail Sweep behind her, and Wing Buffet. The last one is different than the traditional wing buffets you might be used to seeing - it affects only players in front of her, hitting them for a fairly high amount of unmitigatable physical damage, and knocking them back. Simply tank Onyxia next to a wall, to avoid accidental Tail Sweeps and Cleaves in the DPS.

    Phase 1 will continue until Onyxia's health reaches 65%. At that point she will lift off, ignore all threat, and enter Phase 2. Note that while she is flying, melee cannot hit Onyxia, even if they stand underneath her.

    There are two kinds of adds you need to deal with in this phase - Whelps and Lair Guards. The Whelps will spawn in packs of 40 (20 on each side). The first wave will come shortly after the beginning of Phase 2, and every ~90 seconds another wave will hatch. Keep them grouped and AoE them quickly, as they are hard to tank for longer periods of time. The Lair Guards spawn more frequently (a pair every ~30 seconds), but are significantly easier to kill, as long as you assign a few ranged DPS to them. They need to die quickly, as their abilities can be dangerous even for geared tanks.

    As far as Onyxia's abilities go, the second phase is the toughest to go through. The occasional Fireballs that splash to nearby targets are not too bad, but the Deep Breath (preceded by raid warning) is enough to decimate a raid. As soon as you see the raid warning, note where Onyxia is facing and run to her side as quickly as possible. If it's absolutely impossible for you to get to her sides, try to strafe to the sides at least.

    Phase 3 will begin when Onyxia's health reaches 40%. She will land, regain her abilities from Phase 1, and learn a couple extra. As soon as she lands, and occasionally afterward, Onyxia will send the entire raid running in fear for 3 seconds. She no longer drops aggro between phases, so your tank from Phase 1 should still have her. Tremor Totem and Fear immunities are especially helpful here, since Onyxia's powerful attacks, combined with a tank running in fear, and the lava eruptions all over the room can add up to quite a bit of damage.

    Level: ??
    Classification: Boss
    Health: 4,880,750 - 22,312,000

    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: ef859_504x_onyxia.jpg
Visitas: 17716
Tamaño: 41.1 KB
ID: 42132


    Phase 1: Land (100% - 65%)
    Flame Breath - Inflicts 18,850 to 21,150 (25-player: 28,275 to 31,725) Fire damage to enemies in a frontal cone.
    Cleave - Inflicts normal damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets.
    Wing Buffet - Inflicts 21,678 to 24,322 (25-player: 28,275 to 31,725) Physical damage to enemies in 20 yards frontal cone, knocking them back. Ignores armor.
    Tail Sweep - Inflicts 8,325 to 9,675 (25-player: 12,025 to 13,975) Physical damage to enemies behind the caster, knocking them away.

    Phase 2: Air (65% - 40%)
    Fireball - Inflicts 4,713 to 5,287 (25-player: 7,069 to 7,931) to enemies in a 10 yards area.
    Breath - Inflicts 6,375 to 8,625 Fire damage every 0.25 seconds for 6 seconds to enemies in a frontal cone. Damage is based on proximity to the center of the cone.
    Summon Onyxia Whelp - Onyxia will spawn 40 Onyxian Whelps in the beginning of Phase 2. Packs of 40 will continue spawning every ~90 seconds from then on. The whelps only have melee attack.
    Summon Lair Guard - Onyxia will summon 2 Onyxian Lair Guards every ~30 seconds while in Phase 2. They use Cleave, Blast Nova (Fire AoE), and Ignite Weapon (additional Fire damage to targets in melee range), all of which are devastating to melee.

    Phase 3: Land
    Flame Breath - Inflicts 18,850 to 21,150 (25-player: 28,275 to 31,725) Fire damage to enemies in a frontal cone.
    Cleave - Inflicts normal damage plus an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets.
    Wing Buffet - Inflicts 21,678 to 24,322 (25-player: 28,275 to 31,725) Physical damage to enemies in 20 yards frontal cone, knocking them back. Ignores armor.
    Tail Sweep - Inflicts 8,325 to 9,675 (25-player: 12,025 to 13,975) Physical damage to enemies behind the caster, knocking them away.
    Bellowing Roar - Raid-wide 3-second fear. Used in the beginning of Phase 3, and occasionally during it.
    Eruption - Inflicts 5,184 to 5,816 (25-player: 7,069 to 7,931) Fire damage to players hit by it.
    Whelps - Significantly fewer Onyxian Whelps will spawn in Phase 3.

    PD: salio copy&paste, no se traducir bien y con el google no se va a entender... asi se entiende...
    Última edición por Kehnidael; 21/02/2012 a las 03:48

  2. #2
    pve > pvp
    Fecha de Ingreso
    16 jun, 09
    San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Esta cerrada

    Team Pve

    Pleo - Mage Fire 80 . Nydelin - Shaman Resto-Ele 80
    Muradiin - Paladin Holy 80 . Since - Death Knight Blood-Frost 80
    Siciliana - Rogue Asessination-Subtely 80 . Viviann - Fury-Arms 80
    Under Construction:
    Vizantino - Lock Affly 22
    Nimiz - Hunter Bm 62
    Primate - Priest Shadow ---

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de Markens
    Fecha de Ingreso
    15 oct, 09

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Para no crear otro post al pedo. La onda es abrirla en breve?
    Death's Demise.

  4. #4
    El gato de Gwin Avatar de Kehnidael
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    La isla del sol

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Cita Iniciado por Markens Ver Mensaje
    Para no crear otro post al pedo. La onda es abrirla en breve?
    arme el post del comentario de rb, "algunos cambios en onyxia", desp me encontre q esta cerrada, no way

  5. #5

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    pero rata dijo hace poco por server q dentro de una semana maso la abre para test

  6. #6

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair


    El otro día lei que rata dijo algo de onyxia, no llegué a leerlo, pero ya pusieron alguna fecha para inicio de test?
    Try Not To Lose Your Mind
    Everybody Just Have A Good Time

  7. #7

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Porque esta todo en ingles.? que onda estos flacos.?
    da terrbile paja copiar y pegar en el traductor.

  8. #8

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Cita Iniciado por Juanmma Ver Mensaje

    El otro día lei que rata dijo algo de onyxia, no llegué a leerlo, pero ya pusieron alguna fecha para inicio de test?
    Anoche entró RB y dijo que hoy la habría, no fué muy claro en varios puntos, pero supongo que cuando la habra va a especificar y aclarar todo.

  9. #9

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    habria? habra?


  10. #10
    Death's Demise Avatar de AredainSp
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Re: [Raid 10-man] Onyxia's Lair

    Acabo de logear cerca, asi que aproveche a ver si se podia entrar.
    Esta abierta, pude entrar a la raid. No se si por un error de Rata o porque la abrio y se olvido de comentarlo...
    Aredain - Rogue Assassination PvE
    Antioch - Druid Balance PvE

    Si, no hago PvP, y que?
    Ulduar Realm First! Death Demise
    ToGC Realm First! Grand Crusader
    Maldito Speedy, me hizo perder el de ICC

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