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Tema: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

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  1. #1

    Exclamation [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    Torneo Julio – Diciembre 2007

    Cita Iniciado por Bases del concurso
    Pueden participar de la fecha todos los usuarios de GX forums. Al torneo se podrán ir incorporando/desincorparondo los usuarios en cualquier momento. (Ej.: Un usuario que no participo de la primera fecha, podrá tranquilamente participar de la segunda. Asi como un usuario que no participo de las cuatro primeras fechas, lo podrá hacer en la quinta.)


    Diseñar una imagen en base a una canción a elección, haciendo referencia explicita o implícitamente a la letra/fragmento de la misma, expresando sensaciones o lo que tenga cada participante ganas de comunicar (se permiten abstracciones). El trabajo final debe ser presentado acompañado por la canción elegida y su letra.

    Formas de trabajo totalmente LIBRES: Fotomanipulaciones, collage, retoques, diseño de imagen, brushs, etc. Solo respetar tamaños y formatos.

    Tamaños / Formatos

    Trabajo a presentar: 600*600 px. como minimo y 1200*1200 px. como máximo, JPEG, PNG.

    NOTA: Las dimensiones pueden variar en ancho y alto sin sobrepasar el límite anteriormente mencionado. Ej: puedo presentar un trabajo de 708*1104 px.

    Comienza la recepción de trabajos en este mismo thread hasta el 05/08.

    Por favor solo postear trabajos, cualquier duda o consulta utilizar el thread de opinión de la tercera fecha. Recuerden leer las bases del torneo.

  2. #2

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    A song to say goodbye.

    A song to say goodbye - Placebo

    You are one of God’s mistakes
    You crying, tragic waste of skin
    I’m well aware of how it aches
    And you still won’t let me in

    Now I’m breaking down your door
    To try and save your swollen face
    Though I don’t like you anymore
    You lying, trying waste of space

    Before our innocence was lost
    You were always one of those
    Blessed with lucky sevens
    And the voice that made me cry

    My, oh my

    You were mother nature’s son
    Someone to whom I could relate
    Your needle and your damage done
    Remains a sordid twist of fate

    Now I’m trying to wake you up
    To pull you from the liquid sky
    ‘Cause if I don’t we’ll both end up
    With just your song to say goodbye

    My, oh my
    A song to say goodbye
    A song to say goodbye
    A song to say -

    Before our innocence was lost
    You were always one of those
    Blessed with lucky sevens
    And the voice that made me cry

    It’s a song to say goodbye
    Última edición por Vezred; 03/08/2007 a las 23:55

  3. #3

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    My Way - Limp Bizkit

    This time i’m a let it all come out
    This time i’m a stand up and shout
    I’m a do things my way,
    It’s my way,
    My way or the highway.

  4. #4
    La La La Avatar de CondemneD
    Fecha de Ingreso
    10 feb, 05
    Cap Fed. Bs As. Argentina

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    Hoobastank - Disappear

    There's a pain that sleeps inside
    It sleeps with just one eye
    And awakens the moment that you leave
    Though I try to look away
    The pain it still remains
    Only leaving when you're next to me...

    Do you know, that everytime you're near
    Everybody else seems far away
    So can you come and make them disappear
    Make them disappear and we can stay

    So I stand and look around
    Distracted by the sounds
    Of everyone and everything I see
    And I search through every face
    Without a single trace, of the person
    The person that I need...

    Do you know, that everytime you're near
    Everybody else seems far away
    So can you come and make them disappear
    Make them disappear and we can stay

    Can you make them disappear?
    Make them disappear

    There's a pain that sleeps inside
    Sleeps with just one eye
    And awakens, the moment that you leave
    And I search through every face
    Without a single trace, of the person
    The person that I need...

    Do you know, that everytime you're near
    Everybody else seems far away
    So can you come and make them disappear
    Make them disappear and we can stay

    Última edición por CondemneD; 03/08/2007 a las 03:45

    .liquiD! | CoD4 Player

  5. #5
    Polentarra Avatar de uruko
    Fecha de Ingreso
    10 oct, 06

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    El muelle de San Blas

    Ella despidió a su amor
    El partió en un barco en el muelle de san Blas
    él juró que volvería
    y empapada en llanto ella juró que esperaría..
    miles de lunas pasaron
    y siempre ella estaba en el muelle
    Muchas tardes se anidaron
    se anidaron en su pelo
    y en sus labios

    Llevaba el mismo vestido
    y por si él volviera no se fuera a equivocar.
    Los cangrejos le mordían
    su ropaje, su tristeza y su ilusión..
    y el tiempo se escurrió
    y sus ojos se le llenaron de amaneceres
    y del mar se enamoró
    y su cuerpo se enraizó
    en el muelle

    sola en el olvido
    sola con su espíritu
    sola con su amor el mar
    en el muelle de san Blas

    Su cabello se blanqueó
    pero ningún barco a su amor le devolvía,
    y en el pueblo le decían
    le decían la loca del muelle de san Blas.
    Y una tarde de abril
    la intentaron transladar al manicomio;
    nadie la pudo arrancar
    y del mar nunca jamás la separaron.

    sola en el olvido
    sola con su espíritu
    sola con su amor el mar
    en el muelle de san Blas

    Sola en el olvido
    Sola con su espíritu
    Sola con su amor el mar

    sola en el olvido
    sola con su espíritu
    sola con su amor el mar
    en el muelle de san Blas

    Se quedó
    Se quedó
    Sola, sola
    Se quedó
    Se quedó
    con el sol y con el mar
    Se quedó ahí
    Se quedó hasta el fin
    se quedó ahí
    se quedó en el muelle de san Blas

    Sola, sola, sola

    Album: Luna

    Espero les guste, y espero que la dimensiones eten bien porque cambiarlas no puedo ya que la fotografia de stock era de ese tamaño
    La parte de abajo a la derecha representa las noches que paso esperando y las de arriba a la izquierda los dias.
    Última edición por uruko; 04/08/2007 a las 15:12

  6. #6

    Scabbed wings by g-fishh

    He is the angel with the scabbed wings
    Hard-drug face, want to powder his nose
    He will deflower the freshest crop
    Dry up all the wombswith his rock and roll sores
    Is what he is, he does what he please
    The things that he has you'll never want to see
    What you're never gonna be now
    Sketch a little keyhole for looking-glass people
    You don't want to be him
    You only want to see him
    Mommy's got a scarecrow, gotta let the corn grow
    Man can't always reap what he sow
    "he is the maker"
    (he is the taker)
    "he is the saviour"
    (he is the raper)
    Get back you're never gonna leave him
    Get back you're always gonna please him

    Angel With the Scabbed Wings Lyrics - Marilyn Manson
    Última edición por FISH; 06/08/2007 a las 00:36

  7. #7
    Soy Positiva y Sarcástica
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 jul, 06

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    I'm through with standing in line
    To clubs we'll never get in
    It's like the bottom of the ninth
    And I'm never gonna win
    This life hasn't turned out
    Quite the way I want it to be

    (Tell me what you want)

    I want a brand new house
    On an episode of Cribs
    And a bathroom I can play baseball in
    And a king size tub big enough
    For ten plus me
    (So what you need?)

    I'll need a credit card that's got no limit
    And a big black jet with a bedroom in it
    Gonna join the mile high club
    At thirty-seven thousand feet
    (Been there, done that)

    I want a new tour bus full of old guitars
    My own star on Hollywood Boulevard
    Somewhere between Cher and
    James Dean is fine for me
    (So how you gonna do it?)

    I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
    I'd even cut my hair and change my name

    'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
    And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
    The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
    We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
    And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
    In the VIP with the movie stars
    Every good gold digger's
    Gonna wind up there
    Every Playboy bunny
    With her bleach blond hair

    Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
    Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

    I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels
    Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes
    Sign a couple autographs
    So I can eat my meals for free
    (I'll have the quesadilla, ha, ha)
    I'm gonna dress my ass
    With the latest fashion
    Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion
    Gonna date a centerfold that loves to
    Blow my money for me
    (So how you gonna do it?)
    I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame
    I'd even cut my hair and change my name


    And we'll hide out in the private rooms
    With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
    They'll get you anything with that evil smile
    Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

    Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

    I'm gonna sing those songs
    That offend the censors
    Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser
    I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs
    Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong


    And we'll hide out in the private rooms
    With the latest dictionary and today's who's who
    They'll get you anything with that evil smile
    Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial

    Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
    Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar

    2 + 2 = 5

  8. #8
    |bis·zum·bitteren·ende| Avatar de Gawayne
    Fecha de Ingreso
    10 feb, 05
    · pixie hollow ·

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    Parabol - Tool
    "So familiar and overwhelmingly warm
    This one, this form I hold now.
    Embracing you, this reality here,
    This one, this form I hold now, so
    Wide eyed and hopeful.
    Wide eyed and hopefully wild.

    We barely remember what came before this precious moment,
    Choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside...
    This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in
    This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion."

  9. #9

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

    You're Beautiful - James Blunt

    My life is brilliant.
    My love is pure.
    I saw an angel.
    Of that I'm sure.
    She smiled at me on the subway.
    She was with another man.
    But I won't lose no sleep on that,
    'Cause I've got a plan.

    You're beautiful, You're beautiful,
    You're beautiful, it's true.
    I saw your face in a crowded place,
    And I don't know what to do,
    'Cause I'll never be with you.

    Yes, she caught my eye,
    As we walked on by.
    She could see from my face that I was,
    Flying/Fucking high,
    And I don't think that I'll see her again,
    But we shared a moment that will last 'til the end.

    You're beautiful.
    You're beautiful, it's true.
    I saw your face in a crowded place,
    And I don't know what to do,
    'Cause I'll never be with you.
    You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
    You're beautiful, it's true.
    There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
    When she thought up that I should be with you.
    But it's time to face the truth,

    I will never be with you.
    I won't suffer, be broken

  10. #10

    Re: [Trabajos] Tercera Fecha - Torneo 2007

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