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Tema: [spell] Starshards

  1. #1

    Exclamation [spell] Starshards

    Starshards es un spell channeled como un arcane missile del mago y un spell racial de los night elf spriest. el tema que el spell se lo puede tirar y uno empezar acorrer sin que se corte el cast.
    Starshards - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

  2. #2

    Re: [spell] Starshards

    y esta bien, no es channeled, es instant cast, supongo que se deberia hasta poder tirar corriendo y de espaldas

  3. #3

    Re: [spell] Starshards

    Cita Iniciado por thedeath Ver Mensaje
    Starshards es un spell channeled como un arcane missile del mago y un spell racial de los night elf spriest. el tema que el spell se lo puede tirar y uno empezar acorrer sin que se corte el cast.
    Starshards - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft
    amor de mi vida, porque no lees la cita entera??

    * Before Patch 2.3, Starshards was a channeled spell with a mana cost but no cooldown.

    AHORA es instantaneo
    Starshards is an Arcane-based instant Damage over Time spell. It is only available to night elf Priests.
    Starshards is a good augmentation to both Shadow Priests and Holy Priests. Due to the fact that it is Arcane, it can still be cast when the priests' Shadow and/or Holy schools are silenced.

    "When your inner instincts take control, your mind goes blank, your senses turn sharp, your body moves easy like a feather and the only thing you see is victory..."

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