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Tema: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

  1. #61
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 dic, 08
    Black Vortex

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Cita Iniciado por garza Ver Mensaje
    Entonces es eso.-
    Decime si me equivoco, pero cuando te pegan en el combat log figura con que lo hicieron.

    Aca no dice "Brutal Swipe", solo dice "hit sarasa by 16xxx".

  2. #62

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Recien hicimos un full clean con la guild, reporto como andan los bosses.

    Akil'zon <Eagle Avatar>

    -Static Disruption: Deals 3,500 Nature damage to all enemies within a 12 yard radius. Also applies a debuff, causing all Nature damage taken to be increased by 25% for 20 seconds.Anda
    -Call Lightning: Deals 3,800-4,200 Nature damage to the target with the highest threat.Anda
    -Gust of Wind: Sends a target 80 yards into the air. Causes fall damage. Anda (creo que no son 80, o sea, con 80 yards deberias morir por el fall dmg, aca te saca 50% de la hp)
    -Electrical Storm: A channeled spell that targets and stuns a random player and causes Nature damage every 1 second for all players not within the storm cloud for 8 seconds. Each Nature strike causes double the damage of the previous strike until the spell is finished. No anda
    -Summon Eagles: Summons Soaring Eagles which do Eagle Swoop, dealing 1,721-1,999 Physical damage to a random player. They can and should be killed by ranged damage dealers. Anda

    Nalorakk <Bear Avatar>

    Nalorakk has two forms, which he alternates throughout the fight. Each form has its own unique set of abilities. He enrages after 10 minutes.

    Troll form:
    -Brutal Swipe: An attack that deals 28,500-31,500 Physical damage evenly spread out between two targets within an 8 yard frontal cone. This ability will deal full, undivided damage to a single player if there is no second target in range. Anda
    -Mangle: Causes all bleed effects to do 100% additional damage for 60 seconds. Anda
    -Surge: Charges an enemy, knocking them back for 10 yards while doing 3,700 to 4,300 physical damage. Anda

    Bear form:
    -Lacerating Slash: Bleeds the target for 1735 physical damage every 2 seconds for 18 seconds. Anda
    -Rend Flesh: Deals 5,525 to 7,475 physical as well as bleeds the target for 2335 physical damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Anda
    -Deafening Roar: Deals 1235 to 1365 physical damage and silences enemies for 2 seconds to all targets within a 50 yard range. Anda

    Jan'alai <Dragonhawk Avatar>

    -Flame Breath: A cone that has a long range but a small width, this does about 4-5k to people in a single line as well as periodic fire damage. It is important to minimize its damage by spreading out appropriately. Anda (el ancho esta bastante mas grande de lo que deberia)
    -Fire Bomb: He will periodically teleport raid members to him who are too far away. He will then begin spawning "time bombs" randomly throughout his area. After approximately 10 seconds they will blow up dealing fire damage in a 5-yard area. During this time, he puts up Fire Wall on the outer ring of his area so you cannot escape. Anda (las bombas son targeteables aca)
    -Summon Amani'shi Hatcher: About every 90 seconds during the fight he calls two Amani'shi Hatchers which will run to a side and begin hatching eggs into Amani Dragonhawk Hatchlings at an increasing rate: starting with one egg, and doubling every time. After spawning all of one side, the Amani'shi Hatcher will move to the other side and begin spawning on that side if not killed. Anda
    -Hatch All Eggs: At 35% health all the remaining eggs will spawn. It is important to allow Hatchers to break a few eggs throughout the fight and the kill the Dragonhawk Hatchlings before killing the Hatchers. Anda
    -Enrage: Increases attack speed by 50% and damage by 50%. The boss uses this either after five minutes or when he is down to 25% hitpoints, whichever comes first. This differs from his ten minute Enrage, which is intended as a raid wipe for allowing the fight to continue too long. Anda (el enrage de 5 min/25% anda, el otro no se, no duro tanto)

    Halazzi <Lynx Avatar>

    The encounter consists of three phases. Halazzi is a will fight alone (phase 1) until taken to 75%, 50% and 25%, at which point he splits into his Troll Spirit and a Spirit of the Lynx (phase 2). Reduce either spirit to 20% health to reunite them. Once reunited after the third split (25%), Halazzi transitions to phase 3. (no se separa, queda solo la humanoid form)

    Phase 1
    -Saber Lash: An attack dealing 12,000 physical damage split evenly between two targets in front of Halazzi. Anda
    -Enrage: Increases attack speed significantly; can be countered with Tranquilizing Shot. Me parecio que pegaba mas rapido, pero no lo targetie al boss, en breve confirmo con el tanke.

    Phase 2
    -Transfigure: Cast upon transformation, deals 4275 to 4725 nature damage to the entire raid. Anda
    -Lightning Totem: (Troll spirit) Summons a corrupted lightning totem which casts Lightning (deals 2565 to 2835 nature damage and chains to nearby players). Must be killed as soon as possible. No anda
    -Flame Shock: (Troll spirit) Deals 3,800 to 4,200 fire damage as well as dealing 2,498 to 2,902 fire damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds. It can and should be dispelled. Anda
    -Earth Shock: (Troll spirit) Deals 4370 to 4830 nature damage, interrupts any spell casts, and silences for 4 seconds. No sabria decirlo, no me fije.
    -Lynx Flurry: (Lynx spirit) Increases damage and attack speed. Can be countered with Tranquilizing Shot. No anda (no aparece el spirit)
    -Shred Armor: (Lynx spirit) Reduces the targets armor by 1000 for 8 seconds. May stack up to 10 times. No anda (no aparece el spirit)

    Phase 3
    -Halazzi uses all abilities from the previous phases together. Esto esta sujeto a lo anterior, o sea, tiraba todas las que andan.
    -He also enrages, dealing increased melee damage. Anda

    Hex Lord Malacrass

    -Hex Lord Malacrass comes with 4 random adds. Anda. Estan los adds, estan linkeados al boss y tienen las skills que deberian (por lo menos Darkheart, Alyson Antille, Slither y Fenstalker)

    -Casts Spirit Bolts on the raid. Damage increases with each soul drain. No anda
    -Every minute or so he will drain everyone of their power by 1% and giving it to himself, thus increasing his size and his damage by 10%. Places a stacking debuff on players that decreases their damage. No anda
    -Randomly casts soul drain on a raid member, absorbing the character's abilities and amplifying their power. The possible soul drains are:

    Druid - Lifebloom, Thorns, Moonfire
    Hunter - Explosive Trap, Freezing Trap, Snake Trap
    Mage - Fireball, Frostbolt, Frost Nova, Ice Lance
    Paladin - Consecration, Holy Light, Avenging Wrath
    Priest - Heal, Mind Control, Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Death, Psychic Scream, Pain Suppression
    Rogue - Blind, Slice and Dice, Wound Poison
    Shaman - Fire Nova Totem, Healing Wave, Chain Lightning
    Warlock - Curse of Doom, Rain of Fire, Unstable Affliction
    Warrior - Spell Reflection, Whirlwind, Mortal Strike
    No Anda

    Basicamente, lo unico que anda bien son los adds.


    -Zul'jin is a unique boss in that he draws his power from the animal aspects you encountered previously in Zul'Aman. Every time his health drops by 20%, he walks to the center of the platform and switches into another animal form. This transformation is a threat wipe and he [li]is immune to Taunt but debuffs (and DoTs) will remain on him.

    Phase 1: Troll Form
    -Whirlwind: AoE channeled attack which deals roughly 8000 unmitigated physical damage and lasts for 2 seconds.
    -Grievous Throw: Deals 4750 to 5250 unmitigated physical damage and places a non-dispellable DoT on the target inflicting 2375 damage every 2 seconds until the target is fully healed.

    Phase 2: Bear Form
    -Creeping Paralysis: Places a debuff on the entire raid. After six seconds, afflicted players will suffer 3923 to 4577 Nature damage and gain the debuff Paralyzed. Paralyzed players are stunned for 4s. Both debuffs are dispellable magic effects.
    -Overpower: Similar to a warrior's Overpower, he can use this ability whenever an attack is on his primary melee target is dodged, he can use an instant attack that causes roughly 5000 to 6000 damage on a main tank.

    Phase 3: Eagle Form
    -Energy Storm: Players afflicted by this debuff will be Zapped and take 1250 Nature damage every time they cast or use any ability with a mana cost.
    -Summon Cyclone: Four Feather Vortexes spawn, they look like tornadoes and move around. If a player touches one he will suffer roughly 1000 Nature damage and be knocked back.
    -While in Eagle Form, he remains stationary, and doesn't attack.

    Phase 4: Lynx Form
    -Claw Rage: Zul'jin focuses a random player other than the tank, and hits him 12 times with Claw Rage in about 6s. The first strike deals 500 damage. Every strike applies the stackable debuff Claw Rage, which increases the damage taken by consecutive attacks by 150. Thus, the second hit deals 650, the third 800, and so on. The last hit deals 2150 damage, for a total of 16k. Claw Rage attacks cannot miss, be dodged, parried, or blocked. If the focused player feigns/vanishes/etc, Zul'jin will then focus the tank.
    -Lynx Rush: Zul'jin will use this attack nine times in a row in quick succession. Every attack targets a random player, which can be anyone in the raid and the same player can be targetted for multiple hits. Lynx Rush deals 2138 to 2362 unmitigated physical damage and afflicts a debuff dealing 1500 physical damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.

    Phase 5: Dragonhawk Form
    -Flame Whirl: He gains this buff, rotates for 2s, then deals 919 to 1181 partially resistable Fire damage to the entire raid. This will also apply the Flame Whirl debuff, lasting for 35 seconds increases Fire damage taken by 50% and stacking up to ten times. This debuff cannot be resisted or dispelled. This skill has a 12s cooldown.
    -Flame Breath: A cone that has a long range but a small width, this does about 4-5k to people in a single line as well as periodic fire damage. It is important to minimize its damage by spreading out appropriately.
    -Pillar of Fire: Zul'jin will summon a Column of Fire on top of a random player (or pet), causing anyone within 4 yards of the pillar to Burn for 900 tp 1100 Fire damage every second for 10 seconds. There can be up to 3 columns at the same time.

    No hace absolutamente nada.

  3. #63
    Enrage Avatar de garza
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    In the Darkness

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    La ley de dos epicos por boss es real o si quieren te tiran uno solo? Ayer nos kbio largaron un solo item por loot.-

  4. #64

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Tiran 1 solo todos, menos Hex Lord y Zul Jin.
    Shuff - Minze - Fluss - Gaudio ~ Old School Ragnaros Healer Team.

  5. #65
    Enrage Avatar de garza
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    In the Darkness

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Gracias Pablo.-

  6. #66

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    No se si funciona el Timed event pero por cada boss (de los primeros 4) q haces timed deberias tener un extra loot en un chest. Por eso dicen q todos los bosses tiran 2 epicos.

  7. #67
    Enrage Avatar de garza
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    In the Darkness

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Como seria el orden cuando arranca el evento de matarlos en los tiempos de cada uno?

  8. #68

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Cuando tocas el bong se activa la instance y empezas con 20 o 25 mins si mal no me acuerdo, cada boss que matas te suma 2 min y tipitos rescatados (chest) que podes ir a abrir cuando quieras (al final en lo posible asi ahorras tiempo)
    Shuff - Minze - Fluss - Gaudio ~ Old School Ragnaros Healer Team.

  9. #69
    Enrage Avatar de garza
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    In the Darkness

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    Pero no importa el orden de los bosses? o sea, si mato al pajaron primero o al oso? y los chest ¿aparecen en la entrada o salen en el lugar del boss?

  10. #70

    Re: Raid [Ghostlands] Zul'Aman

    vallan con gente q sepa cordinar a matar a jan' alai, si que cordine para dejar q los troll liberen pajaritos en buenas cantidades durante la batalla, para q al 35% no les pase esto:

    PD: notese la valentía desmedida del autentico healer que prioriza la vida del tanke antes que la de el mismo.
    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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    Última edición por V0rteX; 26/08/2009 a las 02:16

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