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Tema: Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

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  1. #1
    For the Horde! Avatar de WarSong
    Fecha de Ingreso
    28 nov, 04
    Buenos aires

    Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

    Bueno, con un amigo enha tmb nos pusimos a investigar algun fix existente de este talento y encontramos lo siguiente:

    Nro 1: Fix para Mangos

    [patch]Earthen Power

    What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?
    fixes Earthen Power
    For which repository revision was the patch created?
    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.
    haven't seen any
    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.

    diff --git a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    index 848ad6b..ec6c3b5 100644
    --- a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
    @@ -2180,6 +2180,28 @@ void Aura::TriggerSpell()

    + // Earthen Power (from Earthbind Totem Passive)
    + case 6474:
    + {
    + Unit *owner = target->GetOwner();
    + if (!owner)
    + break;
    + Unit::AuraList const& dummyAuras = owner->GetAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_DUMMY);
    + for(Unit::AuraList::const_iterator itr = dummyAuras.begin(); itr != dummyAuras.end(); ++itr)
    + {
    + if ((*itr)->GetSpellProto()->SpellIconID == 2289 && (*itr)->GetSpellProto()->SpellFamilyName == SPELLFAMILY_SHAMAN)
    + {
    + if (!roll_chance_i((*itr)->GetModifier()->m_amount))
    + break;
    + target->CastSpell(target, 59566, true, NULL, this);
    + break;
    + }
    + }
    + break;
    + }
    // Mana Tide
    case 16191:
    I think this is better than my previous proc-based one and Fire Nova totem will be changed in 3.3 anyway

    Nro 2: Fix Para Trinity, pero como tiene una programacion parecida lo dejo para guiar

    *LAST or LATEST is NOT a valid revision-number, use hg tip or check in
    Tortoise to find your Revision-ID*

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    The Shaman talent "Earthen Power" (Earthen Power - Spell - World of Warcraft) does
    not work, how it should work: Your Earthbind Totem pulses have a 50/100%
    chance to also remove all snare effects from you and nearby friendly targets.

    What revision of the Core are you using? On what operating system?

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Here is a fix. Autor not me

    diff --git a/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuraEffects.cpp b/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuraEffects.cpp
    --- a/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuraEffects.cpp
    +++ b/src/server/game/Spells/Auras/SpellAuraEffects.cpp
    @@ -2319,6 +2319,19 @@
    if (triggeredSpellInfo)
    Unit * triggerCaster = GetTriggeredSpellCaster(triggeredSpellInfo, caster, triggerTarget);
    + // Earthen Power
    + if (triggeredSpellInfo->Id == 3600 ) // if cast earthbind
    + {
    + Unit * casterOwner = triggerCaster->GetOwner();
    + if ( casterOwner && casterOwner->HasAura(51523)) //rank 1
    + {
    + if (urand (0, 10000) > 5000 ) caster->CastSpell(triggerCaster, 59566, true);
    + }
    + else if (casterOwner && casterOwner->HasAura(51524)) //rank 2
    + caster->CastSpell(triggerCaster, 59566, true);
    + }
    triggerCaster->CastSpell(triggerTarget, triggeredSpellInfo, true, 0, this);
    sLog.outDebug("AuraEffect::TriggerSpell: Spell %u Trigger %u",GetId(), triggeredSpellInfo->Id);

    Como no sabemos mucho de programacion, ni tenemos lugar donde testearlos, lo damos para q si saben se ahorren el tiempo de buscarlo por toda la condenada web y chequeen si es correcto el fix.

    Eso es todo, desde ya muchas gracias.
    Última edición por WarSong; 26/07/2010 a las 15:12

  2. #2

    Re: Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

    Entremedio de toda esa formula estaria bueno ponerle una fruta, por si rata lo mete asi de una..
    Última edición por FranvonKn; 28/07/2010 a las 13:39

  3. #3
    Senior Member Avatar de Espectromiguel
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Saavedra - Capital Federal

    Re: Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

    Buen aporte, esperemos que algún GM lo vea a ver si lo pueden probar. Warsong si me podes hacer el favor de mandarle un pm a Rata te lo agradecería. Linkeale este thread.

  4. #4
    For the Horde! Avatar de WarSong
    Fecha de Ingreso
    28 nov, 04
    Buenos aires

    Re: Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

    Tiene la casilla llena Rata, le deje un msg en su profile a ver si lo alcanza a leer.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Avatar de Espectromiguel
    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 oct, 08
    Saavedra - Capital Federal

    Re: Earthen Power (Posibles Fix)

    Buenisimo Warsong, muchas gracias.

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