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Tema: [Balance]

  1. 5 d´s of Dodgeball Avatar de Gutie
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 mar, 09

    re: [Balance]

    La verdad que ni idea, yo lo anduve buscando la otra vez y en wowhead habia un comentario de un flaquito que le habia criteado 1.5k a un cloth o algo así.
    Igual se me hace que estan mas zarpadas las mirror del mago, me estan tocando todos teams de magos y las mirros hacen 3/4 del dmg o.O
    Igual despues averiguo bien y te digo
    Última edición por Gutie; 05/07/2010 a las 00:03

    /kill Revenant

  2. re: [Balance]

    Cita Iniciado por Gutie Ver Mensaje
    La verdad que ni idea, yo lo anduve buscando la otra vez y en wowhead habia un comentario de un flaquito que le habia criteado 1.5k a un cloth o algo así.
    Igual se me hace que estan mas zarpadas las mirror del mago, me estan tocando todos teams de magos y las mirros hacen 3/4 del dmg o.O
    Igual despues averiguo bien y te digo
    Eso es un tema aparte las mirror pegan demas y se sabe xD , dale averiguame
    Pve Heros- Nerd Virgin dragonslayers.
    Pvp Gladiators- Real men who have sex with models.

    Gladiator ground mount would be sweet. PvP is just so much better than dragonslaying, i dont know how ppl do that for like 4 hours everynight. I do a clear to saurfang and i feel like offing my self. Blizzard needs to make pvp sweet then more men with big dicks will play this game.

  3. re: [Balance]

    el daño de los summons, deberian de estar pegando más o menos como eso, el elemental de fuego del shaman ¿cuanto pega aca? veo los videitos esos que el elemental agita 1800 a plate...

    o sea, wat, tiro elemental y me voy.

  4. re: [Balance]

    fijate este video por ahi que le pego a un critico de 1100 a un hunter y y aun shaman eres leather supongo que te debe pegar mas de todas formas tienes muchos ´poderes defensivos para sacarte los arbolito ;P

    Cristules Pala level 80 retriste(en bolas)
    Ferrex hunter level 80 MM
    Toromon Druida Level 80 (en bolas) balance
    Cristu warro level 80
    Leppard Dk level 80

  5. re: [Balance]

    o sea, estan bien entonces.

  6. re: [Balance]

    Cita Iniciado por Dashi Ver Mensaje
    el daño de los summons, deberian de estar pegando más o menos como eso, el elemental de fuego del shaman ¿cuanto pega aca? veo los videitos esos que el elemental agita 1800 a plate...

    o sea, wat, tiro elemental y me voy.
    El elemental de fuego del shaman tiene 20 min de cd
    Pve Heros- Nerd Virgin dragonslayers.
    Pvp Gladiators- Real men who have sex with models.

    Gladiator ground mount would be sweet. PvP is just so much better than dragonslaying, i dont know how ppl do that for like 4 hours everynight. I do a clear to saurfang and i feel like offing my self. Blizzard needs to make pvp sweet then more men with big dicks will play this game.

  7. re: [Balance]

    y eso que tiene que influir en lo que pega un elemental de otro? trata de poner algo en concreto silvos cualquier cosa metes.

    minimo moverte por las pags de coheficientes o simplemente ver por comentarios en wowhead lo que pega una de otra.

    ---------- Post added at 22:34 ---------- Previous post was at 22:33 ----------

    es facil, solo hay que ir a una pag y buscar.

  8. re: [Balance]

    taba viendo los talents en la primera pagina y muestra que el typhoon no tiene pushback,no hay que actualizarlo de que funciona ahora?

    cortesia aguilamanca xD

  9. re: [Balance]

    -Damage scaled up noticeably (They crit for almost 1000 on the target dummies with +700 SP. Crit a gnome warlock for 1.5k with 1.2k spell power).
    -They get a pet bar! =O (No more unwanted aggro of other mobs!)
    -With Blizzard FINALLY letting you see mob health, you can see that each treant has around 2.5k health. (400 current Stamina. Seems health scales up with Stam. 700 Stam hits them around 3.5k-ish)
    -Brambles adds 15% extra damage, not to mention the 15% chance to daze the target (50% reduced movement speed). Assuming that the Treants attack every two seconds, that means every two seconds, the enemy has an (approximate) 38-39% chance of getting dazed.
    And that's it really. Small amount of changes, but they make a huge difference.

    Ehh toman SP? eso no sabia.

    y toman varias propiedades tambien.

    After a few hours of testing multiple different ways of buffing these treeants, I've come to the conclusion that the only way to buff their damage myself is by putting talent points into brambles.
    Without brambles my treeants did around 24-25k damage on a heroic training dummy when summoned right next to it.
    After brambles they did around 31-32k. I noticed they were missing around 4-5% my hit rating was at 253, so I bumped it up to 325 they missed around 1-2% of the time, but still did around 31-32k damage. I bumped it up to 381 and they still missed around1-2% of the time, so it seems that their hit cap is right around the same as ours, but that no matter what they will miss some.

    I tried using my talisman of resurgence before summoning the treeants, and it made no difference in their damage either, so I would say that if they do scale with spell power, it doesn't seem to include temporary sp gains (I also had varying spell powers from 2800-3200 (no procs) and never noticed a difference from that either so it seems unlikely to me that sp really affects them that much).

    I also attempted casting my gift on the treeants to see if that would increase their overall damage, and got no gain that way either. I tried stacking my talisman and gift to see if it they may multiply damage and get a damage gain that way and no result either.

    I tried using the haste trinket before calling the treeants and it did seem to make them attack faster. When summoned right on top of the heroic training dummy I got 56 hits out of my treeants every time. with the trinket active I got 60 hits (when I say hits, I'm including all misses and parries as well.). However the overall damage was still 31-32k.

    I would have attempted gift and both trinkets at the same time were it not for the fact that by the time I could use the second trinket the first would have worn off.

    The only other possible conclusion that I could draw from this data is that brambles prevents other bonus effects on the treeants, though this would be rather inane in my opinion.

  10. re: [Balance]

    El rango del Typhoon se va de las chapas ¬¬
    Tiene 30 yds no? seguramente tamb tenga un talento q le de mas rango, pero nose aveces me da la sensacion de q se zarpa.-
    Última edición por TrollMan; 08/07/2010 a las 03:23

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