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Tema: List of unusual deaths

  1. #1

    List of unusual deaths

    List of unusual deaths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Esta mal reirse de la muerte de una persona si sucedio hace mas de 1000 años?

  2. #2
    σιωπηλή νύχτα Avatar de ChadMuska
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 may, 10
    Sun of San Sebastian!

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    1514: György Dózsa, Székely man-at-arms and peasants' revolt leader in Hungary, was condemned to sit on a red-hot iron throne with a red-hot iron crown on his head and a red-hot sceptre in his hand (mocking at his ambition to be king), by Hungarian landed nobility in Transylvania. While Dózsa was still alive, he was set upon and his partially roasted body was eaten by six of his fellow rebels, who had been starved for a week beforehand.[25]
    Ah listo o.O

    Traducción fea y al boleo, pero se entiende creo xD :

    " György Dózsa, Székely hombre de armas y líder de los campesinos en revuelta en Hungría, fue condenado a sentarse en un trono de hierro al rojo vivo, con una corona de hierro al rojo vivo en la cabeza y con un cetro al rojo vivo en la mano (haciendo burla a su ambición de ser rey) por la nobleza terrateniente Húngara en Transylvania. Mientras Dózsa aún seguía con vida, fué atacado y su cuerpo parcialmente rostizado fue de devorado por seis de sus compañeros rebeldes, quienes habían pasado hambre por una semana de antelación."

    Muy bizarro... O.o
    Última edición por ChadMuska; 25/10/2010 a las 02:09

    Thursday 28/10/2010 - Sonata Arctica Live in Bs.As. - Argentina!


  3. #3

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    Fijate las mas acutales:

    Cita Iniciado por Wikipedia
    2009: Vladimir Likhonos, a Ukrainian student, died after accidentally dipping a piece of homemade chewing gum into explosives he was using on another project. He mistook the jar of explosive for citric acid, which was also on his desk. The gum exploded, blowing off his jaw and most of the lower part of his face.
    Darwin Award

  4. #4
    σιωπηλή νύχτα Avatar de ChadMuska
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 may, 10
    Sun of San Sebastian!

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    Bueeeeeeeeeeeee... le pifió feo el Ucraniano xD


    Este se fué al joraca:

    1814: London Beer Flood, 9 people were killed when 323,000 imperial gallons (1,468,000L) of beer in the Meux and Company Brewery burst out of their vats and gushed into the streets.

    EDITO: ahhhhhh no no no no no no no............... JAJAjsAJJajjAJ osea esto ya es muuuuuuy mala leche:

    1998: Every player on the Basanga soccer team at a game in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The field was struck by a fork bolt of lightning, hitting and killing the entire team instantly. Nobody on the opposing team was struck by the bolt.[
    Última edición por ChadMuska; 25/10/2010 a las 02:23

    Thursday 28/10/2010 - Sonata Arctica Live in Bs.As. - Argentina!


  5. #5

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    2001: Bernd-Jürgen Brandes, from Germany, was voluntarily stabbed repeatedly and then partly eaten by Armin Meiwes (who was later called the Cannibal of Rotenburg). Brandes had answered an internet advertisement by Meiwes looking for someone for this purpose. Brandes explicitly stated in his will that he wished to be killed and eaten.[136] This inspired the Rammstein Song "Mein Teil" ("My (private) part") and the IT Crowd episode "Moss and the German".

  6. #6
    State of Trance Avatar de Labdark
    Fecha de Ingreso
    17 jul, 08
    Zona Norte

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    2009: Sergey Tuganov, a 28-year-old Russian, bet two women that he could continuously have sex with them both for twelve hours. Several minutes after winning the $4,300 bet, he suffered a heart attack and died, apparently because of having ingested an entire bottle of Viagra just after accepting the bet.[173]

  7. #7
    σιωπηλή νύχτα Avatar de ChadMuska
    Fecha de Ingreso
    14 may, 10
    Sun of San Sebastian!

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    jajajajajajajajajajaja, si me tiene que morfar el canibal ese a mí tiene como para un año y para guardar un poco para el que le sigue jaja

    Thursday 28/10/2010 - Sonata Arctica Live in Bs.As. - Argentina!


  8. #8
    Senior Member Avatar de SuperMode
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 dic, 06

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    1966: Worth Bingham, son of Barry Bingham, Sr., died when a surfboard, lying atop the back of his convertible, hit a parked car, swung around, and broke his neck.


  9. #9

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    Yo era chico, me acuerdo del rayo que mato a los de Congo fue alta macumba eso jajaja

  10. #10

    Re: List of unusual deaths

    2010 Robert Boardman, 63, was gored to death by a mountain goat while he was eating lunch at Olympic National Park.[184]


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