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Tema: Listado de estado de quests Howling fjord - Northrend (post ambicioso) alianza

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    Listado de estado de quests Howling fjord - Northrend (post ambicioso) alianza

    Me gustaba la idea de tener en un solo post los estados de TODAS las quests habilitadas para la alianza en howling fjord.
    Asi que pongo este post. No sé si se morirá, pero bueno, a ver si hay cuorum.
    Dejo en negro las quests no testeadas, en rojo las que no andan, en verde las que andan bien (y/o se pueden hacer ingeniándoselas)

    Obviamente, recien empiezo el post... Casi todo va a estar en negro... Por otro lado, hay quests que no me aparecian. Quizás por el lev...

    "Crowleg" Dan7169
    A Carver and a Croaker7169
    A Return to Resting7168 Anda mas o menos: para que cuente el objeto como devuelto, hay que usar el item quest mientras el mob con el nombre del objeto está vivo. O sea, hay q ir hasta el lugar, y utilizar el objeto mientras el mob especial te está pegando, por decir asi.
    A Traitor Among Us7169
    Absholutely... Thish Will Work!7168
    All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn!7268
    Alpha Worg7169
    And Then There Were Two...7068
    And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad!7169
    Anguish of Nifflevar7168
    Arming Kamagua7169
    Avenge Iskaal7169
    Break the Blockade71
    Bring Down Those Shields7169
    Brother Betrayers7169
    Burn Skorn, Burn!7168
    Daggercap Divin'7168
    Danger! Explosives!7168
    Dead Man's Debt7169
    Dealing With Gjalerbron7168
    Demolishing Megalith72
    Disarmament (Dungeon) anda, pero no da XP
    Down to the Wire7169
    Dragonflayer Battle Plans7068
    Drop It then Rock It!7168
    Elder Atuik and Kamagua7168
    Everything Must Be Ready7068
    Eyes of the Eagle7169
    Falcon Versus Hawk7168
    Feeding the Survivors7169
    Forgotten Treasure7169
    Fresh Legs7168
    Gambling Debt7169
    Gjalerbron Attack Plans7268
    Grezzix Spindlesnap7168
    Gruesome, But Necessary7168
    Guided by Honor7168
    Harpoon Master Yavus7168
    Hell Has Frozen Over...7068
    I'll Try Anything!7069
    I've Got a Flying Machine!7169
    If Valgarde Falls...7068
    In Service to the Light7168
    In Worg's Clothing7169
    Into the World of Spirits7168
    Iron Rune Constructs and You: Collecting Data7168
    Iron Rune Constructs and You: Rocket Jumping7168
    Iron Rune Constructs and You: The Bluff7168
    It Goes to 11...7168
    It's a Scourge Device7169
    Jack Likes His Drink7169
    Keeper Witherleaf7169
    Leader of the Deranged7168
    Let's Go Surfing Now7168
    Lightning Infused Relics7168
    Locating the Mechanism7168
    Mage-Lieutenant Malister7168
    March of the Giants72
    Mastering the Runes7169
    Meet Lieutenant Icehammer...7168
    Meet Number Two7169
    Mission: Eternal Flame7168
    Mission: Forsaken Intel7168
    Mission: Package Retrieval7168
    Mission: Plague This!7168
    Mutiny on the Mercy7168 en realidad sólo aparecen mobs q tiran el item quest en la isla en donde se toma la misma. Subir a los barcos, como se supone hay q hacer, no lleva a nada pq no spawnean los mobs.
    My Daughter7169
    Necro Overlord Mezhen7268
    News From the East7168
    Northern Cooking
    Of Keys and Cages7168
    One Size Does Not Fit All7168
    Operation: Skornful Wrath7168
    Orfus of Kamagua7168
    Out of My Element?7068
    Outpost Over Yonder...7168
    Preying Upon the Weak7069
    Prisoners of Wyrmskull7068
    Problems on the High Bluff7168
    Report to Scout Knowles7168
    Rescuing the Rescuers7068
    Return to Atuik7168
    Return to Valgarde7168
    Root Causes7168
    Scare the Guano Out of Them!7169
    See to the Operations7169
    Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers7169
    Send Them Packing7168
    Shoveltusk Soup Again?7168
    Sleeping Giants7168
    Sorlof's Booty7168
    Spawn of the Twisted Glade7169
    Spirits of the Ice7169
    Steel Gate Patrol71
    Stop the Ascension!7268
    Street "Cred"7168
    Stunning Defeat at the Ring7168
    Swabbin' Soap7169
    The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir7168
    The Book of Runes7169
    The Cleansing
    The Clutches of Evil7168
    The Dead Rise!7168
    The Delicate Sound of Thunder7168
    The Depths of Depravity7168
    The Echo of Ymiron7168
    The Enigmatic Frost Nymphs7068
    The Explorers' League Outpost7168
    The Fallen Sisters7169
    The Fragrance of Money7169
    The Frost Wyrm and its Master72
    The Frozen Heart of Isuldof7168
    The Human League7068
    The Jig is Up71
    The Lodestone72
    The Lost Shield of the Aesirites7168
    The One That Got Away7168
    The Path to Payback7168
    The Ransacked Caravan7168
    The Ring of Judgement7168
    The Rune of Command7169
    The Shield of the Aesirites7168
    The Shining Light7168
    The Staff of Storm's Fury7168
    The Way to His Heart...
    The Yeti Next Door7168
    There Exists No Honor Among Birds7168
    To Westguard Keep!7068
    Tools to Get the Job Done7168
    Towers of Certain Doom7168
    Travel to Moa'ki Harbor. se entrega en dragonblight
    Trident of the Son7169
    Trust is Earned7168
    Two Wrongs...7168
    We Call Him Steelfeather7068
    We Can Rebuild It7168
    We Have the Technology7168
    Where is Explorer Jaren?7169
    Wild Vines7169
    You Tell Him ...Hic!7168
    Zedd's Probably Dead7068
    Zeh'gehn Sez
    Última edición por sahneprinz; 26/01/2010 a las 17:24 Razón: update!
    Shale-Warrior / Duill-Priest / Zan-Druid / Arto-Hunter / Stitch-Paladin / Syaaoran-Shaman

    Cita Iniciado por MagusCT Ver Mensaje
    Dígale no al GS. Dígale no a la muserización del WoW.

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