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Tema: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

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  1. #1

    Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    Aca voy a ir poniendo las novedades que encuentre respecto a LUDMILLA, WDDG y todo lo que nuevo q vea concerniente al mundo de emulacion del warcraft.

    Voy a destacar que WDDG es la database, no el emulador en si.

    03/05/2005 - 17:41 P.M.

    Esta que pongo a continuacion NO es la que salio el 1 de abril, es una que salio hoy a las 3 de la tarde
    Cita Iniciado por Wddg Staff
    WDDG Armageddon v0.4341.1.4



    +Again did some updates on AI Feature, should be fully working now, no more jumping or floating animals. <= Por Fin!

    +Added new wowemu v0.4341.1.4 ( Thanx To Catvir )

    +Added Portals to all major Cities.

    +Added telorting scroll salesman to all major cities.

    +Fixed alot of factions, npcflags....etc...

    +Fixed quest in human Start town where certain warlocks could not get the necassery food crate to complete the powers of the void quest.

    +Fixed zepplin masters and few other npc's.

    +Fixed some guards that were hostile.

    +optomized the database for new emulator version. currently at 12.2MB after cleanup.
    Por lo q lei con respecto a LUDMILLA estan puliendo el combate para q sea mas realista, onda los bichos cuanto mas les pegas mas se enojan y eso determinan cuanto tiempo te van a estar persiguiendo, y que algunos "bailen" alrededor tuyo y cosas asi o_O y los bugs mas conocidos.

    Cuando vaya encontrando mas novedades voy a ir actualizando esto para q vean como va evolucionando la cosa, si alguien me sabe decir que versiones usan ahora los servers mas conocidos (gamers, 4players etc) para comparar, lo pongo aca.
    Salu2 !
    Última edición por Therion; 03/05/2005 a las 17:53

  2. #2

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    Probe la base de datos Armageddon en el primer release que hicieron y la verdad que es una mierda, Valley of Trials (Start point de orcos y trolls) esta incompleto y los GameObjects estan para el culo :S

    Se me hace que spawnean lugares muy avanzados, dejando a los n00bs sin nada :(
    Última edición por Lobo Gris; 03/05/2005 a las 18:35

  3. #3

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    Este es el 3er release, y te digo que probe en el server publico de wddg y esta bastante bien dentro de todo, me funcionaron muchas quests que antes no andaban, los guardias te dan indicaciones, no hay tantos bichos "saltando" como locos y ya no podes buguear a un bicho lvl 50 con un pj lvl 1 y matarlo , y tambien vi arreglados muchos npcs que venden.
    Lo unico que me parecio garcha es q estaba haciendo la quest de los 2 guardias muertos y un murloc te tira un fireball que te hace mierda, y despues apareces en la concha del mono (en la iglesia del principio esa), y que algunos bichos tiran una cantidad jodidamente bestial de oro (un lobo lvl 7 pedorro como 5 de silver tiraba, y depsues otro lvl 9 tiraba 15 de copper xP ). Pero si no fuera por eso esta muchisimo mejor de lo que venia probando hasta ahora.

    Ah y ademas note que hay muchos mas bichos que antes en el lugar para noobs, esta llenisimo de lobos (donde empezas como humano), y si te haces el loco con alguna patota de bichos agresivos te agarran de a todos y te hacen kk, hay que matarlos con mas cautela.
    Última edición por Therion; 04/05/2005 a las 03:37

  4. #4

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    lo de los bolts es verdad, el murloc ese te tira un bolt de 600 de daño y solo es lvl 10..y coo dijistes en vez de renacer en goldshire aparecer en northshire, osea la conche del monoo

  5. #5

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    siguo esperando server, o ya hay alguno que ande bien. ustedes, estan jugando en alguno?

    Malvinas. 1982.

  6. #6

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database

    Ayer Salio una nueva version de QDB (la db de quests que esta haciendo el grupo IRPG en conjunto con los de WDDG)
    Cita Iniciado por QDB Manager v1.1.7 RC4 (for tests)
    After many days of waiting to see a new release from us (all you saw were the posts that are available just for des only), we are releasing now 1.1.7 RC4.

    As RC is present in this topic's title it means that this release is still a Release Candidate, so it is for tests purposes only (well, not really, enjoy it)... it is possible that this release will contains some bugs, but that's why we're releasing it, so you'll post them to be repaired for a stable release.

    What's new?
    1. Many quests an NPCs added (around 1800 quests and 2300 NPCs, see below)
    2. 100% compatibility with wowemu xxxx.1.4
    3. The blue ? (blue question mark) works perfect just for repeatable quests!
    4. XP calculation when you kill mobs is fully compatible with the .1.4 wowemu.
    5. Built-in AI, damage reduction, heartstone, damage-reduction, spell-effects, etc.
    6. Repaired reward_gold and spell_reward (just spells, not skills or other features... for these you still have to learn them manually via trainers or with commands as .learnsk or others)
    7. UNIQUE and HIDDEN quests... these are NPC independend. How are they working??? Here is the explanation:
    you'll find in /scripts a file named; it contains some informations like loglevel, AdminLevel, etc ... you can make your own config file (qdb.user.conf) to setup there those settings. Also you can enable/disable quests throught these files.
    After you set-up your admin level, then ingame as GM set-up yor level to be an Admin (.setlevel) and after that click any NPC you want .... and some new menus will appear.
    - quests statuses
    - Informations (like mem usage, loglevel, etc)
    - management for UNIQUE quests
    - management for HIDDEN quests
    - available quests, etc ...
    As you may finded out you may enable/disable a UNIQUE(HIDDEN) quest throught the "management for UNIQUE quests" menu...
    We are delivering some default UNIQUE quests like examples for you ("Money for GM", "Kronoss items set (parts 1, 2)", etc)...
    For UNIQUE quests: after enabling one of them : THESE QUESTS ARE TAKEBLE ONLY BY THE FIRST ONE WHO WILL TAKE IT. After that the quest will be automatically disabled. you'll find out by yourselves how they work...
    8. Configuration files
    - - this is generated automatically by QDBM at every install process. This means that it will be overwritten at any new install.
    - qdb.user.conf - this is a file that you should create. It is not overwritten by QDBM so if you set in this file some options, then they will remain so for ever!
    It is highlly recommended to create a qdb.user.conf file which should contain some info as following:
    server/log/level none <---- (the other options are "low", "medium" or "high" without dashes ofcourse...)
    server/admin/level 250 <-- (make it as you want, but remember that if it must be a number that a normal player cannot achieve by playing the game.)
    server/builtin/ai yes <----- (our AI is verry stable but for some people it may seem weird, because with it any mob which has a spell line in it's creature section, then it will cast it. ) remember that this feature enable (or disable) all our built-in features (AI, xp calculation, damage reduction, spell casting, etc)

    Also remember that if anyone will fight with a NPC (not MOB) then the XP will be verry small. So for ex if someone attacks a guardian then his reputation for that location will decrease and the XP will be verry small (on my server i was a warrior level 3 and used .kill command on a Stormwind Guardian(level 75) and I received only about 1000XP which is not that much for level 3 and killing a level 75 guardian!!!
    Si esto sigue asi en unos pocos meses ya va a estar casi todo hecho! o_O!

  7. #7

    Re: Novedades WoW: Emuladores/Database


    Después pruebo el "pack". :p

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