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Tema: [Dungeon] Azjol Nerub - Azjol Nerub

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    [Dungeon] Azjol Nerub - Azjol Nerub

    Krik'thir the Gatewatcher

    Swarm - Every ~15 seconds, Krik'thir will summon a lot of Skittering Swarmer, with no special abitlies, and 2-3 Skittering Infectors. They use an Acid Splash upon their death, dealing 200 (Heroic: 500) indiscriminate Nature damage per second during 10 seconds to any target in a radius of 5 yards around them.
    Curse of Fatigue: Inflicts 2,828 to 3,172 (Heroic: 5,655 to 6,345) Shadow damage and reduces movement, attack, and casting speed by 30% for 9 seconds.
    Mind Flay: Inflicts 1,885 to 2,115 (Heroic: 4,713 to 5,287) Shadow damage every 1 second for 3 seconds, and slows movement speed by 50%.
    Frenzy: Increases attack speed by 50% and Physical damage by 100%. Used when Krik'thir reaches 10% health.

    La pelea anda bien, salvo que los adds son nivel 80, por lo que el aoe con casters se complica. No se que paso el primer intento, pero llame bien posicionado a los elites que preceden al boss y agreo toda la sala de una, la vez siguiente no paso esto y pullee igual.


    * Every time Hadronox kills a player or attacking Mob, he re-gains health.
    * Occasionally casts spider silk tethers, drawing all players (and attacking Mobs) to itself.
    * Will occasionally web a player, immobilizing them.
    * Leech Poison - AOE Poison Effect. Does 500-600 dmg per tick, heals back Hadronox for amount damaged. Healing done to those with poison on also heal boss as well.
    * Acid Cloud - Decreases armor (sunder)

    Este boss no lo pudimos probar porque desde que empieza la instance recibe daño de los mobs aledaños, asi deberia ser la pelea, con el boss peleando con mobs, pero no esta bien el timer. De habilitarse loot en la instance habria que sacarselo a este boss, deja lootearlo cuando se muere sin ser tocado por los players.


    * Locust Swarm: Periodic Damage Every Tick. Can be spell reflected.
    * Carrion Beetles: Summons 2 Carrion Beetles every second for 4 sec.
    * Burrow: Anub'arak will burrow underground at certain HP intervals (~75%, ~50% and ~25%), becoming invulnerable. While submerged, several things happen:
    o Spikes occasionally shoot up from the ground, knocking players up in the air and causing damage. These can be avoided by simply moving when the ground beneath you is rumbling.
    o Various Nerubian Assassin, Darter, and Guardian mobs spawn and must be killed. Mobs spawn faster as the fight progresses.

    la pelea anda al 100%, sin errores
    Última edición por Sobchak; 19/01/2010 a las 18:18
    Cita Iniciado por Judasu Ver Mensaje

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