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Tema: [RAID10] Naxxramas

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    No se me ocurre nada Avatar de dahakamdq
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Santa's Village

    [RAID10] Naxxramas

    Bueno como es muy pobre como esta vamos a mejorarlo un poco al post

    Naxxramas 12/15

    Bueno esta raid se agrego en la 1.11 y se renovo en Wotlk, tiene 2 formas de juego de 10 players y de 25 players ( seria como una version hero ).

    La que se testeo y seguira testando es la mas facil, no pide requerimientos para entrar pero se recomienda tener un set de heros o profesiones, la calidad de los items de naxx es similar ( ilvl 200 ), a excepcion de Kel'Thuzad que es el final boss y tira items de ilvl 213

    Los testeados fueron:

    2/15 el dia 08/02

    The Arachnid Quarter


    nub'Rekhan will engage with 1 (25 Players: 2) Crypt Guard in the room. An offtank should take care of the Guard, while the Main Tank brings Anub'Rekhan to his position.

    Anub'Rekhan will require the MT positioning him against the wall opposite his door. Throughout the fight Anub'Rekhan will summon Crypt Guards who must be picked by an offtank, and killed. Anub'Rekhan can summon Corpse Scarabs from the corpses of dead players. Funciona

    When Anub'Rekhan casts Locust Swarm, the tank must kite him around the side of the room while making sure he keeps far enough ahead to not gain stacks of Locust Swarm. Melee DPS and an OT should step away from Anub'Rekhan ~10 seconds before a Locust Swarm, so they can avoid the silence effect.Funciona Once the tank reaches the opposite side of the room, the fight goes on as normal with as many more transitions as necessary.

    Impale - Anub'Rekhan will target a random player and send a line of spikes out towards the player, hitting everyone in a straight line between him and his target. Players hit by these spikes will take 4,813 to 6,187 (25 Player: 5,688 to 7,312) physical damage and will be knocked into the air, suffering reduced fall damage when they land. ( pega un poco menos alrededor de los 3k minimo tal vez por buffs )
    Locust Swarm - Every 80-120 seconds Anub'Rekhan will release a locust swarm that damages players within 30 yards around him and applies a stacking Locust Swarm that deals 875 to 1,125 (25 Player: 1,313 to 1,687) Nature damage every 2 sec. While the spell is active, Anub'Rekhan will move at 60% (25 Player: 75%) of his normal movement speed. Any players afflicted by the Locust Swarm will be pacified and unable to use spells or attack for the duration of the effect. A Crypt Guard will spawn immediately after Locust Swarm is cast. Funciona
    Summon Corpse Scarabs - Anub'Rekhan will use this ability to summon Corpse Scarabs from the bodies of dead Crypt Guards (10 per) and players (5 per). funciona

    Cita Iniciado por Leon_Magnus Ver Mensaje

    Grand Widow Faerlina - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft[/CENTER]

    * Poison Bolt Volley:

    This will hit the three closest players to Grand Widow Faerlina, used on average every 12 to 15 seconds, but sometimes with as little as seven or eight seconds between casts. Deals 2625 to 3375 Nature damage and applies a dot that does 1480 to 1720 Nature damage every 2 seconds for eight seconds. Dispellable. Widow's Embrace prevents the use of this ability for 30 seconds. funca

    * Rain of Fire:

    Random Rains of Fire will be cast on players throughout the fight, at intervals of anywhere from six to eighteen seconds. 1750 to 2750 Fire damage every two seconds. Rain of Fire lasts six seconds. 8 yard radius. Funca

    * Frenzy:

    This will be used approximately every 60–80 seconds. It will increase Grand Widow Faerlina's physical damage by 150%, her melee haste by 50% and her size by 50%. During it she will hit the tank for upwards of 15,000 damage. Widow's Embrace dispels and prevents the use of this ability for 60 seconds.

    NOTE: You must kill the worshipper AFTER she enrages if you want to stop her for the full 60 seconds. If you sacrifice the Worshipper before the enrage, it will merely delay the enrage for 30 seconds.

    este ultimo funca a medias, al parecer solo lo tira una vez en toda la pelea. dentro de todo anda bien este boss.
    Cita Iniciado por Glint Ver Mensaje


    Web Wrap - Cast 20 seconds after engaging, and every 40 seconds after that. Sends 1 (25 Player: 2) player straight to the western web wall, encasing them in a Web Wrap cocoon and incapacitating them. When encased, the player takes 2,475 to 3,025 Nature damage every 2 seconds. The cocoon can be destroyed from the outside, freeing the player and causing them to take minimal falling damage when they land.

    Funciona pero el cocoon creo que lo hace en cualquier lado y ademas no tomas el falling damage porque te lo hace en el piso.

    Web Spray - Cast every 40 seconds, incapacitating everyone for 6 seconds, and dealing 1,750 to 2,250 (25 Player: 5,225 to 5,775) Nature damage. This ability cannot be resisted.


    Poison Shock - Does 3,500 to 4,500 (25 Player: 4,550 to 5,850) Nature damage in a 15 yard frontal cone.

    Segun el tanke cree que si

    Necrotic Poison - Poison effect that reduces healing taken by 90% for 30 seconds.


    Frenzy - At 30% health, Maexxna will Frenzy, increasing attack speed and damage done by 50% (25 Player: damage by 75%).


    Spider Spawn - Cast 30 seconds after engaging, and every 40 seconds after that. 8-10 Maexxna Spiderlings are spawned. They have little health and damage, but may apply Necrotic Poison. They spawn underneath Maexxna.


    Perdonen si ya lo reportaron, ni me fije .-
    The Plague Quarter

    Noth the Plaguebringer

    Noth the Plaguebringer has two Phases. During Phase 1 he will be on the ground, damaging the raid directly and summoning Plagued Warriors. After 110 seconds in Phase 1, he will teleport to his balcony, entering Phase 2. During this phase, waves of adds will spawn from the piles of bones on the right side of the room.

    Phase 2-1*: 2 Plagued Champions
    Phase 2-2: 1 Plagued Champion and 1 Plagued Guardian.
    Phase 2-3: 2 Plagued Guardians

    *2-1 is the first Phase 2 (110 seconds after the beginning). 2-2 is the second Phase 2 (290 seconds after the beginning). 2-3 is the third Phase 2 (400 seconds after the beginning).

    After 70 seconds in Phase 2, Noth will come back and re-enter Phase 1.

    Phase 1: Ground Phase
    Curse of the Plaguebringer - Places a curse on 3 party members. After 10 seconds, every cursed target will cast Wrath of the Plaguebringer, which will hit everybody in 30 yards range for 3,700 to 4,300 (25 Player: 5,550 to 6,450) Shadow damage and additional 1,313 to 1687 (25 Player: 3,150 to 3,850) Shadow damage every 2 seconds, for 10 seconds. Funciona
    Blink (25 Player) - Every 20-30 seconds Noth will Blink away from the tank, wiping all aggro and casting Cripple on everybody around his old location. ( no se vio pero es solo 25 player )
    Cripple - Noth will place a magic debuff on a few players in melee range, reducing their attack speed by 100% and movement speed and Strength by 50%, for 15 seconds.
    Plagued Warrior - Summoned every 30 seconds while in Phase 1. They Cleave, dealing 110% weapon damage to two targets.
    Change Phase: Balcony - After 110 seconds on the ground, Noth will teleport to his balcony, entering Phase 2.
    Phase 2: Balcony Phase
    Plagued Champion - Summoned during Phase 2-1 and 2-2. They will use Mortal Strike, dealing 100% weapon damage and reducing healing done by 50% and Shadow Shock, which hits nearby enemies for 2,313 to 2,687 (25 Player: 2,960 to 3,440) Shadow damage. Funciona
    Plagued Guardian - Summoned during Phase 2-2 and 2-3. Their primary damaging ability is Arcane Explosion, which hits every in 30 yards range for 2,313 to 2,687 (25 Player: 2,590 to 3,010) Arcane damage. Funciona
    Change Phase: Ground - After 70 seconds on the balcony, Noth will teleport back to the ground, re-entering Phase 1. Funciona

    Cita Iniciado por Leon_Magnus Ver Mensaje

    Heigan the Unclean - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    eigan the Unclean has approximately 3,060,000 hit points. Note that unlike 40-man Naxxramas the tunnel before Heigan is no longer a gauntlet.
    Phase one

    * Spell Disruption:

    This is a 20-yard aura around Heigan the Unclean. It will increase cast times by 300%.

    * Decrepit Fever:

    This is a disease applied to a random player which will do 3,000 Nature damage every 3 seconds and reduce the maximum hit points of every player within 20 yards by 50%.

    Phase two

    After 90 seconds Heigan will teleport to the middle of the raised platform and begin channeling.

    * Plague Cloud:

    Deals 7,500 Nature damage a second to any player remaining on the raised platform during Phase Two.

    * Eruption:

    Three quarters of the remaining area of the room will be hit by eruption every few seconds during Phase Two. Does 6650 to 7350 Nature damage on a hit. Near the edge of a safe spot players will only be hit once. In the middle of unsafe spots they will be hit multiple times which is generally fatal.

    funciona perfecto!es un cago de risa, lastima no lo hicimos perfecto <.< yo queria achievement
    Cita Iniciado por Leon_Magnus Ver Mensaje
    Loatheb - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    Loatheb's melee is relatively weak. Loatheb has approximately 6,690,000 hit points.

    * Necrotic Aura:

    Every 20 seconds Loatheb will cast Necrotic Aura on the raid, reducing all healing done by 100% for 17 seconds. This means you get 3 seconds to heal every 20 seconds.

    * Deathbloom:

    Every 30 seconds Loatheb will cast this on the raid. Does 200 Nature damage a second for six seconds followed by a 'Bloom' of death for 1200 damage as a reverse Lifebloom. Undispellable.

    * Inevitable Doom:

    Loatheb begins to cast it after two minutes of combat. Inflicts 4000 Shadow damage after 10 sec. 100 yards, every 30 secs. 5 mins after engaging, this will be every 15 secs. This debuff can not be dispelled, cleansed, or decursed and the damage can not be resisted. Ice block, Cloak of shadows and divine shield will remove it.

    * Fungal Creep:

    This is a beneficial "debuff" on players gained during the encounter. Critical chance increased by 50%. Spells and abilities cause no threat. 90 secs duration. Loatheb summons spores approximately every 30 secs. Killing the spore (which has very low HP) allows five people within 10 yards to receive this buff. es posible que el debuff que reduce aggro no funcione, pero el de crit funciona

    funciona salvo detalle[COLOR="#5A7F97"]

    Trash especiales Funciona tengo una screen donde stackeo hasta 10 veces ( 50 en total pero pegaria demasiado para testearlo )

    The Construct Quarter

    Fuimos con Astrild que lo hizo en el oficial y dijo que funcionaba bien

    The Construct Quarter


    Cita Iniciado por nicosimi Ver Mensaje
    añado a
    vida 4,322,950 (4322k asi que esta bien)

    Hateful strike spameado cada 1 seg al que mas vida tiene: no lo spamea tanto pero si le pega al 2do en aggro (en nuestro caso tenia mt un pala y offtank un druida asi que si se notaba cuando lo entraba a spammear que le bajaba la vida)

    Slime bolt AoE spameado durante toda la pelea: no funciona

    Frenzy soft enrage en 5%: funciona

    Berserk pasados los 6 mins del combat wipea a toda la raid en segundos: funciona


    Cita Iniciado por nicosimi Ver Mensaje

    vida 2,928,450 (2928k asi q esta bien)

    Poison cloud deja una nube en el piso que hace AoE a quienes entren en el rango : no funciona

    Mutating injection coloca un debuff en un pj random y al terminar o dispelear el veneno deja una nuba que hace AoE a quienes esten en rango: funciona

    Slime spray AoE en cono y summonea un add por cada pj afectado por el daño: funciona

    Berserk mismo enrage musero que patchwerk : no testeado
    The Military Quarter

    Cita Iniciado por Leon_Magnus Ver Mensaje
    Instructor Razuvious - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    Instructor Razuvious

    Instructor Razuvious has approximately 3,349,000 hit points. His regular melee hits plate for about 30,000.

    * Disrupting Shout - This is a physical AoE that hits for 4275 to 4725 Physical damage on the entire raid. Cannot be avoided, cast every ~15 seconds.

    * Jagged Knife - An ability used on a random raid member every ~10 seconds. Does 5,000 physical damage and applies a bleed effect which causes a further 10,000 physical damage over 5 seconds. Can be avoided by standing out of his line of sight.

    * Unbalancing Strike - Inflicts 350% weapon damage and leaves the target unbalanced, reducing their defense skill by 100 for 6 seconds. This will hit plate for approximately 105,000. Only Deathknight Understudies should ever be hit by this.

    Death Knight Understudies

    Two of these are pulled with Instructor Razuvious. They hit lightly and should be mind controlled for most of the encounter. A player will need to use the orbs of domination to mind control one and at least one should always be mind controlled through the encounter. Healers will need to heal them through Instructor Razuvious' damage. After Instructor Razuvious dies these will take 1000% extra damage from players.

    * Blood Strike. Instant attack that inflicts 50% weapon damage to an enemy target, 4 sec cooldown. Will be the "4" key on your hotbar.

    * Taunt. Taunts the target to attack you, 20 second cooldown. Will be "5" on your hotbar.

    * Bone Barrier. Reduces damage taken by 75% for 20 seconds. Death Knight understudies should only tank with this up. 30 second cooldown. Will be "6" on your hotbar.

    funcionamiento perfecto pero hay detalles:

    en 25 man las orbs no existen y la estrategia es usar mind control pero ta deshabilitado, planteo que se spawneen los orbs para 25 man descartando el uso de mind control.[COLOR="#5A7F97"]

    Gothik the Harvester

    Cita Iniciado por Leon_Magnus Ver Mensaje
    Gothik the Harvester - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

    Phase One

    Gothik the Harvester is invulnerable. Through the first four minutes and thirty-four seconds of the fight adds will spawn on the left side of Gothik's room. These are:
    Living Side

    Unrelenting Trainee Non Elite Humanoid, Can not be CC'd

    * 24 will spawn through the encounter.
    * Hitpoints: ~10,000
    * Attacks:
    o Death Plague Applied on a melee hit, this is a disease dot that does 85 Nature damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. Stacks infinitely. Dispellable.

    Unrelenting Deathknight Elite Humanoid, Can not be CC'd, but susceptible to snares

    * Seven will spawn through the encounter.
    * Hitpoints: ~34,000
    * Attacks:
    o Intercept - Stuns you for 3 seconds.
    o Shadow Mark - Shadow Mark is a melee range whirlwind attack that applies the Shadow Mark to anyone hit. Hits for ~3,500 on plate.

    Unrelenting Rider Elite Humanoid, Can't be CC'd

    * Four will spawn through the encounter.
    * Hitpoints: ~55,000
    * Attacks:
    o Unholy Aura - Automatically inflicting 350 Shadow damage every 2 sec. to nearby enemies within 45 yards. It lasts until Unrelenting Rider is killed. Resistible.
    o Shadowbolt Volley - This attack/spell hits people afflicted by Shadow Mark for 4,000 shadow damage.

    Undead Side

    Whenever a living mob is slain on the live side its spirit will transfer to the undead side and spawn a corresponding undead mob there. Unrelenting Riders will spawn both a Spectral Rider and a Spectral Horse.

    Spectral Trainee

    * Non Elite Undead
    * Hitpoints: ~10,000
    * Attacks:
    o Arcane Explosion - Hits for 700 Arcane damage. AoE spell with a 20 yard range, this spell is resistible.

    Spectral Deathknight

    * Elite Undead
    * Hitpoints: ~33,000
    * Attacks:
    o Whirlwind - ~2,700 on plate.

    Spectral Rider Elite Undead, cannot be CCed

    * Hitpoints: ~55,000
    * Attacks:
    o Unholy Aura - Automatically inflicting 350 Shadow damage every 2 sec. to nearby enemies within 45 yards. It lasts until Unrelenting Rider is killed. Resistible.
    o Drain Life - Drains 6,000 life from their primary aggro target over 5 seconds.

    Spectral Horse Elite Undead, cannot be CCed.

    * Hitpoints: ~16,000
    * Attacks:
    o Stomp - AoE physical attack inflicting 2313 to 2687 damage in a 10 yard radius and reducing enemies movement speed by 60% for 10 sec.

    Phase 2
    Gothik the Harvester

    * Gothik the Harvester comes down at 4:34 after engaging, mobs stop spawning at 3:44. Gothik the Harvester has approximately 839,000 hit points.

    * Shadowbolt - Gothik will chain cast 1 second Shadowbolts for 2880 to 3520 Shadow damage on his primary aggro target.

    * Harvest Soul - Cast every 15 seconds. Reduces the stats of the entire raid by 10%. Stacks 10 times.

    * Gothik is tauntable and keeps aggro through teleports.

    funciona perfecto!

    en una me oneshootearon unos mobs por razones desconocidas pero el evento entero funca de lo mejor, interesante batalla muy jodida llena de dificultad, requiere de mucha organizacion.
    Cita Iniciado por Glint Ver Mensaje
    Four Horsemen

    Thane Korth'azz


    Mark of Korth'azz - Applies a Mark of Korth'azz.


    Meteor - Thane Korth'azz will cast a Meteor on a random player close to him, causing 13,775 to 15,225 Fire damage, split between all players in the ~5 yards range of the meteor.


    Lady Blaumeux


    Mark of Blaumeux - Applies a Mark of Blaumeux.


    Shadow Bolt - Shadow Bolts are the primary attack of Lady Blaumeux. They hit for 2,357 to 2,643 Shadow damage, every ~2 seconds, 45 yards range. This will always be cast on the player closest to her.

    Funciona, habria que comprobar si se lo tira al que esta mas cerca de ella solamente.

    Void Zone - Every 15 seconds Lady Blaumeux will summon a Void Zone under a player in her range. The Void Zones do 2750 Shadow damage each second to players inside them, and last for 75 seconds.


    Unyielding Pain - Lady Blaumeux will spam this ability if there are no players within 45 yards of her. The spell hits the whole raid for 5,655 to 6,345 Shadow damage every 2 seconds, or until a player enters her range.

    Sin testear

    Baron Rivendare


    Mark of Rivendare - Applies a Mark of Rivendare.


    Unholy Shadow - Every ~15 seconds Baron Rivendare will use this on the person with highest threat on his list. The ability hits for 2,160 to 2,640 Shadow damage and leaves a magic debuff that deals 600 Shadow damage per second for 8 seconds.

    Sin testear, tengo que preguntarle a los tankes. Alguno puede confirmar si funca?.

    Sir Zeliek


    Mark of Zeliek - Applies a Mark of Zeliek.


    Holy Bolt - Holy Bolts are the primary attack of Sir Zeliek. They hit for 2,357 to 2,643 Holy damage, every ~2 seconds, 45 yards range. This will always be cast on the player closest to him.

    Funciona, pero lo mismo que con los shadowbolts de Lady, no se si se lo castea al que tiene mas cerca

    Holy Wrath - Every 15 seconds Sir Zeliek will cast Holy Wrath, hitting his target for 900 to 1,100 Holy damage, and jumping to other targets in 10 yards range. Each jump increases the damage done by 50%.


    Condemnation - Sir Zeliek will spam this ability if there are no players within 45 yards of him. The spell hits the whole raid for 5,655 to 6,345 Shadow damage every 2 seconds, or until a player enters his range.

    Sin Testear, lo mismo que con el otro.

    Ahora, con respecto a los lugares calculo que todos respetan sus respectivos lugares, por lo menos cada uno estaba en una punta diferente.-
    Última edición por dahakamdq; 09/03/2010 a las 20:04

    Anduin: Dad I am priest
    Varian: Son I am disappoint
    Hyatt Montesplash
    Si queres ir al ofi y linkear tirame pm... apurate no llego a fin de mes

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