Se venden a 60g las mando por C.O.D. el que oferta le envio, no uso AH. Si compran 4 se las dejo a 200.

Two of Portals
Three of Portals
Four of Portals x2
Six of Portals x3
Seven of Portals

Two of Beasts x2
Three of Beasts x2
Four of Beasts
Six of Beasts
Seven of Beasts

Two of Elementals x2
Three of Elementals
Four of Elementals
Five of Elementals
Eight of Elementals

Ace of Furies x2
Four of Furies x2
Six of Furies

Ace of Storms
Two of Storms
Three of Storms x2
Four of Storms

Ace of Lunacy
Two of Lunacy
Seven of Lunacy

Two of Warlords x2
Three of Warlords
Five of Warlords
Seven of Warlords x2