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Tema: E3 2011

  1. #1

    E3 2011

    Supongo que la mayoria ya lo sabe, pero en este momento estan comenzando las primeras conferencias de prensa de la expo mas importante del mundo de los videojuegos. En estos dias se van a presentar los trailers y un poco mas adelante primeros gameplays de los juegos mas importantes de lo que queda de 2011 y la primera mitad de 2012. Abajo pongo los videos mas interesantes que encontre hasta ahora de las primeras horas de la feria, la idea es que opinen y actualicen el thread ya que por ahi lo que algunos esperan ver a mi me chupa un huevo xd.

    Mass Effect 3 con soporte para Kinect

    Ninja Gaiden 3 ( pinta buenisimo )

    Battlefield 3 Multiplayer

    Star Wars: The Old Republic:

    Si hay alguno que todavia no lo sabe, es el mmo basado en el universo de Star Wars que esta siendo desarrollado por el mismo estudio que Mass Effect.

    Far Cry 3

    Esta saga fue destrozada ultimamente, pero el nombre sigue siendo tan epico que no pierdo la fe en que levante cabeza. En el video promete mucho.

    Gears of War 3

    Modern Warfare 3

    Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception

    Última edición por Lethos; 07/06/2011 a las 09:30

  2. #2

    Re: E3 2011

    The Elders Scroll V: Skyrim

  3. #3

    Re: E3 2011

    Que bueno que el Skyrim ande así en la XBOX360, talvez no tenga que comprar una nueva PC. Pinta juego del año (GOTY).

    Fijate que GameTrailers tiene unos 10min de gameplay de Mass Effect 3, el juego pinta una locura también. Sale el 2012.

    Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"
    "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." - Mark 5:9

  4. #4

    Re: E3 2011

    Me fume todas las preview del skyrim, es una locura. Juego chupa vida de mierda. Va a tener un sistema de subquests nuevo, y sin el puto autolevel del oblivion

    assassin creed revelations
    Que capacidad que tiene este estudio para hacer un gran juego todos los años. al parecer revelations va a tener mas elementos de rol, personalisacion de asesinos, recoleccion de hierbas para hacer bombas y demases.

    Última edición por Debede-0; 07/06/2011 a las 12:55

  5. #5

    Re: E3 2011

    The Last Guardian :(

    Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"
    "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." - Mark 5:9

  6. #6

    Re: E3 2011

    Un mini resumen de la E3

  7. #7

    Re: E3 2011

    Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"
    "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." - Mark 5:9

  8. #8
    ̸̘̰̣̞̫̻̟͂̍͒ͧ̽́͞w̶͈͓̼̒ ͂ ͉͉ Avatar de Sweet Tooth
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 oct, 08

    Re: E3 2011

    En el de Skyrim, ¿el dragón deja esas marcas en el suelo al caer, o ya estaban?

  9. #9

    Re: E3 2011

    Cita Iniciado por Sweet Tooth Ver Mensaje
    En el de Skyrim, ¿el dragón deja esas marcas en el suelo al caer, o ya estaban?
    Las deja al caer...
    Tenia mis dudas de si the witcher II podia ganar el goty, pero despues de ver los 10 min de gameplay del skyrim me saque todas las dudas.
    Algunos datos sobre el juego:

    Main infoEdit
    Skyrim will be available on PC, PS3 & Xbox 360.File:Skyrim.png
    Scheduled to release on 11 / 11 / 2011.
    The creation kit will be released with it for fanmade mods.


    Mysticism is no longer a school of magic, but the spells under it have been moved to other schools of magic
    Acrobatics and Athletics skills are combined to an currently unknown skill.
    Skyrim will have a total of 18 skills ( Oblivion had 21, Morrowind had 27 )
    Enchanting is back
    No Major/Minor Skills. (every skill advancement will contribute to leveling up.)
    No Birth Signs.
    Advancing a skill from 30-31 will contribute more to a level-up than advancing a skill from 10-11.
    A soft level-cap at 50, meaning you can still level-up after this, but it will go extremely slow. A mathematical cap exists around level 70.
    Leveling is faster than in previous games.
    Eight attributes from Oblivion (Strength, Endurance, etc.) have been "removed." The effects from these attributes have been moved to other areas (skills and perks).
    At each level you gain a small amount of health, magicka, and stamina; and the choice to increase one of them by more.
    5 Magic Schools: Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration & Illusion.
    There's a total of around 280 Perks (Including Ranks). - For instance, one perk will decrease the sound of your footsteps.
    It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.

    Story & LoreEdit

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is set 200 years after Oblivion. It's set in the region SFile:Esbern.jpg
    kyrim, north of the Imperial Province of Cyrodiil .
    Dragons are returning as was prophesied by the Elder Scrolls. The Dragonborn is said to be destined to stop Alduin from causing the apocalypse.
    The Daedra and Dremora will certainly be in Skyrim, but is not known when, where or why.
    The mentor who will teach your character (The Dragonborn) is a former Blade from Cyrodill named Esbern.
    A civil war is taking place within Skyrim due to the King's demise.
    The 200 year period in between the events of TES IV: Oblivion and TES V: Skyrim has been a turbulent time which has been rife with civil war, turmoil, chaos and conflict all over Tamriel. This has occured due to the belief that the Septim Dynasty has ended, and there is none of Septim blood left to rule the throne.
    All attempts to crown a new Emperor (not of the Septim blood-line) after the events of TES IV: Oblivion have proved ineffective and have been rejected by the people. This as a by-product has result in the occuring chaos.
    Cyrodill is said to be on the brink of civil war and has become an unstable and dangerous place. Resulting in many citizens emigrating to other regions in Tamriel.
    Skyrim, at the time of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, is itself in a civil war, with one side wanting to secede and become independent from the fractured and broken Empire, whilst the other side still believes that the Empire is worth being a part of and protecting.


    Quests are partially determined on how you build your character, individual actions and overall much more dynamic. Some quests will be randomly generated based on these determining factors thanks to the Radiant Story system being used in the game to create events fit for your specific playstyle and character.
    Many of the quests will be predetermined in the game and will not be player specific.

    overall abilitiesEdit

    You will be able to find jobs (smithing, cooking, farming, mining, wood cutting) around Skyrim so as to raise money.
    Your character will be able to cast Dragon Shouts. Which are essentially spells which are cast vocally rather than physically.

    Graphics / PerformanceEdit

    A totally new engine has been made for Skyrim.
    Dynamic Shadows
    Snow / rain will fall dynamically, no more static ground texture with snow.
    Trees and branches will move according to the wind.
    Water flow will be affected by the wind and obstacles.
    New blood effects.
    Draw Distance greatly increased, allowing for little to no grid pattern or low resolution distant land.
    No more SpeedTree: they've created their own platform that allows artists to build whatever kind of trees they want and to dictate how they animate. Artists can alter the weight of the branches to adjust how much they move in the wind, which is an effective way of, for instance, actualizing the danger of traversing steep mountain passes with howling winds violently shaking branches.Fileragur.jpg
    A small party of Draugr
    Havok Behavior - Havok Behavior is a flexible animation tool that allows the developers to rapidly prototype and preview new animations and blend them together seamlessly with a few mouse clicks and minimal code support. Bethesda is using it to create more nuance in character and creature movement, govern special effects, and even to control even how characters struggle to move when trapped in environmental hazards like spider webs. Characters now transition more realistically between walking, jogging and, running, and the increased nuance between animations has allowed Bethesda to better balance the combat in both first- and third-person perspective by adjusting the timing values for swings and blocks depending on your perspective. Perhaps the most impressive use of the Behavior technology is how Bethesda is using it to create the dragon animations. Bethesda has worked meticulously to make sure the beasts look powerful and menacing when banking, flapping their wings, gaining altitude before making another strafing run, and breathing fire on their hapless victims. None of the dragons' actions are scripted, and Behavior helps make the movements look non-mechanical, even when the dragons are speaking/shouting.

    Cities / LandscapeEdit

    There will be 5 large cities. There will still be other villages/settlements. (Main cities will include :Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, Riften, Markarth Side)
    Everything you see is traversable.
    Unique landscapes & dungeons.
    20 Minor Cities. (Each Containing 10+ buildings)
    More than 130 dungeons.
    The map will approximately be the same size as the world in TES IV: Oblivion.
    In the northern parts of Solitude is the Bard's College. The city is a busy port and there's event similar to bonfire night that has the burning of an effigy of King Olaf.
    Windhelm is the largest city. It has a palace that looks spectacular. This is also the Head Quarters for the Imperial Guards in Skyrim who monitor the path to Morrowind.Fileicture 2.jpg
    Bleak Falls Barrows is a dungeon, with ancient Nord catacombs which features rivers, tree roots coming through the ceiling and light coming through odd cracks. A quest is said to take place here.
    Whole world is hand-crafted.
    More traps and puzzles.
    Every town has its own Economic System. Meaning that each town has their own distinguished way of making money. For instance, the town of Riverwood makes most of their money through wood and lumber.
    Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops.
    Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.


    The HUD comes and goes when needed.
    Improved third-person view.
    The Main Menu has gotten a more stylized look from Morrowind and Oblivion, and is said to look; "really fresh".
    When opening the menu, instead of returning you to the last page you visited as it did in Oblivion, you are now presented with a simple compass interface that offers four options. (Right: Inventory | Left: Magical Items | Down: Map & Quests | Up: Skills)
    The world map will be 3D, from a 3/4 persepective.
    Instead of relegating players to looking at an item's name and stat attributes, each possession is a tangible three dimensional item with it's own unique qualities. This will be needed to solve some of the puzzles within the game.
    Mapping: Anything from your spell library or item inventory can be "bookmarked" to the favorites menu with the press of a button. How many items appear on that menu is up to each player.

    Fact List - Skyrim Wiki - all about The Elder Scrolls series

  10. #10
    Get Bent. Avatar de Skull007
    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 feb, 05
    IG: mariano.nbtw (pa los nostalgicos)

    Re: E3 2011

    que paso con the last guardian?
    Gaming has changed. It's no longer about games, friends or having fun. It's an endless series of hassles, filled with updates and add-ons. Gaming, and its consumption of our money, has become a well-oiled machine. Gaming has changed. ID tagged consoles play ID tagged games, use ID tagged accessories. DLC inside their gamedata enhance and regulate their abilities. Game control. Multiplayer control. Handheld control. Console control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Gaming has changed. The age of fun has become the age of control. All in the name of making a profit from their loyal customers. And he who controls the gamers, controls history. Gaming has changed. When video games are under total control, gaming... becomes routine.

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