Parrys no...

Eh acabo de leer otra cosa que no sabia.


- Enchants & Weapon Choices

Executioner MH and Mongoose OH are still your best options for your execute weapons, as crit & ArP scale your Execute damage faster than AP, and the haste & crit from Mongoose can help generate a little extra rage.

Formerly, for Execute range it was recommended that you equip two fast weapons (1.5 speed or faster) so that you are able to punch Execute on every available cooldown. Daggers with these stats are acceptable, as Execute is not normalized nor is it based on weapon damage. Look for items with haste, crit, hit ideally.

However, in WotLK I have had good results in a TG build with continuing the normal rotation, but dropping instant Slams and Heroic Strikes for Executes. This also can save you dkp and cash by not having to maintain 4 weapons and their corresponding enchants. Thusly it is recommended that you not execute every GCD, nor switch to faster 1 handers for this phase as we used to.

Basicamente lo que dice es que: Cuando llega al rango de execute es bueno tener armas rapidas de 1.5 o mas, incluso dagas....obviamente que tengan stats equivalentes (o mejores) a las pesadas 2h. Y tirar Execute apenas este libre.

Pero que si usas las 2H solo tenes que seguir con la clasica rotacion y reemplazar los Slams/HS por Executes. No tirar Executes a lo loco.

Donde esta el Dr. Vitsuba cuando se lo necesita? EH? EH?