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Tema: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

  1. Senior Member Avatar de GaRa
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 jul, 08
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    No fijate q cada video tiene una referencia, el sistema q implementaron es un simple connect, evita tener q usar IWNET, si vos estas jugando al MW2 y tenes el xfire abierto, va a aparecer una ip.

    Ellos puedieron conectarse usando el comando connect y ESA ip.

    se entiende?

    Sin usar STEAM, sin usar IWNET

  2. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    Cita Iniciado por mgaray Ver Mensaje
    No fijate q cada video tiene una referencia, el sistema q implementaron es un simple connect, evita tener q usar IWNET, si vos estas jugando al MW2 y tenes el xfire abierto, va a aparecer una ip.

    Ellos puedieron conectarse usando el comando connect y ESA ip.

    se entiende?

    Sin usar STEAM, sin usar IWNET
    eaea si entendemos señor capo eaeaea

  3. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    gente, hoy jugamos un S&D en HardCore, muy bueno

    lo unico malo era el pelotudo de mierda q hosteaba, habilitaba una opcion que te sacaba casi todos los perks y las cosas del arma


    Una preg, por q no tiran el loader ahora? aunque sea como BETA...
    Última edición por Teeylow; 07/01/2010 a las 01:02

  4. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    Cita Iniciado por Conan! Ver Mensaje


    Hay varias versiones dando vueltas. Está la steam q es un poco complicada de instalar, pero supuestamente bien crackeada nos permite jugar en los servidores steam.
    Las demás versiones son solo SINGLE PLAYER, o alguna q otra crackeada un poco más compleja.
    NO recomiendo jugar con la versión steam en steam, podés ser baneado.


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  5. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    Cita Iniciado por teey Ver Mensaje
    gente, hoy jugamos un s&d en hardcore, muy bueno

    lo unico malo era el pelotudo de mierda q hosteaba, habilitaba una opcion que te sacaba casi todos los perks y las cosas del arma


    una preg, por q no tiran el loader ahora? Aunque sea como beta...
    y por qe qeria jugar un promod. Channnnnnnnnn

    los perk qe le gusta a teey son

    martir, last stand

    y las armas gl y sensor

    segunda arma otro gl

  6. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    ustedes 2 lacras dejen de desvirtuar


    JOJO, otro update + 1 nuevo video!

    Hi there

    Here’s some quick Q&A:
    Q: Do I have to run the game again to connect to another IP?
    A: Yes and No. The game runs with pre-set server IP from the loader (F9 triggers connection), but you can use a console command to connect elsewhere, for example:
    >> tk_connect_mp 28960
    Q: So, we are getting a console?
    A: Yes, even three. One, called WinConsole is a separate window, second, called DevConsole is a custom overlay console visible in-game. Third one is the original console, but it can be opened only with the .159 build of the game. You can type in commands using all three of them!
    Q: Why on the videos we don’t see any console being used?
    A: Simple, I was using FRAPS for the video capturing and it doesnt capture separate windows such as WinConsole.
    Q: Server-browser?
    A: Yes, final loader will have a server browser with 2 tabs: online games (internet connection required) and local games (no interned connection required).
    Q: What about our stats?
    A: Loader will ask you for your ‘ID name’ which will be locally assigned to your stats/power-ups etc. Nickname can be set using a different edit box (currently changeable using the console).
    Q: Will it be possible to host a game for more than 18 players?
    A: I need to test how stable this patch is. If the tests go fine I will put it into the final version.
    Q: Dedicated server mode. How is it?
    A: Loader will run the game with super-minimum gfx requirements. WinConsole will be open. Later, loader will automatically execute server.cfg file. Map rotation should work. Remote administration – maybe, depends on the demand.
    Q: Why is it Steam-less? It will allow pirates to run the game!
    A: Well, two reasons. First one, steam emulation is a key feature which makes it all work. It’s not just optional. Second, with your original Steam, our loader could be detected as a cheat and your account could get banned. We might code a DRM module that would make sure user has a legit copy installed, but DRMs as we all know, can be easily bypassed, resulting all this hard work being a waste of time.

    Oh, and here is another short video:

    <being uploaded, check again later>


  7. Senior Member Avatar de GaRa
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 jul, 08
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.


    Update on MW2 #6

    Hi there

    Here’s some quick Q&A:

    * Q: Do I have to run the game again to connect to another IP?
    A: Yes and No. The game runs with pre-set server IP from the loader (F9 triggers connection), but you can use a console command to connect elsewhere, for example:
    >> tk_connect_mp 28960
    * Q: So, we are getting a console?
    A: Yes, even three. One, called WinConsole is a separate window, second, called DevConsole is a custom overlay console visible in-game. Third one is the original console, but it can be opened only with the .159 build of the game. You can type in commands using all three of them!
    * Q: Why on the videos we don’t see any console being used?
    A: Simple, I was using FRAPS for the video capturing and it doesnt capture separate windows such as WinConsole.
    * Q: Server-browser?
    A: Yes, final loader will have a server browser with 2 tabs: online games (internet connection required) and local games (no interned connection required).
    * Q: What about our stats?
    A: Loader will ask you for your ‘ID name’ which will be locally assigned to your stats/power-ups etc. Nickname can be set using a different edit box (currently changeable using the console).
    * Q: Will it be possible to host a game for more than 18 players?
    A: I need to test how stable this patch is. If the tests go fine I will put it into the final version.
    * Q: Dedicated server mode. How is it?
    A: Loader will run the game with super-minimum gfx requirements. WinConsole will be open. Later, loader will automatically execute server.cfg file. Map rotation should work. Remote administration – maybe, depends on the demand.
    * Q: Why is it Steam-less? It will allow pirates to run the game!
    A: Well, two reasons. First one, steam emulation is a key feature which makes it all work. It’s not just optional. Second, with your original Steam, our loader could be detected as a cheat and your account could get banned. We might code a DRM module that would make sure user has a legit copy installed, but DRMs as we all know, can be easily bypassed, resulting all this hard work being a waste of time.

    Oh, and here is another short video:

    <being uploaded, check again later>


    Para los q no entienden una berga, los puntos mas importantes son:

    *Se va a poder jugar sin internet
    *Va a tener server browser (lan/internet)
    *Se va a poder usar un comando connect + ip
    *Va a guardar los stats al estilo del cod4 (cada user sus stats)
    *Es probable q se puedan crear partidas de mas de 18 jugadores
    *El sistema de dedicados va a ejecutar un server con configuraciones graficas minimas (lo ideal seria q sean nulas) y va a dejar una devconsole abierta para administracion, tambien es posible q se pueda ejecutar remotamente), ejecuta una server.cfg como los dedis reales.
    * Lo van a poder usar los piratas (somooo lo pirataaaa, nos gusta la aventura la nocheee de bailantaaaa)

    PD: Extraño el automerge

  8. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    lo puse yo ¬¬

    Cuanto masomenos va a pesar esta verga?

  9. Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    Cita Iniciado por mgaray Ver Mensaje

    Update on MW2 #6

    Hi there

    Here’s some quick Q&A:

    * Q: Do I have to run the game again to connect to another IP?
    A: Yes and No. The game runs with pre-set server IP from the loader (F9 triggers connection), but you can use a console command to connect elsewhere, for example:
    >> tk_connect_mp 28960
    * Q: So, we are getting a console?
    A: Yes, even three. One, called WinConsole is a separate window, second, called DevConsole is a custom overlay console visible in-game. Third one is the original console, but it can be opened only with the .159 build of the game. You can type in commands using all three of them!
    * Q: Why on the videos we don’t see any console being used?
    A: Simple, I was using FRAPS for the video capturing and it doesnt capture separate windows such as WinConsole.
    * Q: Server-browser?
    A: Yes, final loader will have a server browser with 2 tabs: online games (internet connection required) and local games (no interned connection required).
    * Q: What about our stats?
    A: Loader will ask you for your ‘ID name’ which will be locally assigned to your stats/power-ups etc. Nickname can be set using a different edit box (currently changeable using the console).
    * Q: Will it be possible to host a game for more than 18 players?
    A: I need to test how stable this patch is. If the tests go fine I will put it into the final version.
    * Q: Dedicated server mode. How is it?
    A: Loader will run the game with super-minimum gfx requirements. WinConsole will be open. Later, loader will automatically execute server.cfg file. Map rotation should work. Remote administration – maybe, depends on the demand.
    * Q: Why is it Steam-less? It will allow pirates to run the game!
    A: Well, two reasons. First one, steam emulation is a key feature which makes it all work. It’s not just optional. Second, with your original Steam, our loader could be detected as a cheat and your account could get banned. We might code a DRM module that would make sure user has a legit copy installed, but DRMs as we all know, can be easily bypassed, resulting all this hard work being a waste of time.

    Oh, and here is another short video:

    <being uploaded, check again later>


    Para los q no entienden una berga, los puntos mas importantes son:

    *Se va a poder jugar sin internet
    *Va a tener server browser (lan/internet)
    *Se va a poder usar un comando connect + ip
    *Va a guardar los stats al estilo del cod4 (cada user sus stats)
    *Es probable q se puedan crear partidas de mas de 18 jugadores
    *El sistema de dedicados va a ejecutar un server con configuraciones graficas minimas (lo ideal seria q sean nulas) y va a dejar una devconsole abierta para administracion, tambien es posible q se pueda ejecutar remotamente), ejecuta una server.cfg como los dedis reales.
    * Lo van a poder usar los piratas (somooo lo pirataaaa, nos gusta la aventura la nocheee de bailantaaaa)

    PD: Extraño el automerge
    pete deja de postear 2 veces la misma cosa. mira vos pero hasta eso ya voy a estar jugando al bad company 2. esto sale julio del 2010

  10. PSN ID: Pollotuc2010 Avatar de J3sus
    Fecha de Ingreso
    07 jun, 08
    Tucuman, Argentina

    Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Instalación, dudas y demás.

    Se va a poder jugar sin internet?

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