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Tema: media hora matandome atras de la piedra

  1. #1

    media hora matandome atras de la piedra

    matar asi es de perdedores, habria que tener un poco de honor propio y no abusar de lo primero que puedas
    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: WoWScrnShot_050309_170953.jpg
Visitas: 792
Tamaño: 252.3 KB
ID: 32045  

  2. #2

    Re: media hora matandome atras de la piedra

    Aclaro para que no denuncien estas cosas.

    Los spells Channeling (Arcane Missil, Drain Life, Drain Mana,Mind Flay, etc) una vez casteados no hay forma de frenarlos salvo cortar el cast, esto es asi aca y en el oficial, osea, una vez casteados el LoS no los salva.
    Shuff - Minze - Fluss - Gaudio ~ Old School Ragnaros Healer Team.

  3. #3
    Portal: Theramore Avatar de MagusCT
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    El Cilindro de Avellaneda

    Re: media hora matandome atras de la piedra

    Arcane Missiles no, Nube gil de caucho . Es la única excepción.

    Cita Iniciado por Buobuiqui
    Line of Sight Check: For a channeled spell, the LoS check is done before the spell is channeled. So if you passed the check and you hit your target, your damage will be applied and your target cannot run out of your LoS anymore (apart from running out of range). This can be very handy against skilled players, as your normally cast spells can easily be "dodged" (by running out of your LoS), whereas for channeled spells you just need to keep pressing the button until the animation appears and the damage will go through. If you find yourself having trouble with such players, it may be more helpful to abstain from using normally cast spells. For Arcane Missiles the LoS check is done for every single missile, however, as soon as your Arcane Missiles are "activated", your character automatically turns into the right direction.

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