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Tema: [Boss World] Doomwalker

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Avatar de Fearless
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08

    [Boss World] Doomwalker


    Ayer arme para matar a Doomwalker ( Doomwalker - NPC - World of Warcraft ).

    de lo que pude ver..:

    * Earthquake - 2,000 physical damage every 2 seconds (total 8,000 physical damage). He will be stunning everyone for the duration of this spell. This stun can be avoided with any kind of shield. The damage will hit players flying overhead, as well, but again, avoiding the stun.
    Lo hace y anda

    * Chain Lightning - This appears completely random. It damages the first target for estimated 2,000 damage. It will jump like normal chain lightning to anyone within 5-10 yards doubling the damage for every hit! (spread out to avoid being hit)
    No lo vi

    * Overrun - Randomly charges people, they get knocked back. This appears to wipe the aggro. Best countered with tanks being ready to pick him up. He will do this spell several times in a row until he is picked up. The buff is described as "Increases run speed by 100%" and lasts 5 seconds.
    Vi que se puso el buff "overrun" pero no vi q haya cambiado de target.

    * Crush Armor - Reduces the target's armor by 10% for 1 min. Stacks up to 10 times.

    * Enrage - At 20%, all physical damage is doubled. Kills even Shield Walled tanks.
    No estoy seguro, aunke las 2 veces q intentamos (1 wipe; 2da lo matamos) al final pegaba mas q antes pero no se si el doble.

    * If you are killed by Doomwalker you gain the debuff Mark of Death. This debuff (similar to the Dragons of Nightmare bosses) means that you can only attempt this boss once every 15 minutes, because the Aura of Death would kill you instantly.
    Es un buff y no debuff. Se puede sacar.

    Eramos 25man.

    Lo que queria reportar principalmente, es lo del debuff de Mark Of Death, y pedir si se le podria agregar las 2 badges q deberia de dropear; no dropeó badges, si items y gold correctos.
    Fearless - Fearlight - Fearfury - Fearthunder - Fearbringer (H) // Fearfreezing - Fearwild (A)

  2. #2

    Re: [Boss World] Doomwalker

    * Chain Lightning - This appears completely random. It damages the first target for estimated 2,000 damage. It will jump like normal chain lightning to anyone within 5-10 yards doubling the damage for every hit! (spread out to avoid being hit)
    No lo vi

    Si lo tira, me paso al lado uno mientras healeaba xD

  3. #3

    Re: [Boss World] Doomwalker

    Cita Iniciado por Fearless Ver Mensaje
    * Chain Lightning - This appears completely random. It damages the first target for estimated 2,000 damage. It will jump like normal chain lightning to anyone within 5-10 yards doubling the damage for every hit! (spread out to avoid being hit)
    No lo vi

    * If you are killed by Doomwalker you gain the debuff Mark of Death. This debuff (similar to the Dragons of Nightmare bosses) means that you can only attempt this boss once every 15 minutes, because the Aura of Death would kill you instantly.
    Es un buff y no debuff. Se puede sacar.
    * Chain Lightning - Si funciona

    * If you are killed by Doomwalker you gain the debuff Mark of Death. - Tal cual, se saca con el boton derecho.

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