Cita Iniciado por Herraleman Ver Mensaje
De hecho si lo hace, en la formula fijate que hay una tabla de conversion en donde tenes la variable C que proporcional al lvl y cuando digo gs, hago referencia al dmg que se puede hacer una vez alcanzado el max lvl (80 en nuestro caso) en donde C pasa a ser una cte y ya entra el juego tu gear.
No toma el gear si no la speed del arma
For the purposes of the formulae presented, we define R to be the rage generated; d, the damage amount; c, the rage conversion value; s, the weapon speed; and f, the hit factor.
Rage is generated by successful autoattack swings ('white' damage) that damage an opponent. Special attacks ('yellow' damage) do not generate rage.[1]

This essentially means that very low damage attacks have a limit on how much they can be averaged up by the f*s component of the equation.[1] It also means that a crit roughly doubles both damage and f, and thus roughly doubles rage gained as expected.
Rage is also generated whenever you receive damage from an opponent (not environmental damage), with:

Hit factor
The hit factor (f) is a multiplier based on the type of hit you perform on your target. The values are:
Hit factor
Weapon Hit type f
Main Hand Normal Hit 3.5
Main Hand Critical Hit 7.0
Off Hand Normal Hit 1.75
Off Hand Critical Hit 3.5

Rage conversion value
The Rage Conversion Value (c) varies by player character level and is derived from other values within the game such as a mob's hit points and a warrior's expected damage value against that mob.
Conversion value for certain levels
Player Level c
10 37.4
20 72.4
30 109.3
40 147.9
50 188.3
60 230.6
65 252.4
70 274.7
80 453.3[1]
The formula for calculating (c) is (up to level 70):
depende de la speed del arma no del gs