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Tema: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

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  1. #1
    Amrod Celebrindal Avatar de Wood
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 ene, 05
    por ahi

    Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Aca solo se reportaran Skills de Scout - Assasin y Ranger , cada clase tiene su Thread.

    No Funciona
    Funciona Mal
    No Testeado


    Bandage Heal - Level 1
    Basic Cloth Armor Proficiency - Level 1
    Basic Clothing Proficiency - Level 1
    Basic Dagger Training - Level 1
    Basic Leather Armor Proficiency - Level 1
    Basic Sword Training - Level 1

    Focused Evasion I - Level 1
    Return - Level 1
    Swift Edge I - 1
    Surprise Attack I Level 3
    Advanced Dual-Wielding I - Level 5
    Boost Accuracy I - Level 5
    Counterattack I - Level 5
    Hide I - Level 5 (a confirmar el funcionamiento 100% de la skill)
    Soul Slash I - Level 7
    Advanced Archery Training I - Level 9
    Advanced Dagger Training I - Level 9
    Advanced Dual-Wielding II - Level 9
    Advanced Leather Armor Proficiency I - Level 9
    Advanced Sword Training I - Level 9

    Devotion I - Level 9
    Evasion Rate Increase I - Level 9


    Dash Attack I - Level 10
    Divine Strike I - Level 10 (Elyos only)
    Herb Treatment I - Level 10
    Killer's Eye I - Level 10 (no da ningun bonus)
    Mana Treatment I - Level 10
    Strike of Darkness I - Level 10 (Asmodians only)
    Swift Edge II - Level 10
    Winged Fury - Level 10

    Pain Rune I - Level 13
    Rune Carve I - Level 13 ( Solo infleja daño, no causa efectos secundarios[colocar runas])
    Sprinting I - Level 13
    Surprise Attack II - Level 13
    Apply Poison I - Level 16
    Boost Magical Resistance I - Level 16
    Counterattack II - Level 16
    Fang Strike I - Level 16
    Soul Slash II - Level 16
    Calming Whisper I - Level 19
    Evasion Rate Increase II - Level 19
    Flurry I - Level 20 - Stigma Stone
    Sigil Strike I - Level 20 - Stigma Stone
    Aethertwisting I - Level 22 - Stigma Stone
    Clear Focus I - Level 22
    Dash Attack II - Level 22
    Divine Strike II - Level 22 (Elyos only)
    Herb Treatment II - Level 22
    Mana Treatment II - Level 22

    Rune Slash I - Level 22
    Strike of Darkness II - Level 22 (Asmodians only)
    Swift Edge III - Level 22
    Advanced Archery Training II - Level 25
    Advanced Dagger Training II - Level 25
    Advanced Dual-Wielding III - Level 25
    Advanced Sword Training II - level 25

    Ambush I - 25 - Stigma Stone
    Binding Rune I - Level 25
    Boost Critical Hit Chance I - Level 25
    Pain Rune II - Level 25
    Rune Carve II - Level 25

    Sigil Strike II- Level 25 - Stigma Stone
    Surprise Attack III - 25
    Whirlwind Slash I - 25 (solo daño, no hace efecto)
    Winged Death - 25
    Apply Deadly Poison I - Level 28 - Stigma Stone
    Apply Poison II - Level 28
    Beast Kick I - Level 28 (Solo daño, no hay efecto)
    Counterattack III - Level 28
    Fang Strike II - Level 28 (Solo daño, no hay efecto)
    Rune Burst I - Level 28 - Stigma Stone
    Searching Eye I - Level 28
    Soul Slash III - Level 28
    Ambush II - Level 31 - Stigma Stone
    Assassination I - Level 31
    Boost Accuracy II - Level 31
    Calming Whisper II - Level 31 ( no causa efecto)
    Oath of Accuracy I - Level 31 - Stigma Stone
    Sigil Strike III - 31 - Stigma Stone
    Wind Walk I - Level 31
    Blood Rune I - Level 34
    Dash Attack III - Level 34
    Divine Strike III - Level 34 (Elyos only)
    Evasion Rate Increase III - Level 34
    Herb Treatment III - Level 34
    Hide II - Level 34
    Mana Treatment III - Level 34
    Rune Burst II - Level 34 - Stigma Stone
    Rune Knife I - Level 34 - Stigma Stone
    Rune Slash II - Level 34
    Strike of Darkness III - Level 34 (Asmodians only)
    Swift Edge IV - Level 34
    Weakening Blow I - Level 34
    Ambush III - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Binding Rune II - Level 37
    Blinding Burst I - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Boost Magical Resistance II - Level 37
    Crashing Wind Strike I - Level 37
    Eye of Wrath I - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Pain Rune III - Level 37
    Rune Carve III - Level 37
    Sigil Strike IV - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Surprise Attack IV - Level 37
    Whirlwind Slash II - Level 37
    Advanced Archery Training III - Level 40
    Advanced Dagger Training III - Level 40
    Advanced Dual-Wielding IV - Level 40
    Advanced Sword Training III - Level 40
    All-Seeing Eye I - Level 40
    Apply Poison III - Level 40
    Beast Kick II - Level 40
    Beast Swipe I - Level 40
    Boost Critical Hit Chance II - Level 40
    Counterattack IV - Level 40
    Fang Strike III - Level 40
    Needle Rune I - Level 40
    Rune Burst III - Level 40 - Stigma Stone
    Rune Knife II - Level 40 - Stigma Stone
    Soul Slash IV - Level 40
    Spiral Slash I - Level 40
    Boost Accuracy III - Level 41
    Sigil Strike V - Level 41 - Stigma Stone
    Calming Whisper III - Level 42
    Shadow Rage I - Level 42 (Asmodians only)
    Spelldodging I - Level 42 (Elyos only)
    Assassination II - Level 43
    Evasion Rate Increase IV - Level 44
    Swift Edge V - Level 44
    Throw Shuriken I - Level 44
    Agonizing Slash I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Ancestral Darkness Rune I - Level 45 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Ancestral Radiant Rune I - Level 45 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Apply Lethal Venom I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Beastly Scar I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Dash Attack IV - Level 45
    Divine Strike IV - Level 45 (Elyos only)
    Lightning Slash I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Rune Slash III - Level 45
    Shadow Walk I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Strike of Darkness IV - Level 45 (Asmodians only)
    Blood Rune II - Level 46
    Herb Treatment IV - 46
    Mana Treatment IV - 46
    Rune Burst IV - Level 46 - Stigma Stone
    Rune Knife III - Level 46 - Stigma Stone
    Throw Dagger I - Level 46
    Weakening Blow II - Level 46
    Pain Rune IV - Level 47
    Rune Carve IV - Level 47
    Sigil Strike VI - Level 47 - Stigma Stone
    Surprise Attack V - Level 47
    Binding Rune III - Level 48
    Deadly Abandon I - Level 48 - Stigma Stone
    Whirlwind Slash III - Level 48
    Ambush V - Level 49 - Stigma Stone
    Boost Critical Hit Chance III - Level 49
    Crashing Wind Strike II - Level 49
    Advanced Archery Training IV - Level 50
    Advanced Dagger Training IV - Level 50
    Advanced Dual-Wielding V - Level 50
    Advanced Sword Training IV - Level 50
    Agony Rune I - Level 50 - Stigma Stone
    Counterattack V - Level 50
    Crashing Wind Strike I - Level 50 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Darkness Rune I - Level 50 (Asmodians only) -
    Dash and Slash I - Level 50 - Stigma Stone -
    Divine Rune I - Level 50 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Radiant Rune I - Level 50 (Elyos only)
    Soul Slash V - Level 50
    Throw Shuriken II - Level 50 - Stigma Stone
    Triniel's Dirk I - Level 50 (Asmodians only)
    Vaizel's Dirk I - Level 50 (Elyos only)


    Entangling Shot I - Level 10 ( Slow entra con su duracion maxima [8~16] siempre 16, la skill tambien tiene un CD-16 por lo tanto mantendria el objetivo siempre en Slow) - a confirmar datos en el ofi
    Herb Treatment I - Level 10
    Mana Treatment I - Level 10

    Mau Form I - Level 10 (Elyos only)(No se vende el libro)
    Mau Form I - Level 10 (Asmodians only) (No se vende el libro)
    Swift Edge II - Level 10
    Swift Shot I - Level 10

    Winged Range I - Level 10
    Dodging I - Level 13
    Spike Trap I - Level (Elyos only) (castea el skill pero no tiene efecto)
    Spike Trap I - Level (Asmodians only)(castea el skill pero no tiene efecto)

    Surprise Attack II - Level 13
    Arrow Strike I - Level 16
    Boost Parry I - Level 16
    Counterattack II - Level 16

    Poisoning Trap I - Level 16 (Elyos only) (castea el skill pero no tiene efecto)
    Poisoning Trap I - Level 16 (Asmodians only) (castea el skill pero no tiene efecto)

    Soul Slash II - Level 16
    Aiming I - Level 19
    Boost Accuracy II - Level 19
    Stunning Shot I - Level 19

    Arrow Deluge I - Level 20 - Stigma Stone
    Sleep Arrow I - Level 20 - Stigma Stone
    Calming Whisper I - Level 22 no le baja el agro al mob
    Entangling Shot II - Level 22
    Herb Treatment II - Level 22
    Mana Treatment II - Level 22
    Mau Form II - Level 22 (Elyos only)
    Mau Form II - Level 22 (Asmodians only)
    Poison Arrow I - Level 22

    Retreating Slash I - Level 22 - Stigma Stone
    Swift Edge III - Level 22
    Swift Shot II - Level 22
    Advanced Archery Training II - Level 25
    Advanced Dagger Training II - Level 25
    Advanced Sword Training II - Level 25

    Arrow Deluge II 25 - Level 25 - Stigma Stone
    Boost Bow Range I - Level 25
    Explosion Trap I - Level 25 (Elyos only)
    Explosion Trap I - Level 25 (Asmodians only)

    Rupture Arrow I - Level 25
    Silence Arrow I - Level 25 - Stigma Stone
    Spike Trap II - Level 25 (Elyos only) Castea el skill pero no pasa nada (en conclusion, ninguna trap Funciona)
    Spike Trap II - Level 25 (Asmodians only) Castea el skill pero no pasa nada (en conclusion, ninguna trap Funciona)

    Strong Shots I - Level 25 (Castea , pero no bonifica en nada)
    Surprise Attack III - Level 25
    Winged Avenger - Level 25
    Arrow Strike II - Level 28
    Bow of Blessing I - Level 28 - Stigma Stone
    Counterattack III - Level 28
    Poisoning Trap II - Level 28 (Elyos only)
    Poisoning Trap II - Level 28 (Asmodians only)
    Snare Trap I - Level 28 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Snare Trap I - Level 28 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Soul Slash III - Level 28
    Spiral Arrow I - Level 28
    Tactical Retreat I - Level 28
    Aerial Wild Shot I - Level 31
    Arrow Deluge II - Level 31 - Stigma Stone
    Destruction Trap I - Level 31 (Elyos only)
    Destruction Trap I - Level 31 (Asmodians only)
    Evasion Rate Increase II - Level 31
    Hunter's Eye I - Level 31
    Silence Arrow II - Level 31 - Stigma Stone
    Stunning Shot II - Level 31
    Trap of Clairvoyance I - Level 31 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Trap of Clairvoyance I - Level 31 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Arrow Flurry I - Level 34
    Breath of Nature I - Level 34 - Stigma Stone
    Calming Whisper II - Level 34
    Entangling Shot III - Level 34
    Herb Treatment III - Level 34
    Mana Treatment III - Level 34
    Mau Form III - Level 34 (Elyos only)
    Mau Form III - Level 34 (Asmodians only)
    Poison Arrow II - Level 34
    Snare Trap II - Level 34 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Snare Trap II - Level 34 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Swift Edge IV - Level 34
    Swift Shot III - Level 34
    Arrow Deluge IV - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Boost Accuracy III - Level 37
    Explosion Trap II - Level 37 (Elyos only)
    Explosion Trap II - Level 37 (Asmodians only)
    Fleshcutter Arrow I - Level 37
    Rupture Arrow II - Level 37
    Silence Arrow III - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Sniper Stance I - Level 37 - Stigma Stone
    Spike Bite Trap I - Level 37 (Elyos only) -
    Spike Bite Trap I - Level 37 (Asmodians only) -
    Spike Trap III - Level 37 (Elyos only)
    Spike Trap III - Level 37 (Asmodians only)
    Surprise Attack IV - Level 37
    Trap of Slowing I - Level 37 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Trap of Slowing I - Level 37 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Advanced Archery Training III - Level 40
    Advanced Dagger Training III - Level 40
    Advanced Sword Training III - Level 40
    Aether Arrow I - Level 40
    All-Seeing Eye I - Level 40
    Arrow Storm I - Level 40
    Arrow Strike III - Level 40
    Breath of Nature II - Level 40 - Stigma Stone
    Counterattack IV - Level 40
    Poisoning Trap III - Level 40 (Elyos only)
    Poisoning Trap III - Level 40 (Asmodians only)
    Sandstorm Trap I - Level 40 (Elyos only)
    Sandstorm Trap I - Level 40 (Asmodians only)
    Snare Trap III - Level 40 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Snare Trap III - Level 40 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Soul Slash IV - Level 40
    Spiral Arrow II - Level 40
    Evasion Rate Increase III - Level 41
    Stunning Shot III - Level 41
    Shackle Arrow I - Level 42 (Asmodians only)
    Shock Arrow I - Level 42 (Elyos only)
    Silence Arrow IV - Level 42 - Stigma Stone
    Aerial Wild Shot II - Level 43
    Arrow Deluge V - Level 43 - Stigma Stone
    Destruction Trap II - Level 43 (Elyos only)
    Destruction Trap II - Level 43 (Asmodians only)
    Trap of Slowing II - Level 43 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Trap of Slowing II - Level 43 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Focused Shots I - Level 44 - Stigma Stone
    Swift Edge V - Level 44
    Ancestral Brightwing Arrow I - Level 45 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Ancestral Darkwing Arrow I - Level 45 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Bestial Fury I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Calming Whisper III - Level 45
    Entangling Shot IV - Level 45
    Explosive Arrow I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Gale Arrow I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Hunter's Might I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Mau Form IV - Level 45 (Elyos only)
    Mau Form IV - Level 45 (Asmodians only)
    Poison Arrow III - Level 45
    Speed of the Wind I - Level 45 - Stigma Stone
    Swift Shot IV - Level 45
    Breath of Nature III - Level 46 - Stigma Stone
    Heal Wings I - Level 46
    Herb Treatment IV - Level 46
    Mana Treatment IV - Level 46
    Snare Trap IV - Level 46 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Snare Trap IV - Level 46 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Boost Accuracy IV - Level 47
    Spike Trap IV - Level 47 (Elyos only)
    Spike Trap IV - Level 47 (Asmodians only)
    Surprise Attack V - Level 47
    Explosion Trap III - Level 48 (Elyos only)
    Explosion Trap III - Level 48 (Asmodians only)
    Nature's Resolve I - Level 48 - Stigma Stone
    Rupture Arrow III - Level 48
    Silence Arrow V - Level 48 - Stigma Stone
    Arrow Deluge VI - Level 49 - Stigma Stone
    Fleshcutter Arrow II - Level 49
    Spike Bite Trap II - Level 49 (Elyos only)
    Spike Bite Trap II - Leve 49 (Asmodians only)
    Trap of Slowing III - Level 49 (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Trap of Slowing III - Level 49 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Advanced Archery Training IV - Level 50
    Advanced Dagger Training IV - Level 50
    Advanced Sword Training IV - Level 50
    Brightwing Arrow I - Level 50 (Elyos only)
    Counterattack V 50 - Level 50
    Darkwing Arrow I - Level 50 (Asmodians only)
    Deadly Arrow I - Level 50 (Asmodians only) - Stigma Stone
    Heart Shot I - Level 50 - Stigma Stone
    Holy Arrow I - Level 50 - (Elyos only) - Stigma Stone
    Lethal Arrow I - Level 50 - Stigma Stone
    Soul Slash V - Level 50
    Triniel's Arrow I - Level 50 (Asmodians only)
    Vaizel's Arrow I - Level 50 (Elyos only)

    ACLARACION: para reportar una skill hay que ser detallado, por ejemplo:

    Clase: Ranger
    Skill: Vaizel's Arrow I - Level 50 (Elyos only)
    (si funciona, no funciona , que funciona mal, etc)
    Última edición por Wood; 06/03/2010 a las 10:44

  2. #2

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Counter atack no funca!

    pd: con lo que me costo llegar a 12, olvidate de un skill lvl 50!

  3. #3
    Amrod Celebrindal Avatar de Wood
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 ene, 05
    por ahi

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    digan los niveles de las skills que no funca xD

  4. #4
    Engripado Avatar de Dr.Gerli
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 abr, 05
    Avellaneda. Bs As. Argentina

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Counterattack si funciona

  5. #5

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    +1 counter attack anda perfecto =/
    Watery - Asmodian Ranger

  6. #6
    Engripado Avatar de Dr.Gerli
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 abr, 05
    Avellaneda. Bs As. Argentina

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    La que anda mal es Killer Eyes, no da ningun bonus.
    Devotion anda perfecto

    ---------- Post added at 16:11:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50:03 ----------

    Sprinting I - Level 13 NO FUNCIONA

  7. #7

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Voy revisando de a poco las skills, por ejemplo el surprise attack está igual para todos y siendo que el 1 y 2 funcionan, comparando el 3 con las anteriores está bien seteada.
                <mpuse value="33" delta="0"/>
                <damage value="0" delta="0">
                        <backdamage value="303" delta="9"/>

  8. #8

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    yo doy fe que funciona el surprise attack, si quieren saco screens mostrando la diferencia.

    Lo único que realmente seria muy necesario que arreglen para el ranger al menos es el tema del swap de armas, sin poder cambiar rápido de arco a dagas se vuelve dificil =/
    Watery - Asmodian Ranger

  9. #9

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Cita Iniciado por Jeremy Trigger Ver Mensaje
    yo doy fe que funciona el surprise attack, si quieren saco screens mostrando la diferencia.

    Lo único que realmente seria muy necesario que arreglen para el ranger al menos es el tema del swap de armas, sin poder cambiar rápido de arco a dagas se vuelve dificil =/
    Cuando se fixee sera para todas las clases, los Gladiadores están en la misma, pueden usar todas las armas disponibles y no pueden swappear rapido.

  10. #10

    Re: Scout - (Assassin/Ranger) - Skill Thread

    Cita Iniciado por BanHammer Ver Mensaje
    Cuando se fixee sera para todas las clases, los Gladiadores están en la misma, pueden usar todas las armas disponibles y no pueden swappear rapido.
    Ban, ya que tas aca, no se podria subirle un toque al rate de Exp, por que se me esta jodiendo para matar mobs, no me dan Kinah y los skills que aprendo no se pueden usar. Yo que se, tiro la idea, Quest para testear no tengo mas. De ultima me hago otro PJ, pero bue

    ~Haruko Shillien Saint / Hawk Eye / BladeDancer Retired .

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