Death Coil - Spell - World of Warcraft

el asunto es que el spell esta tomado como un "fear" y no como un "horror" que son cosas distintas.
death coil es una clase especial de CC. pertenece a la categoria HORROR y es el unico integrante de la misma.

el asunto es que todo efecto que haga a un target inmune al fear, deberia ser totalmente controlable por el death coil
cosas como el Death Wish - Spell - World of Warcraft (cambio el funcionamiento con wolk) Berserker Rage - Spell - World of Warcraft (tambien cambio, aca solo es inmune a fears) y The Beast Within - Spell - World of Warcraft no deberian convertir en inmune al death coil.
es la herramienta que tiene el warlock para lidear contra warriors. sobretodo para los affli que dependen de el tiempo para matar a su objetivo.

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Since it's an instant cast, it gains 42.86% of your +dmg. It can't crit, it can't be dispelled by fear dispels because it's a horror effect, it's affected by Fel Armor, etc.
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as you can read on the spell's description, this is a horror effect, NOT a fear effect, therefore, Berserker Rage / Death Wish does not remove it nor makes the warrior immune to it. I believe this is also true for The Beast Within, although I've never tested it.
Death Coil is a "horror" effect (the only member of this category, so far). As such, fear countering abilities will not be effective against it.
