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Tema: 4chan Thread!

  1. Re: 4chan Thread!

    no, es natsu
    Esto ya no es rock mi amor, es pura suerte..

  2. StormGrox :D Avatar de Leg0litas
    Fecha de Ingreso
    18 nov, 06
    Argentina, Moreno :D

    Re: 4chan Thread!

    que pelotud. que es esta mina.
    Prueba del menú y después me dices .

  3. hhnng Avatar de Cecii
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 jun, 08

    Re: 4chan Thread!


  4. Re: 4chan Thread!

    Results: How 4chan are you?

    You are 69% 4chan material.

    You're an average 4channer - far from being a newfag, with plenty of knowledge of our subculture and various memes, and the potential to be downright hilarious at times. Yet you've managed to keep a few shreds of your sanity, and aren't the out-of-hand Anonymous that makes it to those news reports. In other words, you are the best kind of 4channer.

  5. Re: 4chan Thread!

    A mi me dio 84% y ni siquiera entro todos los dias, y ni siquiera entro mas de media hora, y ni siquiera entro a threads que no hayan tetas o faso.

  6. UMADBROH Avatar de miltonw
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 oct, 08
    Santa Fe

    Re: 4chan Thread!

  7. Darkness has arrived. Avatar de Pablitooohh
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 nov, 08
    In my little world

    Re: 4chan Thread!

    84% y de lo que preguntaba.
    Los videos juegos no tienen ninguna influencia sobre los niños...Quiere decir, si el Pac Man hubiese influenciado a nuestra generación...estaríamos todos corriendo en salas oscuras, masticando pildoras mágicas...y escuchando música electrónica..
    Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc 1989

  8. Re: 4chan Thread!

    por que estan haciendo ese quiz horrible?

  9. Shafo's Fan nº2 Avatar de Yoshi
    Fecha de Ingreso
    31 may, 08
    Campo de prisioneros de Shafo

    Re: 4chan Thread!

    __________________________________________________ ____

  10. Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: 4chan Thread!

    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

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