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Tema: El Post del Champion Select "INTENTADURO" Season 7 Summerfag Edition Smurf Diamante

  1. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    en todo el tiempo que jugue lol nunca me banearon y eso q a veces bardeo a la gente tmb cuando me saca de quicio xD. algo estas haciendo mal

  2. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    el otro dia hice un esfuerzo importante para que me banearan, no me banearon, no se que onda posta.

  3. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por Tau Ver Mensaje
    mirate este, esta mejor creo jajaj


  4. Senior Member Avatar de Anga
    Fecha de Ingreso
    08 dic, 05
    Lanús Oeste

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Jaja, esta bueno, lastima la voz que le sale medio pelo (?

  5. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por L3golitas Ver Mensaje
    Cuando me banean 7 dias por "harrasment" (lo unico que le dije al master yi del otro team fue, "another time yi"), no puedo hacer nada al respecto? No puedo quejarme o que revean la situacion? Es cualquiera eso del tribunal, les pegaria un tiro a todos.
    en el tribunal te KB por que siempre le dan ban a todo
    Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

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ID: 50449

  6. Senior Member Avatar de Bloodstain
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 09
    Jose Clemente Paz

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Cita Iniciado por L3golitas Ver Mensaje
    Cuando me banean 7 dias por "harrasment" (lo unico que le dije al master yi del otro team fue, "another time yi"), no puedo hacer nada al respecto? No puedo quejarme o que revean la situacion? Es cualquiera eso del tribunal, les pegaria un tiro a todos.
    Te tienen como al emo en el foro, cualquier ganzada BAN

  7. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Les dejo un clásico (?)

  8. Dear L3golitas, You have
    Fecha de Ingreso
    01 oct, 12
    Dear L3golitas, You have received an infraction a

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    Game Type
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    Report Comments
    Reported by: Enemy
    "Harassed my team whole game."


    Varus [00:00:31] where to malp
    Malphite [00:00:42] blue no wolves
    Poppy [00:01:02] malphi, please gank bot when u can, im not a support
    Varus [00:01:18] shall i support
    Poppy [00:01:26] lolz
    Varus [00:01:38] varus support isnt bad once he gets his ult
    Malphite [00:01:50] so yi'
    Pantheon [00:01:51] sh i t
    Poppy [00:01:53] really obvious
    Malphite [00:01:56] wheres the vison
    Malphite [00:02:08] good thing ur standing at ur tower
    Varus [00:02:09] came from top
    Master Yi [All] [00:02:27] wheres ur mid
    Master Yi [All] [00:03:14] lol wtf was that
    Varus [00:03:19] too much range
    Varus [00:03:38] imma go support
    Poppy [All] [00:04:07] bad team
    Malphite [00:04:27] says the trolo who didnt pic support
    Master Yi [00:05:16] gj
    Master Yi [00:05:52] mia
    Master Yi [00:06:27] what the fuck
    Poppy [All] [00:06:46] Tired of u
    Varus [00:06:58] poppy i support u
    Poppy [00:07:05] no bro
    Poppy [00:07:06] u are adc
    Master Yi [00:07:24] mia
    Poppy [00:07:54] go b
    Poppy [00:07:55] go b
    Master Yi [00:08:07] mia
    Master Yi [00:08:12] r
    Poppy [00:08:26] MY GOD
    Varus [00:08:26] srry
    Varus [00:08:49] i cant adc if i cant cs
    Poppy [00:08:54] u are so bad dude, quit please
    Poppy [00:09:24] not even a single gank from malphi
    Poppy [00:09:27] bad team
    Malphite [00:09:31] i cant gank
    Master Yi [00:09:31] maybe ur just bad
    Poppy [00:09:32] at all
    Malphite [00:09:35] u sat at fountain
    Malphite [00:09:38] while i got invaded
    Malphite [00:09:42] im lv 4
    Malphite [00:09:48] if i ganked id just giva a kill
    Master Yi [00:09:49] mia
    Pantheon [00:10:06] dont fight
    Master Yi [00:10:15] fucking kayle is so retarded
    Master Yi [00:10:21] her righteous fury is op
    Malphite [00:10:25] ap yi is retarded....
    Master Yi [00:10:26] mia
    Malphite [00:10:34] cant base a champ off of 1 move
    Master Yi [00:10:46] l0l ap yi isnt retarded
    Malphite [00:11:06] nh
    Malphite [00:11:07] nj
    Poppy [00:11:21] lol
    Poppy [00:11:27] u are not bad
    Varus [00:11:30] ya where at
    Master Yi [All] [00:11:33] lucky kayle...
    Poppy [00:11:41] go b varus
    Master Yi [00:12:40] mia
    Poppy [00:13:12] NO HP
    Master Yi [00:13:44] mia call...???
    Kayle [All] [00:13:51] report lux please
    Poppy [00:13:52] go b varus
    Poppy [00:13:55] or hugh turret
    Master Yi [00:14:04] whose fighting yi
    Master Yi [00:14:08] need a mia call dude
    Malphite [00:14:09] nj
    Pantheon [00:14:25] mal take top
    Master Yi [00:14:38] kayle mia
    Varus [00:14:51] omg
    Varus [00:14:52] wtf
    Pantheon [00:16:06] ecery one buy ward at least one
    Pantheon [00:16:13] eceryone
    Malphite [00:16:40] ill get wards tone
    Malphite [00:16:47] when i get the gold
    Master Yi [00:17:03] fucking turret
    Master Yi [00:17:10] got me as i was about to alpha again
    Poppy [00:17:30] go dragon
    Poppy [00:17:32] i need mone
    Poppy [00:17:33] :d
    Pantheon [00:17:49] we need ward
    Varus [00:17:54] love varus ult
    Pantheon [00:17:57] every one pz buy ward at least one
    Master Yi [00:18:06] they suck dw
    Malphite [00:18:11] --- gold to wardstone
    Master Yi [All] [00:18:44] got stunned in alpha strike?
    Master Yi [All] [00:18:47] fuck this game
    Poppy [All] [00:18:52] Thanks for blue
    Master Yi [All] [00:18:53] happened to me too
    Poppy [00:19:17] ulti pahnt?
    Poppy [All] [00:21:00] u didnt kill me
    Poppy [All] [00:21:03] D:
    Tristana [All] [00:21:15] thanks for the blue
    Poppy [All] [00:21:26] i dont need it
    Kayle [All] [00:21:38] poppy always needs blue
    Poppy [All] [00:22:36] THANKS FOR BLUE
    Master Yi [All] [00:23:25] me too
    Varus [00:23:52] push lanes guys
    Master Yi [All] [00:24:04] lol that ks
    Poppy [All] [00:24:32] haha
    Master Yi [00:24:35] rofl where u going
    Tristana [All] [00:24:35] thanks for the blue
    Master Yi [All] [00:24:44] yea u dont use blue...
    Master Yi [All] [00:24:49] thanks for the WIN though
    Tristana [All] [00:24:51] yes i do
    Tristana [All] [00:25:25] dont count
    Tristana [All] [00:25:40] your chickens before they hatch
    Master Yi [00:25:41] i got this yi
    Varus [00:25:43] need to push lanes
    Poppy [All] [00:25:48] FAIL FLASH
    Master Yi [00:26:13] lets end it
    Poppy [00:27:50] thank god
    Poppy [00:27:52] the varus
    Poppy [00:27:54] know how to play
    Master Yi [00:28:08] what r u complaining about now
    Varus [00:29:15] got stuck
    Malphite [All] [00:29:46] minions op
    Master Yi [00:29:48] ks o.O
    Poppy [All] [00:29:49] thanks for blue and red
    Varus [00:30:50] lane opush
    Master Yi [00:31:36] too easy to solo L
    Master Yi [00:31:51] run to me varus
    Malphite [All] [00:32:06] ur base lol
    Varus [00:32:18] noooooooooooo
    Varus [00:32:22] EFFF THAT
    Poppy [All] [00:32:29] YI
    Poppy [All] [00:32:31] DONT
    Poppy [All] [00:32:33] DO THAT
    Master Yi [00:32:37] deathfire didnt go off wtf o.O
    Master Yi [00:33:18] end this please
    Varus [00:33:18] panth get hex or frozen mallet
    Poppy [00:33:28] C
    Poppy [00:33:30] CMON BRO
    Master Yi [All] [00:34:08] whats up
    Master Yi [All] [00:34:16] rofl u did no damage kayle did all of it
    Master Yi [All] [00:34:32] i lured you like the bitch you are though
    Gangplank [All] [00:34:40] bg niggers
    Malphite [00:34:49] baron
    Master Yi [All] [00:34:50] yeah u lured me..? as im hitting ur inhib? and were u[ 45v23?
    Malphite [00:34:51] we shoudl baron
    Malphite [00:34:55] to trolololo
    Master Yi [All] [00:34:58] yet i beat u 1v1
    Kayle [All] [00:35:06] all reported for talking shit other team
    Varus [00:35:16] push more
    Kayle [All] [00:35:19] tired of playing against scumbags
    Master Yi [All] [00:35:19] rofl kayle
    Master Yi [All] [00:35:27] its the internet grow up kid
    Kayle [All] [00:35:37] yeah and you get banned for harassment, you grow up
    Master Yi [All] [00:35:44] what harrassment kid
    Tristana [All] [00:35:54] thats harrasment right there
    Master Yi [All] [00:36:01] yep kid
    Kayle [All] [00:36:02] yep
    Varus [00:36:08] cmon lets finish
    Master Yi [All] [00:36:23] we're gonna end this game now, enjoy the loss
    Tristana [All] [00:36:25] Funny calling someone else a "kid" only proves your immaturity
    Kayle [All] [00:36:35] enjoy the tribunal
    Varus [All] [00:36:35] wahh wahh wahh
    Master Yi [All] [00:36:41] for what harrassment rofl
    Master Yi [All] [00:36:45] i can call u kid if i wanna
    Malphite [All] [00:36:47] trollolololololol
    Kayle [All] [00:36:53] enjoy the loss will get you banned. good job
    Poppy [All] [00:37:01] TROLOLOLOL
    Master Yi [All] [00:37:01] ur silly
    Master Yi [All] [00:37:22] ENJOY THE LOSSSSSSSSSSSS
    Poppy [All] [00:37:22] ANOTHER TIME YI
    Varus [All] [00:37:23] tROLOLOL
    Poppy [All] [00:37:25] gg

  9. Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    y la verdad que sos un toque jediento. Igual caiste en la tanda de retardaditos punisheros se ve.

  10. Inspector de Braguetas Avatar de Kinda
    Fecha de Ingreso
    10 jun, 06
    En protesta.

    Re: El post del Champion Select "tryhard"

    debes tener mas de 1 match como ese, imagino q te mereces el ban. tan dificil es no decir boludeces como bad team bad team o decirle que quitee al adc? si no va a servir de nada lo que digas mejor no digas nada...

    o si lo vas a decir como alguna vez me pasa bancate el ban q te metan tranquilo.

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