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Tema: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

  1. #1
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Talking Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    Asi es, la vercion 2.0 de este conocido mod de q3 acaba de salir antes de ayer.

    We are proud to announce the release of Jailbreak: Prisoners of War 2.0 today to the public. After 2 long years we have put together a very polished and professional product that we think everyone will enjoy. For those unfamiliar with the Jailbreak concept here is a quick run down:

    Jailbreak: Prisoners of War (JB: PoW) is a teamplay modification for Quake III Arena in which your objective is to send all of the players on the opposing team to jail. Whenever you frag an opposing player, they respawn in the jail within your base. Sounds easy, right? Too bad that while you are trying to frag the opposing team, they will also be trying to make YOUR team jailbait! You can free your jailed teammates by entering the enemy base and pressing the release button. It also may be possible for inmates to escape from jail, if they work together.
    Para mas info y bajar el mod:

  2. #2
    Die!!! Fuckingg!! Doggis! Avatar de Re1Ko™ @kc
    Fecha de Ingreso
    11 ago, 04
    Hurlingham Bs. As.

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    nice, gracias nick

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Die!!! Fuckingg!! Doggis! Avatar de Re1Ko™ @kc
    Fecha de Ingreso
    11 ago, 04
    Hurlingham Bs. As.

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    gracias tranthor

  5. #5
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    tranthor eso mismo esta en la parte donwloads de la pagina q yo puse :p

  6. #6

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    Gone for good!! )

  7. #7

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    con jorge rial

  8. #8

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    Lo probamos en la lan el finde que viene?
    System Failure

    No Obstacles, Only Challenges..

  9. #9

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    puede ser...
    ahora si q esta todo escrito, buena nick

  10. #10
    Loco de la Guerra! Avatar de n1Ck
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 ago, 04
    En mi asiento

    Re: Salio el Jailbreak: Prisoners of War v2.0

    jajaja, chupala

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