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la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:38
miren lo que es este achiv, decian hoy en la guild que solo 10 enfermos se atrevieron a sacarlo y todos terminaron en hospitales psiquiatricos.
Insane in the Membrane - Achievement - World of Warcraft
aca la guia de como obtenerlo :
If you looking for a quick and easy way to do this with some spare time you have, forget about it.
All this factions demand you to farm for hours many diffrant things.
You shold do the Bloodsail Buccaneers before any of the goblin citys. To do that you simply need to kill lots of lots of Booty Bay Bruiser. If you never done any quests for Booty Bay you are lucky, if you have, as most people done already, you just need to grind some more. At some point you will get a quest from 'em that can help you abit and ever gives another feats and a title.
Next we move to the 4 goblin citys (Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan and Ratchet) Once again - there are no quick ways to do this. Its also worth to note that you need to gain rep with the goblins without destroying your bloodsail rep. One way is to run Dire Maul north, easly soloable by any 80, kill mobs and loot then till you find the Gordok Shackle Key. Talk to the goblin half way into the intance and free him.This one quest gives 350 points with all of the citys, and doesnt lower your bloodsail. Knot also offer another quest you will need to stack on some leather and cloth for that tho, it gives 250 rep for the first time and 75 rep after that (thanks Sorislol), make sure to turn in the quest before freeing him as you can't do that quest after he run off. Other ways is to kill the other clan of pirates around the world, there are some in tanaris and near ratchet.
To get Revanholdt to exalted first you need to kill lots of syndicte anywhere you like. lots of them can be found in dunholde in hillsbard, they only gives 5 rep per kill so it gona take some time, but that's the easy part. (rogues can get there faster with a rogue only quests). After thats the hard part starts, you need about 1400 heavy junkboxes to get you from reverd to exalted, they only found when pickpocketing lvl 50-60 humanoids around the world. If you are not a rogue and dont have a rogue alt, you gona have to get this from other rogues, and not many carry this things around.
Next step we got the Shen'dralar, a lovly pack of high elfs living in dire maul. to get them to exalted you need to turn in 84 (77 as human) any combination of the three repeatable quest they offer (Libram of Focus Libram of Protection Libram of Rapidity), this may not sound very hard, and it could have been really easy also, only that the books are unique so you can only ever have one on you at a time. one way around it is to mail all hte books to you and get an engineer to crate a mail box near the quest giver so you can turn in all of 'em without too much travel time. you still need alot of Large Brilliant Shard, Pristine Black Diamond and some other mats depends on the book, but this should be easly farmable. As a side note you can use the Arcanume you get from this quests and turn them in inside Zul'Gurub for more rep with the trolls (its not part of this achivment, but can help if you not already exalted with them).
Last step, and may be the hardest one is the Darkmoon Faire. Getting to half way freindly is easy, just turn in any of the repetable quest (Thorium widget, armor kits....) and you should get there in no time. past that pooint the only way to gain rep is by turning in decks of cards, the lvl 60+ decks give 350 rep each. sound fun and fast only this things cost alot of gold, and unless you got afew millions to spend, thats a bad way to choose. "Lucky" us, the new iscribers can craft low lvl cards and this decks once completed and turnd in give 25 rep each. you will need 1460 decks to get to exalted. so batter make friends with some inscribers. My opinion is you batter stalk the AH, you might find some of the old lvl 60 decks for cheep, they give 350 rep just like the lvl 70 and 80 decks, might be the way to go depends on you realm economy.
and after all of that if you done it all and got it all, you really are worth this title. Don't expact to see many people with it, so if you wana feel one of a kind and got lots of spare time, this is the way to go.
bueno, que esperan? a ver quien es el primerlo en sacarlooooo
despues de desperdiciar millones de horas de tu vida, te dan el titulo "the insane"
El GIFero del pueblo
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:41
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:41
Exalted with Everlook (Exalted)
Exalted with Ratchet (Exalted)
Exalted with Ravenholdt (Exalted)
Exalted with Booty Bay (Exalted)
Exalted with Gadgetzan (Exalted)
estas tengo, las demas nose como hacer.
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:41
Hola, si alguno lo hace lo baneo....por su salud o por bugero.
Exalted with Ravenholdt (Exalted) ?EH? sho tengo una quest ahi...pero toda la fiaca viajar.
Última edición por Keta; 27/08/2009 a las 12:42
Razón: Automerged Doublepost
no sé como llegue al staff si no tengo ni hermana
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Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:43
Iniciado por
Exalted with Everlook (Exalted)
Exalted with Ratchet (Exalted)
Exalted with Ravenholdt (Exalted)
Exalted with Booty Bay (Exalted)
Exalted with Gadgetzan (Exalted)
estas tengo, las demas nose como hacer.
pero tenes que tener honored con los boodsail al mismo tiempo que exalted con los goblins, o sea que vas a perder tu exalted con los goblins si o si para subir a los bloodsail.
o sea, tenes exalted con raventholdt y nada mas.
vamos, vamos yo se que ustedes pueden sacarlo
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:44
o sea que no puedo hacerla?
ah no... porque tengo que bajar repu con booty y de ahi ser honored con blood sail y subir de nuevo con booty.
y, no es taaan dificil, capas lo haga.
digo, como carajo balanceo las 2? no entiendo, con saber eso lo hago tranca.
ah poo, aca no te baja repu solamente con booty cuando matas a "los de booty" ratchet y las demas goblinland quedan intactas.
Última edición por Dashi; 27/08/2009 a las 12:46
El gato de Gwin
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:46
espera a que metan lvl 80 cap... ahi vamos a presenciar una era asiatica y horrorosa
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:51
ahi dice como se hace dashi, en el wall of text
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Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:51
Iniciado por
o sea que no puedo hacerla?
ah no... porque tengo que bajar repu con booty y de ahi ser honored con blood sail y subir de nuevo con booty.
y, no es taaan dificil, capas lo haga.
digo, como carajo balanceo las 2? no entiendo, con saber eso lo hago tranca.
ah poo, aca no te baja repu solamente con booty cuando matas a "los de booty" ratchet y las demas goblinland quedan intactas.
ahi en la guia dice, o podes matar miles de piratas de ratchet que te dan repu con los goblin pero no te sacan con bloodsail o podes hacer diremaul no se cuanto por rep.
Re: la cuspide del chinofarmeo.
27/08/2009, 12:54
pero cucha, aca anda mal eso, cuando haces una quest que te da repu con "los goblins" o sea, con todos, esa repu se pierde.
podes tranquilamente subir ratchet, gadge, ever, y hacer despues ese balance con bloodsail y booty que son con los unicos que les baja/sube la repu valga la redundancia.
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