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Tema: talentos cataclism

  1. #1

    talentos cataclism

    saquense los ojossss perrrrrrras

    Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

  2. #2
    BluesMan Avatar de armosa
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 08
    General Roca

    Re: talentos cataclism

    creo que algo asi en shadow Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
    Tu Vieja In Panic

    Armosa ShadowPriest

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Re: talentos cataclism

    Cita Iniciado por armosa Ver Mensaje
    creo que algo asi en shadow Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
    Para que querés "dark thoughts" si tenés "improved shadowform" que hace lo mismo pero mejorado :S.
    Y improved mana burn me parece re inutil para p. shadow xD.

  5. #5
    Titán Avatar de Eychan
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 ago, 09
    Arathi Basin

    Re: talentos cataclism

    Algunas cosas interesantes del priest.

    "Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit will be removed from the game. As Spirit will be the primary mana-regeneration stat, we don't want it to vary as much between solo, small group, and raid play. Blessing of Kings and Mark of the Wild will not boost Spirit either."

    "Neither Inner Fire or Inner Will will have have charges." O.o

    "We want to bring back Shadow Word: Death as an "execute" -- something you do when the target is at 25% health."

    ---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

    Cataclysm Guide: Statistic Changes - Wowhead

    Cambian muchas cosas de stats, lean!

  6. #6
    BluesMan Avatar de armosa
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 08
    General Roca

    Re: talentos cataclism

    sa , puede q este al pedo , pero por ahi para castear cosas shadow sin shadowform ayuda , pero hay mejores cosas para poner , la hice a refilon la build esa
    Tu Vieja In Panic

    Armosa ShadowPriest

  7. #7
    No se me ocurre nada Avatar de dahakamdq
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Santa's Village

    Re: talentos cataclism

    Bueno voy a poner algunas cosas

    1ero: ¿que les parece la cantidad de buff que tenemos?

    Holy priest: Health -- Warlock (probably Destruction), Warrior
    osea forty
    5% Spell Haste -- Shaman, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest, Destro Warlock
    Replenishment -- Shadow Priest, Frost Mage, Survival Hunter, Destruction Warlock, Retribution Paladin
    y debuff
    25% Healing Taken -- Arms Warrior, Fury Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Frost Mage, Shadow Priest

    No les parece medio pijoteros? si curas solo 1 buff y siendo shadow 5 ( contando VE ) mientras otras clases tienen entre como el rogue que antes practicamente no tenia tiene 7 o el shaman y pala tienen 9 y 10

    De talentos es medio al pedo hablar por que no se modifico practicamente nada, chakra seria un tema interesante, pero se quejan mucho del consumo de mana para mantener el chakra que queres activado, por ejemplo una build asi
    Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
    te estas quedando sin mana y decidis hacer archangel tirando 3 smite ( seguramente alguno con surge of ligth que lo hace instant y gratis ) pero al tirar 3 ya cambia el chakra a smitero obligandote depsues a gastar 3 heals enretomar el chakra,

    Shadowy Apparition <NNF> - Spell - World of Warcraft creo que es de los mejores talent que vi, combinado con el nuevo mind melt solo tenes 1 spell castable ( VE y mind flay que es canalizado ) y podes correr para todos lados, mientras haces mas de tu 80% de tu dps.
    Última edición por dahakamdq; 04/08/2010 a las 16:02

    Anduin: Dad I am priest
    Varian: Son I am disappoint
    Hyatt Montesplash
    Si queres ir al ofi y linkear tirame pm... apurate no llego a fin de mes

  8. #8
    No se me ocurre nada Avatar de dahakamdq
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Santa's Village

    Re: talentos cataclism

    nueva build


    * Soul Warding now is a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 6. No longer reduces the mana cost of Power Word: Shield.
    * Focused Will now is a Tier 6 talent. Up from Tier 5.
    * Evangelism revamped - You have a 100% chance when you Smite and a 40% chance when you Mind Flay to gain Evangelism. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts for 15 sec. Evangelism (Smite) - Increasing the damage done by your Smite, Holy Fire, and Penance spells by 2/4% and reduces the mana cost of those spells by 3/6%. Dark Evangelism (Mind Flay) - Increases the damage done by your Periodic Shadow spells by 1/2%.
    * Archangel revamped - Consumes your Evangelism effects, causing an effect depending what form you are in. Archangel (Caster) - Instantly restores 3% of your total mana and increases your healing done by 3% for each stack. Dark Archangel (Shadowform) - Instantly restores 3% of your total mana and increases your shadow damage done by 3% for each stack.
    * Improved Mana Burn is gone.
    * Borrowed Time is back as a Tier 4 talent. Borrowed Time - Grants 5/10/15% spell haste for your next spell after casting Power Word: Shield, and increases the amount absorbed by your Power Word: Shield equal to 4/8/12% of your spell power.


    * Mind Flay now deals damage over 5 sec. (Up from 3 sec)
    * Twisted Faith is now a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 6.
    * Pain and Suffering is now a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 6. Now 2-Ranks instead of 3.
    * Empowered Shadow Orbs now is a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 5. Now gives you a 50/100% chance to gain a Shadow Orb when critically hit by any attack. (Up from 33/66%)
    * Shadowy Apparition is now a Tier 6 talent. Down from Tier 5.
    * Shadow Power is gone.
    * Shadowform now increases all nearby friendly targets spell haste by 5%.
    * Improved Shadowform is now called Phantasm and no longer increases spell crit while in Shadowform.
    * Improved Devouring Plague is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3.
    * Veiled Shadows is now a Tier 1 Talent. Down from Tier 2.
    * Spirit Tap is gone.
    * Sin and Punishment *New* - When your Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller and all nearby enemy targets within 6 yards have a 50/100% chance to be instantly feared in horror for 3 sec.

    el nuevo evangelism shadow es una especie de la habilidad de la shadowmourne, aumenta hasta 15% de periodicos y cuando usas archangel tenes el bonus en todos los spells + el mana extra
    Última edición por dahakamdq; 05/08/2010 a las 12:15

    Anduin: Dad I am priest
    Varian: Son I am disappoint
    Hyatt Montesplash
    Si queres ir al ofi y linkear tirame pm... apurate no llego a fin de mes

  9. #9

    Re: talentos cataclism

    Improved mana burn is gone?

    Podrá haber una verdadera guerra de dps, o habrán peteado y ahora es a ver quien se queda sin maná primero a heleasos?
    Syrevanac - Priest healer 80
    Syrevanax - Shaman Enha (under construction)

    WoW, metete el Sir en el orto

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

  10. #10
    No se me ocurre nada Avatar de dahakamdq
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Santa's Village

    Re: talentos cataclism

    capaz lo sacan, pero lo incorporan como base

    Anduin: Dad I am priest
    Varian: Son I am disappoint
    Hyatt Montesplash
    Si queres ir al ofi y linkear tirame pm... apurate no llego a fin de mes

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