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Tema: piercing shot

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  1. #1

    piercing shot

    basicamente anda como el reverendo orto

    Disparos perforadores - Hechizo - World of Warcraft

    cito wowhead
    From my tests on the PTR, it appears the way this ability works is, if you get more than one piercing shot effect within 8 sec, then the bleed ticks (which tic every 1 sec) will be temporarily increased. However, 8 sec after the first crit which started the piercing shot effect, the value of the tick will decrease, essentially taking it off the "stack", so to speak.

    For example, if you get a chimera shot crit for 7k, then 2 sec later a steady shot crit for 4k, your piercing shot ticks will look like this (assuming no other crits, of course):

    :01: 262
    :02: 262
    :03: 412
    :04: 412
    :05: 412
    :06: 412
    :07: 412
    :08: 412
    :09: 150
    :10: 150

    no esta andando para nada... la parte del multiblood... el segundo blood no esta agregando practicamente casi nada de daño al primero...
    mañana pongo imagenes.. cuentas y todo eso que a ustedes les encanta y rata nunca lee .p
    Última edición por sebakpo; 22/11/2012 a las 18:37

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