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Tema: El thread de la PS3

  1. Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Por eso tengo una deuda , yo no tengo una buena PC... de hecho, no tengo PC en absoluto, esto es una netbook
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

  2. 8492nd Squadron Avatar de Sigfreed
    Fecha de Ingreso
    06 nov, 06
    Sky's the limit

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Che, el "The Last of us" lo largan más tarde al final? Me quiero volver chango..

  3. ̸̘̰̣̞̫̻̟͂̍͒ͧ̽́͞w̶͈͓̼̒ ͂ ͉͉ Avatar de Sweet Tooth
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 08

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Quiero el Dark Souls 2.

  4. Re: El thread de la PS3

    Yo le perdi ganas totalmente a the last of us,es mas vendi la PS3.

    Le pongo todas las fichas a bioshock infinite! vamo carajo!

    PD: tengo tomb raider en el rgh,hoy lo pruebo ya que no pude darle bolas por los parciales,por lo que me dijeron es impresionante.

  5. Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Justito me lo pasaron hace un rato, dicen que es tremendo... lo mas cercano que la muchachada de la 360 puede tener al uncharted
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

  6. Re: El thread de la PS3

    Lo acabo de jugar,la verdad... Uncharted estas nominado.

    Me encanto todo,desde los graficos,ambientacion hasta la jugabilidad.

  7. Re: El thread de la PS3

    Traigo una noticia tal vez util,Hay una camada de ps3 ultra slim que esta teniendo problemas con los juegos,en especial MGS4,en el acto 3 o 4 se empieza a trabar segun lo que dicen los usuarios en los foros,tengo un amigo y le paso eso,creyo que era su consola pero al buscar en google mucha gente andaba con el mismo problema, ya la cambio por una slim y anda de maravillas.En lo posible eviten las ultra,es una camada,no todas,pero ante la duda...

  8. Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Man que morbo las muertes de lara en el tomb raider jajaj, encima la chabona se parece a eugene de hey arnold, tiene toda la mufa, le pasan todas
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

  9. Re: El thread de la PS3

    Cita Iniciado por Skull007 Ver Mensaje
    Man que morbo las muertes de lara en el tomb raider jajaj, encima la chabona se parece a eugene de hey arnold, tiene toda la mufa, le pasan todas
    viste bolo xD

    Encima se la pasa gimiendo.Es genial.

  10. Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: El thread de la PS3

    Igual yo les doy merito, por lo menos no apelaron al fan service barato y le hicieron unas tetas y un orto enormes... esta mas buena que comer pollo con la mano, pero el juego esta lejos de hacer enfasis en eso

    Y si, de repente le agarra un ataque de mufa y empezas a rodar en caida libre llevandote puestos barriles mientras lara va gritando por cualquier cosa, me causa gracia a veces jajaj, no pega una

    btw, hace rato que no me pinto tanto el gore... creo que, de estos ultimos tiempos, debe ser uno de los pocos juegos donde hago un esfuerzo por morir a ver como es la escena jajaj.. la mas aspera hasta ahora es cuando vas cayendo por unas cataratas, que si no esquivas bien te morfas alta estaca que te entra por la papada y te sale por la cabeza
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

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